
Friday, December 23, 2016

Friday Linkups: A Holiday Yarn

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you participate in reading challenges that have you reading for 24 hours, challenges that have a yearly goal, challenges that have you reading certain genres, or do you not participate in challenges?

My Answer:
First I have a couple of notes.
1.  Isn't the new button cute!  I love it!
2.  Last week I said I like to drink boiled custard around Christmas without realizing how regional of a drink that is.  Boiled custard is kind of like egg nog but without the spice.  It's basically a thick creamy drink that kind of reminds me of melted vanilla ice cream.

I love the idea of participating in a 24 hour reading challenge but have yet to actually make it happen due to timing.  I had hoped to kind of do my own this year but time got away from me though maybe I can make it happen between Christmas and New Year.  I do the Goodreads Challenge where you pick a number goal but as for all the other challenges I quit participating in them because I was just so awful about keeping up with them.

This week's book is a random library grab.  I've been in a bit of a slump these last few weeks and while I was at the library with the Tornado last week I browsed through the Christmas books they had displayed and picked up a few that looked good.  I've been wanting to read the Seaside Knitters mystery series by Sally Goldenbaum for awhile and I just couldn't resist the cover of A Holiday Yarn.

The Beginning:
In the confusing days that followed, one thing that would stand out in Nell's mind was that each member of the Thursday night knitting group had talked to Pamela Pisano that day.

My Thoughts:
Very intriguing especially since I know from the blurb that Pamela isn't going to make it much longer and I know from reading a little further just what Pamela spends all her energy talking about to the knitters!

The 56:
"It wasn't suicide?" Nell asked softly. "She didn't kill herself?"

My Thoughts:
Can't you just hear the "dah dah dum" after that sentence?  Things look a bit sketchy here!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What are your favorite reading challenges?


  1. Definitely keep reading! As far as challenges I signed up for a lot. I tend to stink at them though so we will see!

  2. The cover is so appealing. No wonder you picked up this book! The opening made me want to read more. Why is Pamela Pisano significant? You're right about the 56 - definitely a "dah dah dum" moment.
    My Friday post features COLD BETRAYAL.

  3. The button is cute! :)
    I hope this book helps you get out of your reading slump. It sounds like a cozy read.

    Here's my post.

  4. Oh, I definitely want to read that book! Thanks for sharing...and enjoy. I love that button, too.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and happy holidays!

  5. I'd keep reading and that cover is so appealing, it has Christmas all over it. :) I've never really done challenges although I'm doing three in 2017. Oddly enough I've never done the Goodreads challenge!

  6. You have me curious!!
    Happy holidays!

  7. I agree -- that new button is really cute! I mentioned it in my comment on Billy's blog.

    I have a hard time keeping up with reading challenges myself, even the yearly ones. Besides, there are SO many other books I want to read, that are sitting on my shelves.... But the biggest reason I don't participate in these challenges anymore is that I don't get comments back when I comment on other participating blogs. I don't understand why. These challenges all include a Linky widget, so it's very easy to go from blog to blog. Go figure...

    When you commented on my BBH post, you mentioned bingo cards and list-type challenges. The latter I'm familiar with, but not the former. Using bingo cards really sounds original! But of course I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with that, either, lol.

    I see you've picked up a Christmas cozy mystery! LOVE that cover!! And, although I don't knit anything myself, I LOVE the warmth and feel of knitted items. They bring up all kinds of cozy, family-oriented holiday pictures in my mind! So I'm adding this one to my Goodreads shelves!! Thanks for the heads up!!

    Thanks as well for dropping by and leaving such a nice comment on my own BBH post!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! <3 :)

  8. I would keep reading! I'll be joining in the Book Blogger Hop (next week I think?)! I thought the button looked different! I can't do 24hr/weekend read-a-thons. I just don't have the time.

  9. I have modified the 24-hour readathon to read and blog for a total of 24 hours in a whole weekend. I don't participate in all the folderol for the event, though. i just try to knock off as many books as I can and catch up on my reviews.

  10. I have limited my challenges next year compared to this year though I still have what some think is I have learned a way to keep track of my challenges which makes it easier for me to do them or I probably wouldn't.

    This book you randomly picked up sounds pretty interesting. :)

    Merry Christmas!!

  11. That looks like such a fun read! I can't do the 24 hour read-a-thons. I'm too much of an ADD reader. I can't sit still and read solid for hours. I do like seeing what people read during them, though :D

  12. I couldn't do a 24 hr challenge and the only yearly one I do is GoodReads. Have a great week!

  13. It can be hard to participate in a 24-hour reading challenge especially if you have young children or are immersed in sports schedules. I plan to join a few reading challenges for sure in 2017; I figure why not since I'm reading anyways?

  14. Oh, I want to read it now. I love cozy books like this especially if they are set seaside. And I would have chosen it initially solely on the cover because it looks inviting.

    Maria @ Nordic Papaya - Blog

  15. Yes...I love the new button. :)

    And.....thanks for the explanation of boiled custard. Sounds good that it tastes like vanilla ice cream.

    I only do the Goodreads challenge. I am not good at challenges...they are too stressful.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer
