
Saturday, December 3, 2016

This Week in Reading - December 4

I'm linking up with the Sunday Post hosted by the awesome Kim over at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Thanks everyone for their kind words about my Grandfather's fall.  It's been a hard few weeks but I've been really glad I could be here to lend a hand so that it all didn't fall on my Grandmother.

For those that missed my note last week.  My Grandfather fell on November 19 and fractured his 6th and 7th vertebrae which in short hand means he broke his neck.  He's 92 but otherwise in excellent health though he's not getting around quite as well as he used to which frustrates him at times.

He's been improving steadily since the injury other than some pain from the injury and some aches from having to be so immobile for an extended period of time.  I was planning to head home this past Friday but then Wednesday happened.  What started out as a great day with him in good spirits quickly went sideways and we ended up in the emergency room with him almost unresponsive.  He had low blood pressure and a touch of pnemonia and had to be hospitalized for several days but thankfully both issues reacted quickly to treatment and he's been in good spirits ever since and is getting stronger every day.

I'm hoping to head home Monday or Tuesday and am looking forward to catching up with everyone and seeing what you're all reading.  I'm sure there's some great Christmas books I'm missing!

With his niece and mother
I thought I'd share a couple of photos of my Grandfather I found while clearing out some stuff.  They're from 1944 right after he got out of flight school and he's awfully proud of his new uniform and shiny wings!  I think he's rather dashing but I'm a bit biased!

On the Blog:

I have no idea what's coming up next week but I think there will be a mystery review tomorrow and hopefully a top ten list on Tuesday!  I know I haven't been visiting or replying to comments but I have read each and every comment and have been so glad to hear from everyone.  Hope everyone is having a great week and happy reading!


  1. Sorry to hear that he had a setback but sounds like he's in good hands and improving, so thank goodness for that. All best wishes for a continued and quick recovery. That sounds like a tough injury and at that age- glad he's doing better. :)

    Have a great week!

  2. I'm glad you've been there for your grandfather (and grandmother) and it's great he's on the mend. I love the pics you've shared - he looks very handsome in the close-up!

  3. Ah, I have been away with the arrival of Prince Clayton and missed the fact that he fell. I am glad he is doing better and how lovely you could be there!

  4. So sorry to hear about your Granfather's setback Katherine, I'll keep him in my thoughts this week. I am glad hes improving and continues to do so. I Think you're right to be biased on your grandpa's looks he does cut a dashing figure. Hope you have a better week.

  5. That's wonderful that your grandfather is improving so well. Sometimes the healing process is slow with elderly people but your granddad is made of tough stuff! We are all waiting for you when you return, it was good of you to go assist when family is in need.

  6. Oh he looks really nice in his uniform! Sorry to hear of the setback, I hope all will go well and you will be able to come home soon. Take care!


  7. Glad to hear he is on the mend! Love the pictures!

  8. Sorry to hear he fell ill, I am glad he is getting better, I hope he improves quickly!
    And I will admit he is rather dashing! :)

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  9. I am sorry to hear about your grandfather's I hope he gets back on her story feet soon,I am glad you could be there to help him. I agree he looks very handsome in his uniform.

    Megan @ reading away the days

  10. I hope all goes well; it sounds as though he has made good progress.

    Thanks for sharing, and I hope you get to come home soon.

  11. Sorry to hear about your grandfather. I'm glad to hear he's getting better! That's one great looking picture. He looks very handsome ;)

  12. I hope he recovers as quickly as possible, and again, it was great timing that you were visiting with him and are able to assist him-- he is sure to feel better just having you there :)

    I haven't been reading any holiday themed books lately. I read those two for the challenge and then stopped... my reading mojo has been weird lately but luckily I finished up my last Netgalley book for the year and the rest of the month is just what I feel like reading-- which right now is The River of No Return by Bee Ridgway, recommended by Lark.

    Hope you get settled back at home soon and by the way, your grandfather is a handsome man in his uniform :) I love to see older photos. My son just sent me camera pics from a scrapbook of old photos of my grandpa and father as children-- when visiting my brother out east-- because my middle brother is the "custodian" of the family's joint mementos.

  13. All fingers and toes are crossed for a speedy recovery for your grandad. So good you can be there to help him. Sending best wishes.

  14. What a handsome man. I'm sorry he had a set back but glad he got treated right away. What a love you are to him and your grandmother.

  15. Just as well you were there Wednesday to help out in the added emergency. Family counts in a crisis. Love the photos.

  16. I am glad to see an update. I hope he is coming along. Such a severe injury for a man his age. Good thing he is in relatively good health.

  17. It is so good you could be there to help. Sorry to hear about the setback but glad he is getting better. Have a great week!

  18. I hope he improves quickly and that you are getting some rest too. It can be stressful when family are sick so it is good that you are there to help your grandmother. I love the photos and I hope you have a good week!

  19. I know the fear. My grandfather fell in 2014 and broke his femur and then had other complications. It was very rough on our family. I hope that he continues to improve. He is very dashing in his uniform! Your help is a great relief and comfort to your grandmother. *hugs*

  20. I'm so sorry that your grandfather has been suffering so much but glad to hear that he is on the mend. How lucky you are to still have him!

  21. It is wonderful that you have been able to be there for your family. I am sorry to hear about everything that your grandfather has had to go through.

  22. Huge hugs for you and your grandfather, and grandmother too. I love that he is so positive spirited. I want to be just like him when I "grow up". I agree he is dashing, and I am not biased. Here's to a better week for you all. :)

  23. Sorry to hear about your grandfather - I missed your original note - but it sounds like he is on the mend now and I wish him a speedy recovery. He sounds like a trooper! It's great that you're able to be there in a time of need, and I'm sure they appreciate that greatly. Love the photos you shared - I agree, very dashing!

  24. I'm glad your grandfather is feeling better, and I really love those pics. Have a good day!

  25. Your grandfather is about the same age as my dad. He broke his leg about ten years ago and I was amazed at how quickly he healed. I hope the same is true for your grandfather.
