
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Murder at the Vicarage - Classic Mystery Read

Goodreads: Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie

Rating: Really Liked It!  (4.5 Stars)
Source:   Purchased

Description:  Anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe,’ declared the parson, brandishing a carving knife above a joint of roast beef, ‘would be doing the world at large a favour!’ It was a careless remark for a man of the cloth. And one which was to come back and haunt the clergyman just a few hours later – when the colonel was found shot dead in the clergyman’s study. But as Miss Marple soon discovers, the whole village seems to have had a motive to kill Colonel Protheroe.

Genre: Mystery - Classic

Why I Picked This Book:  This was the April Read Christie Challenge pick.

My Impression:  I have read this book a number of times but somehow always forget just how much I enjoy it - or how the mystery ends  up unraveling.  This is the first book where we meet Miss Marple and the village of St Mary Mead.  A rather unpleasant man has been murdered in the Vicar's study and everyone is up in arms with scandal and intrigue.

This is a fun mystery with lots of secrets and lies.  It is cleverly plotted and full of well-meaning characters.  Everytime I pick this one up it is an enjoyable surprise and is Miss Marple at her finest complete with village gossip and astute observations.  

Next Month's Read Christie Challenge Pick is The ABC Murder so back to Poirot with a fun twisty not so village-y murder.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Of course!  Christie is one of my top ten favorite authors and I am constantly rereading her books.

Would I Recommend this Book? Absolutely!  This is a fantastic way to meet Miss Marple and read an enjoyable mystery.


  1. I can't remember if I've read this one, or not. (That's why I keep a list!) But I did enjoy The ABC Murder. :D

  2. Miss Marple is favorite!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. This sounds really good and love the idea of the village gossip.

  4. A favourite of mine. Author and genre both.
