
Sunday, June 4, 2017

This Week in Reading - June 4

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

A Conspiracy in Belgravia by Sherry Thomas - This was a NetGalley request that I really didn't expect to get.  I almost deleted the email without reading it because I was so sure I didn't get it so there was some serious happy dancing when I saw it was an approval!  I actually haven't read the first book (though it's coming up on my list - especially now that I've gotten this one) but I heard an interview with Sherry Thomas on Smart Podcasts Trashy Books and she was amazing.  I'm super excited about this one.  (NetGalley)


Reading:  Accidentally On Purpose by Jill Shalvis and Treble at the Jam Fest by Leslie Budewitz

Listening:  I just finished First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones and I'm taking a break from audio books to listen to podcasts because I'm massively behind (like listening to podcasts from January kind of behind.).    I'm really enjoying Stuff You Missed in History Class at the moment.

Watching:  J and I finished Life in Pieces so now we're at loose ends as to what to watch.  I'm also very sad that Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders was cancelled though not terribly surprised.  I haven't seen any new shows coming in the fall but I'm hoping there will be a few good ones.

Off the Blog:

This was our first week of school being out and it was pretty nice!  We didn't do too much and the down time was much appreciated.  I think the Tornado is still fighting off a cold that's been around for the last few weeks.  He keeps having a few days of super congestion and a cough and then it will fade away and then come back for a few days.  I'm hoping some rest will finally get rid of it.  We're working on getting a routine set up so he doesn't watch too much TV.  This next week I'm hoping to get to the Botanical Gardens.  They have a dinosaur exhibit that I think he'll love.

We are getting ready for our first camping trip in our RV next weekend and I"m so excited!  We're only going for a weekend and we won't be that far away from home but it'll still be nice to get out for a bit.  My To Do list to get ready is pretty huge as there's still a lot of stuff we have to figure out but I think next time will be much easier.  And of course there will be a next time!  I'm already working on the plan for that.

We've been on the birthday party circuit this last month and had our last one yesterday (Saturday).  The Tornado has been looking forward to it for weeks.  It was at a pool and the weather held up.  It was good to see his classmates and he had a good time but I'm glad to be done with birthday parties for a little while!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Reviews from the Children's Section - Cheaper by the Dozen and Belles on Their Toes
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Mysteries New to My TBR
Wednesday:  Riversnow - Fiction Review
Thursday:  Treble at the Jam Fest - Cozy Mystery Blog Tour Review + Giveaway
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. That Conspiracy in Belgravia cover is nice, final or not. Hope it's good! And yay for camping! Have a great trip!!

    I don't watch a lot of crime shows usually but I've been binging Luther. If you've never seen it's pretty intense. And I love the short seasons (it's a BBC show).

    Have a great week!

  2. I'm curious about Accidentally on Purpose....and I hope you enjoy your camping trip. Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  3. Sounds like you've been busy having fun and more on the way. I love summer! I'm waiting on some of my shows to start this month and binging some new additions on Netflix. Doing some reading and swimming in the pool too. Enjoy your books and have fun on your camping trip.

    My Sunday Post

  4. Hi Katherine,

    The kids here have had last week off school for half term, although the actual summer holday doesn't start for another 6 weeks, as the older ones are still mid exams!

    I hope that your camping trip is good and that you get some quality 'down' time.

    Whilst probably not one for adding to my own list, I do hope that they don't change the cover art for 'Conspiracy In Belgravia', as it looks great as it is!

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your Sunday :)


  5. It's great when you get a book you don't really expect to be approved for. And Sherry Thomas is such a lovely person. I'd listen to the podcast but those women annoy me so much with their giggles that I stopped subscribing. Shame really. My age I guess!

  6. Love when I get unexpectedly approved for a book. Your camping trip sounds like so much fun (apart from the prep!). Enjoy!

  7. That cover of A Conspiracy in Belgravia is stunning. I got my first Jill Shalvis book this week so am excited to read it. Have a great camping trip :)

  8. I love that cover of ‘Conspiracy in Belgravia’!! Sigh.. How much prettier can they get it? LOL!!
    How fun that you’re going on your first camping trip with the RV next week. That sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you guys have a great time. ;)
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  9. That cover is seriously gorgeous :) hope they keep it! Have you started reading it yet, is it good?

  10. How was the audiobook of First Grave on the Right?! Did you enjoy the book? I only read the second one (on accident, I hadn't realized it was a series! Haha) but I think she's up to like eleven in the series now.

  11. Ah, summer break, I loved having Baz home during the summers. I went to a wedding at the end of the summer once when he was still in elementary school and several moms were in the ladies' room talking about being thrilled the kids were going back to school and thought I was crazy for being sad Baz was going back. I still get summers off with my job, but I don't have anyone to play with anymore. Ha ha. Enjoy camping, and have a wonderful week!

  12. Did you like First Grave on the Right? I love that series and I am up to book 4 I believe. Charley is so fun. Hope you enjoy your podcast, I tried to do one but just couldn't get into them. Hope you enjoy your book! :)

    Week in Review

  13. You've reminded me that I really want to read the Lady Sherlock series. Just another on the TBR pile/stack/tower

    The dinosaur exhibit sounds like a winner - they are always so cool. The camping trip also sounds exciting! Good luck with the prep.

    Hope you have a great week.

  14. Have a great camping trip and I hope the Tornado feels better soon! Have a great week and I look forward to all of your posts!

  15. If you enjoy Stuff You Missed in History Class you might like The History Chicks podcast-- I love them, and I think the episodes are really interesting. How was First Grave on the Right? I just added it to my TBR list.

  16. We still have a week of school then three weeks until camp starts. I am happy for down time with the kdis and also scared to keep them busy for so long!! Oh man and the birthday parties are such a pain. I think we are done too. Have fun on your camping trip. Have a great week!

  17. Wonderful that you are enjoying the summer break already - I am just finishing half term week and camping will be wonderful. Let's hope the weather is good for you! I hope Tornado's cold eases off now he is able to decompress a bit. Have a great week. My Sunday Post -

  18. Never heard of the book that you got this week. I hope you love it.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  19. I am interested in Conspiracy in Belgravia. I enjoy an historical novel every now and then!

  20. A Conspiracy in Belgravia sounds so good! I am glad you were approved to read it! I hope Tornado is feeling better soon. Mouse's allergies were bad there for awhile, but she seems to be doing better. Her cough is gone now that she's taking allergy medicine every night.

    I hope you have a great time camping! We're planning to go the end of August, right before school starts. That's when my husband was able to get time off from work.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  21. A Conspiracy in Belgravia looks good and I really like that cover, so I hope they decide to keep it!

  22. Great week you had! I hope your camping trip goes well!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  23. I bet you are thrilled summer is here. It's so much fun with kids. Good luck with your camping adventure. I love to camp!

  24. I still have Accidentally on Purpose to read. It looks good. I have the last 4 Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders to watch. Even though it's canceled (and I wasn't surprised either), I will will watch them. I enjoyed that show. Have a great week!

  25. Looks like you had a busy week! We enjoy camping too. School won't be out for a few more weeks here so we will hit the dusty trail starting in July :) Enjoy your books! I'm looking forward to your review on Accidently on Purpose.

  26. I love when I get approved for a galley (or it shows up in my mailbox) when I didn't expect it. I hope you love the book. Have a great week too.

  27. I love it when I get approved for something I didn't expect to get. Sounds like you have been having a great week and camping next weekend sounds like a lot of fun. Have a great week!

  28. I'm totally feeling Tornado's pain, because I woke up with a horrible cold this morning. Hope he gets to feeling better soon, so he's all in for the camping trip that's coming. Man, that sounds like you're going to have so much fun traveling in a RV, and can't wait to hear more about that. Congrats on getting a book you really wanted. Hugs...

  29. Yay for's out, camping, day trips to museums, and good books read outside! Sounds like you're having a blast, except for poor little guy's illness. Love that cover of the Lady Sherlock book, of which I haven't read book 1 either. I have read & enjoyed 2 Leslie Budewitz's books, and look forward to the 3rd one in that series. Haven't read any other series by her but she's a fun author!

  30. Don't you love it when you get approved for a book you're really excited for! I hope you enjoy your new title.

    Summer (school wise) doesn't start here until near the end of July. It sounds like you have some great plans coming up - dinosaur exhibit at the botanical gardens (what a great combo) and I hope you enjoy your camping trip.

    Wishing you a wonderful week!

  31. Ooh, A Conspiracy in Belgravia! It looks so good! I'm still waiting to hear back on that one.

    Poor Tornado; I hope he feels better soon. And I know what you mean about being behind on podcasts. I've got a ton of them to catch up on. I've been enjoying The Allusionist, Imaginary Worlds, and 99% Invisible.

  32. Oh I am so excited about the Thomas book. Had a good time with the first. Yay for the approval!
