
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Death on the Agenda - Classic Mystery Review

Goodreads: Death on the Agenda (Henry Tibbett #3) by Patricia Moyes

Rating: Liked It (3.5 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description:  Representing Britain at an international conference on drug smuggling, Inspector Henry Tibbett must investigate the fatal stabbing of an important conference official

Genre: Mystery - Classic 

Why I Picked This Book:  I read a few books in this series years ago and really enjoyed it so I've gone back and am trying to read them in order.

My Impression:  For the most part this was a really fun mystery.  I really liked seeing a few characters from the first book in the Henry Tibbett series.  I really liked the international conference element with people from all over the world but no real connection to each other.  Since no one, for the most part, has any past with any of the other people it is hard to know who to trust.  

The wrap up of the mystery was a surprise and I thoroughly enjoyed the reveal and the process of the unraveling.  This book would have been easily 4 stars for me except for one incident that happened later in the book.  It didn't seem necessary - especially as there was no ulterior motive.  It left me seriously disappointed in Henry and wondering why Emmy put up with him at all.  

Overall, this is a good mystery with a likable (until the last part) main character - I just wish Henry would have made a different decision towards the end.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Yes but it may be a bit.  I've really loved this series and the mystery was good.

Would I Recommend this Book? If you enjoy classic mysteries this is a good series.  

1 comment:

  1. Well on the whole sounds like you did enjoy it, pity about that odd incident.
