
Sunday, November 6, 2016

This Week in Reading - November 6

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Scheduled to Death by Mary Feliz - I really loved the first book in the series and am super curious to see where this book goes now that Maggie and the rest of the McDonald family are hopefully a bit more settled into their new home than they were in the first book!  (NetGalley)

Pursuit of a Parcel by Patricia Wentworth
Who Pays the Piper? by Patricia Wentworth - I'm so excited about both of these!  Patricia Wentworth is one of my very favorite mystery authors (2nd only to Agatha Christie herself) and these are 2 I've been wanting to read but couldn't find.  I snapped them up as soon as I saw them on NetGalley and can't wait to read them.  Prepare for a Patricia Wentworth project coming your way!  (NetGalley)


Reading:  Finishing up Woman in White by Wilkie Collins and am planning to start Grape Olive Pig by Matt Goulding today.   Also The Flower Arrangement by Ella Griffin.

Listening:  Moonraker by Ian Fleming.  I've heard the movie is really dreadful but so far I must admit this is my favorite book!  It's kind of a softer side of Bond in a way.

Watching:  I'm catching up on Blindspot on Hulu and am liking it though it is does drift a little into over-angst.  J and I have been enjoying The Big Bang Theory though are on the fence about The Great Indoors.  I like the concept but the pilot was a little stilted.  Hoping it improves!

Off the Blog:

Halloween went well.  We did end up going with friends and while I was a little worried about it going in it ended up going really well and was lots of fun.  I've been sneaking Butterfingers, Baby Ruths and Snickers bars all week!  

Well I had my allergy test earlier this week.  I had one done before almost 20 years ago and while I remembered the skin pricks I had forgotten (or hadn't done) the shots portion of the event.  I've about had my fill of shots though I did throw in a flu shot because at that point I figured I might as well.  I was surprised to discover that I'm not allergic to that much but unfortunately the things I am allergic too I'm REALLY allergic too and the thing I happen to be really severely off the charts allergic too is dust mites.  Which are everywhere and impossible to completely get rid of.  Also, shrimp is trying to kill me so I now have my very own Epi-pen.  Is it possible to make those things any bigger?  How on earth do men carry them around?  This weekend is going to be spent allergy-proofing the bedroom using the paperwork and suggestions from the doctor.

I've spent a lot of this week boxing up books that I've been cramming into all available nooks and crannies.  It's been quite a to do trying to come up with a record keeping system so I have some hope of finding them again at some point!  Sorting through all the books has made me want to just curl up and read for hours but with all the organizing there hasn't been time!  I'm hoping next week allows for more reading time but is there really such a thing as enough reading time?

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: The Queen's Accomplice - Mystery Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Recent TBR Additions
Wednesday: Hold Me Cowboy - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Friday Linkups with current book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Glad to hear Moonraker the book is good! That's good to know. I've never read any of the books but I'm coming to suspect that they are often quite different! And Halloween was fun here too- we actually had decent weather for a change and it wasn't freezing! Glad you guys had a good one.

    I never did watch Blindspot beyond the pilot. One of these days I need to catch up. And good luck with your allergies. I know someone who is allergic to dust mites big time too, and had to have all the shots.

    Have a great week!

  2. Very difficult to get rid of dust mites. Hope you are successful to a large extent. Nice to get excited about a couple of books snagged from NG. I read The Flower Arrangement last year and enjoyed it.

  3. Oh, no, dust mites! I'm afraid I'm probably allergic to them, too, as I can't seem to get through any seasons without allergy meds. But I haven't been tested. I'm almost afraid to do so.

    Dust mites are pretty hard to eliminate, aren't they? Good luck!

    Enjoy your books...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your allergies. I hope you get better.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  5. Yeah, dust-mites... is there a shot for that? And I'm sorry shrimp is trying to kill you! That would make me very sad, as I love shrimp.
    Your halloween sounds like it was fun, and that photo is great! Thanks for sharing :)
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  6. Glad Halloween went well. I have been trying not to eat the kids stuff but it is so hard!! That stinks about the allergies. Hope you have a great week!!

  7. Yeah, dust mites is a fun allergy. Hope you can figure some stuff out to make life more manageable!

  8. Patricia Wentworth has been on my 'authors to try' list for ages, so I'll be on the lookout for your project... sounds exciting! Sorry to hear about the allergies. One of my daughters has a problem with dust mites, too,. We ended up ripping up the wall-to-wall carpeting in her room and getting those allergen-resistant covers for her pillows and mattress. That helped, but dust mites are hard to control. Good luck!

  9. I haven't heard of any of those books you got and I am trying to be good and not go to NG and look for them. :) I really need to try the Bond books on audio as you seem to be liking them and I have always been curious. As much as I like James Bond it's been a while since I have watched the movies so I am sure they will be a lot like reading something new.

    I am glad you figured out your allergies and I would cry if I was allergic to shrimp as I love them! Glad you had a good Halloween, I didn't do anything but watch movies.

    Have a great week,
    Week in Review

  10. Oy, dust mites. They're miserable little bastards. Are you going to do the allergy shots?

    I don't I've think I've heard of Patricia Wentworth but now you have me intrigued. I may see if my library has any books by her.

    Have a great week!

  11. Getting the microfiber covers for all pillows and your matteress will hel a lot, but I am sure that is in the instructions from your doctor. Aren't there special vacuum bags you can buy, too? It's great that you all had a fun time trick-or-treating. The Tornado's costume looks fab. Have you read any Alice Hoiffman? I started reading one of her books this morning and was thinking that you might like it. Have a fantastic week. :)

  12. No fun about the allergies - dust mites and shrimp! One is impossible to avoid, the other super yummy :( i hope getting setup according to the Dr's suggestions turns out to be enough! Good luck with boxing up books, I've done that and have a super hard time finding books :( but I have no space. I hope your system works better than mine! Have a great week!

  13. Oh man, look at the fierce ninja! Dust mites are hard to beat. Jellybean's allergist had given us this pamphlet of tips in which you would basically use lots of those allergy covers for bedding. I'm sorry you're allergic to shrimp; I do love mes some shrimp and Jellybean does too.

  14. Sounds like another busy week for you. It's not fun to have allergies but at least you know what to avoid. It is hard about the dust mites but I hope things work out. I've got some books to box up too and need to make a list of where everything is at. I hope you have a great week!

  15. Patricia Wentworth isn't an author I've read or know much about so I'll have to have a bit of a Google. The allergy tests sound horrid, though I guess it's good to know what your allergies are - silver lining? And at least you aren't allergic to butterfingers!

  16. So sorry to hear about your dust mite allergy - that takes a lot of work to keep on top of and you need a really clutter-free house to be able to put in place those controls. Glad that Halloween went off well for you. Patricia Wentworth is an author I've heard about in other places, so maybe it's time to check her out. Thank you for sharing:). I very much hope you start feeling a lot better soon.

  17. Ughhh...allergies...what a bummer to find dust mites to be the major problem...impossible to completely eliminate!

    I've not heard of Patricia Wentworth...will need to check into her! Have a great week!

  18. I've been carrying about an Epi-pen since I was a kid, and boy, do I remember those uncomfortable allergy tests! I hate having to try and fit my Epi-pen into evening bags - they weren't designed for those of us with life-threatening allergies!
