Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday Fives - Five Books I Want to Read By the End of the Year

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much. This week I'm looking at 5 books I want to finish by the end of the year.

1.  Christmas at the Island Hotel by Jenny Colgan - I have loved all the previous books in this series and this may be the next book I pick up.  I can wait to dive into into it!

2.  The Tuesday Club Murders by Agatha Christie - If I don't pick up the book above then this will be my next book but regardless it's coming up soon.  I loved my reread of the first Miss Marple and can't wait to read more.

3.  It Takes a Coven by Carol J Perry - I have been working my way through this series on audio and this is the first one that isn't a reread.  I can't wait for it!  

4.  Chilled to the Cone by Ellie Alexander - This is the newest in one of my favorite cozy series and comes out at the end of the month so it looks like the perfect Christmas present to myself.

5.  Read and Gone by Allison Brook - This is another favorite cozy series but somehow I missed this earlier book.  Luckily, not only does my library have it in audio BUT it's also a Christmas theme so it seems like it must be read before the end of the year!

What books do you hope to read by the end of the year?


  1. To read ONE would feel like a bonus right now...I'm not bothered what it is!

  2. Great list, hope you can get to them!

  3. I wanted to read the Colgan book but its not going to happen before the end of the year. Maybe next year!

  4. Oh lala! I am noting down these authors and the cozy mysteries. I won't read by years end but noting them for reading next year. I hope to read at least one more quilting cozy by year's end though.

  5. These all look fun! I'm reading an Agatha Christie book right now - THE MURDER OF ROGER ACKROYD. It's only the third Christie novel I've read, if you can believe it. I also love Colgan and Alexander. I have not read the Brook series - I'll have to give that one a go.

  6. I need to finish my current books right now. I have been collecting books as possible first book of the year.
