
Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday Fives - Five Upcoming Releases I'm Looking Forward to Reading

I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much. This week I'm looking through the upcoming releases and I've picked out 5 I'm really looking forward to reading.

1.  One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware - I had taken a break from this author but loved the book I picked up randomly earlier this year so am ready to try something else by her.  This one looks fantastic!

2.  The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley - Apparently I'm in a bit of a thriller mood!  I've liked the other books I've read by this author and I'm curious about this one.

3.  Husbands and Lovers by Beatriz Williams - This is an author I've really been neglecting even though I love her books and I love the sound of this one.

4.  A Talent for Murder by Peter Swanson - While I've heard of this author for ages but finally read one of his books earlier this year and loved it.  This one sounds especially good and definitely like one I'd enjoy.

5.  Apprentice to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer - I absolutely loved the first book to the point where I preordered this one and cannot wait until this one arrives!


  1. I'm curious about The Midnight Feast, too. And I really liked the first Peter Swanson book I read, so I look forward to checking out his new one. Happy Friday! :D

  2. I just requested six books from the library that are coming out soon! It's such an exciting time of the year, book-wise.

  3. You have many books I want to read. Wish I lived down the street from you, we could trade off!

  4. I've yet to read anything by Lucy Foley but both my sisters keep recommending her to me.

  5. oh I like these picks! I'm listening to One Perfect Couple now and just got A Talent for Murder yesterday.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  6. The Midnight Feast has been sitting in my inbox for ages. And I think Foley writes good thrillers. Enjoy.

  7. These all look so good. I have Husbands & Lovers to review. I'm looking forward to it.

  8. I love looking out for books that are coming up to being published. I think the only one here I'd be wanting to read is the Beatriz Williams book.

  9. I cannot wait for the audio version of Apprentice to the Villain
