
Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Perfect Christmas - Romance Review

The Perfect Christmas by Debbie Macomber

Rating: Good
Source: Library

For Cassie Beaumont, it's meeting her perfect match. Cassie, at thirty-three, wants a husband and kids, and so far, nothing's worked. Not blind dates, not the Internet and certainly not leaving love to chance.

What's left? A professional matchmaker. He's Simon Dodson, and he's very choosy about the clients he takes on. Cassie finds Simon a difficult, acerbic know-it-all, and she's astonished when he accepts her as a client.

Claiming he has her perfect mate in mind, Simon assigns her three tasks to complete before she meets him. Three tasks that are all about Christmas: being a charity bell ringer, dressing up as Santa's elf at a children's party and preparing a traditional turkey dinner for her neighbors (whom she happens to dislike). Despite a number of comical mishaps, Cassie does it all --- and she's finally ready to meet her match.

But just like the perfect Christmas gift, he turns out to be a wonderful surprise!

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:  This was a library random grab.  I was wandering around and this one caught my eye.  I haven't read Debbie Macomber in awhile and the blurb sounded really cute.  There's also a chance that the cover might have caught my eye as I was more than a little hungry at the time!

My Impression:  While I have read and enjoyed several books by Debbie Macomber over the years I realized with quite some surprise that I've never read any of her Christmas books which is probably what she is best known for.  I've watched several of the Hallmark movies but this book was the first Christmas story by her that I've actually read.  After reading it I can tell why they are so often made into successful Hallmark movies.  The story is delightful, simple, and fairly predictable in the way good romantic comedies are predictable.

The tasks that Simon assigns all have a comic element as well as a heartwarming one and it was very entertaining to watch Cassie suffer through and finding a few moments of joy or heartache within it all.  I liked her relationship with Angie, her best friend, and her relationship with Shawn, her brother.  The neighbors added an entertaining element and the regular irritation was pretty funny.  Yes, I guessed what the happy ending would be halfway through but it was fun to see how Cassie got there.  This is a quick read full of Christmas spirit and just a lot of fun.  I'd love to see Hallmark turn this story into a movie as the flying Elf scene would be absolutely hilarious!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  I'll be sure to pick up another of her Christmas stories next year and I'd like to catch up on her regular fiction in between.

Would I Recommend this Book?: If you're looking for a Christmas-y story this one is perfect!


  1. Sounds like it was a library random grab that payed off!! I love when that happens :)

  2. I love reading Christmas themed stories before the holiday. Sounds liek winner, but I wold not have complied with all those tasks!

  3. Macomber is synonymous with the holidays 😊

    Glad you picked up a cheerful tale!

  4. Oh this one sounds fun, and like you I would have been drawn by the cover. I'll keep an eye out for it at my library!!

  5. I've never read anything by Macomber. I must admit her books have never appealed to me. I think they might be too sappy? But I'm glad you enjoyed this one.

  6. It'd be nice to read a holiday book this winter break. Checked it out! ^___^

  7. Whenever it comes to Christmas stories, Macomber has always been one of my favorite go to authors, and of course I love to see movies on the Hallmark Channel. Glad you had fun with this one. Hugs...RO

  8. Debbie Macomber writes some of the best Christmas settings. I haven't read this one, but I quite enjoyed several others. One of my favorites was Starry Night.
