
Sunday, October 23, 2016

This Week in Reading - October 23

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Dead and Breakfast by Kate Kingsbury - This is the first in a new series featuring a Bed and Breakfast.  If that wasn't enough there are rumors that the place is haunted and an actual skeleton in the closet!  I can't wait!  (NetGalley)

And that's it!  I have a few requests pending but they're all for 2017 books and therefore don't count.


Reading:  Ghostland by Colin Dickey and Lovers and Newcomers by Rosie Thomas

Listening:  Everything Everything by Nicole Yoon

Watching:  We finished season 3 of The Blacklist with mixed feelings.  I think we're going to go on and watch season 4 but we need improvement quick!  I've also been streaming a show called Heir Hunters that's on Netflix.  Basically it follows researchers looking for heirs for unclaimed estates in England and I'm soo in love with it at the moment.  It's my new dream career!

Off the Blog:

This week was pretty busy on the school volunteer front.  Wednesday I chaperoned the Tornado's field trip to a local pumpkin patch/farm.  Because nothing says fall like standing in a field in 90 degree heat.  Than on Friday the school did a celebration for all the A and A/B students and I helped with that.  It was really fun to see the kids so excited.  Monday I get to help pass out cookie dough from the fundraiser and the week after is the book fair.  We also tackled the Halloween costume issue this past weekend and settled on a Ninja costume.  This is the first year he hasn't been a Star Wars character so it's taking some getting used too!

Tonight (Sunday) I'm going to go see Sarah Vowell speak and I'm looking forward to it.  I've only read her book Assassination Vacation but I really enjoyed it so I'm curious how she is in person.  The interviews I've seen of her seems like a little could go a long way so it should be interesting.    I've been exhausted lately.  I've really tried to go to bed early all week but all that's happened is I'm just as tired but without as much free time.  I think I may just up my coffee intake and hope it evens out!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: The Graveyard Book - Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Halloween Freebie
Wednesday - Newcomers and Lovers - Review
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: 52 Pins in 52 Weeks - October Edition

Have a great week!


  1. I love bed and breakfast a mystery in one sounds tempting. Enjoy!

    It's been ages since I went to a pumpkin patch. All of my grandkids think they're too grown up now.

  2. I hope you enjoy the author event. I've not heard of her before so hope she measures up in person.

    I'm glad you're still enjoying your cozies and the volunteering at the school sounds as if it's keeping you busy!

  3. Kate Kingsbury caught my eye- is that the same Kate Kingsbury who wrote the Pennyfoot Hotel mysteries? I read a few of those and they're like comfort reads- nice Edwardian cozies (I read the Christmas themed ones). So that's kinda neat.

    I hear you on the pumpkin patch thing, I think the last time we did that it was so hot- it didn't exactly feel like fall! It was more like can we get out of here lol! I like a little crisp air with my autumn thank you very much. :)

    Have a great weekend, hope you enjoy the author event.

  4. Dead and Breakfast. I want it. I love the fun covers and titles for cozies!

    My Sunday Post

  5. Hahaha your 90 degree heat comment cracked me up.

    The ninja costume is going to be fun for him I'm sure! And that's awesome that you're getting to see an author speak :-) Hope you enjoy it and have a great week!

  6. First, I laughed out loud at the title of your new book - not sure why, but it really tickled my funny bone. And then, 90 degrees show you it's fall *sighs* I'm actually glad it's getting a little cooler around here these days, Katherine.
    You sound very busy with all the volunteering you do for school, but it also sounds really nice!
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  7. I have to say I am glad we don't have to do fundraising and things for our school. I don't know where I would find the time so good on you for making it. Dead and Breakfast sounds fun., another great cosy title.

  8. I love seeing kids having a good time! It makes all the hard work, especially voluntary hard work!


  9. I remember helping at school functions when Tristan was little, it was fun. And tiring. We recently had a cool front come through and had 48 degrees on Saturday morning. It made for a chilly but fun ride to Apalachicola.
    Ohhhh, getting to see a favorite author speak is fun, I am jealous. I am wanting to see Peter Robinson but I doubt he'll ever come to our area.

  10. Dead and Breakfast looks cute. Sounds like you are busy, have fun at your event and have a great week.

  11. Enjoyed the ten characters you'd name a pet after. Penelope is a great choice. We once named a cat Miss Rumphius from a favorite children’s book. That is, until a week later we found out the cat was a boy.

  12. You've had a busy week! All the volunteer activities sound so familiar (except 90 degree days in a pumpkin patch!)... sometimes I miss that time. Hope you enjoy Sarah Vowell's talk tonight. I'd like to read her one of these days. Her books get good reviews on audio, too.

  13. This weather has not been as fall like as I want! It's supposed to be almost 80 degrees here again. I want my low 70s and 60s that are normal for this time of year. Hope you have a good week coming up. Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post earlier at Lisa Loves Literature!

  14. Going to bed early can be tricky! If I go too early, I feel all I do work. I'm always trying to find the best time so that I feel refreshed but have a life. It's a work in progress!
    You are very busy at the moment but it all sounds so much fun. And Heir Hunters sounds amazing, imagine discovering that you were an heir!
    I hope your book talk goes well.

  15. Yay for Dead and Breakfast! I love cozy mysteries myself and have dozens of series going at any one time.
    Ba! We went to a pumpkin farm last week. It was a fabulous trip, but we had temperatures in the 90's too. We will be going in the evening next time. It is hard to catch that fall time feeling with weather like that.

  16. Dead and Breakfast looks good. Heir Hunters sounds good, I'll have to check that out on NetFlix. I hope the Tornado likes his ninja costume. Have a great week and happy reading!!

  17. I'm just now getting into cozies and I so want that B&B one! The guys missed Blacklist Thursday because we had to watch the Bears play. They don't seem as enthused this season as in previous ones. Maybe it's just a slump. Heir Hunters sounds interesting! I may need to add that to my list. :)

  18. Wow! The Dead and Breakfast sounds like an interesting book!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Catch you over @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  19. Looks like reading is fitting in with the Halloween season. Oh my a pumpkin patch and 90 degree heat! I hope the tiredness passes, lots of just sitting and reading prescribed!

  20. How do you keep cool in 90°? My gosh the poor babies and you chaperones. Katherine, I'm in the mood for a mystery; didn't you mention before a series that featured Sherlock &/or his niece?

  21. I am still pending request on Dead and Breakfast but fingers crossed! I really want I wish it was that hot here, I am good with 90, it's been kind of cold here.

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  22. I keep seeing The Graveyard Book on a lot of Halloween reading lists, and I thought I had the ebook, but I don't. I will be looking forward to your thoughts about it. 52 Pins! I hope you are going to continue next year because I really want to do it, too. I am going to be doing a post about my blogging plans for next year, soon, and I will be mentioning 52 Pins. I hope you will be posting a pick of The Tornado in his ninja costume! Have a wonderful week with some refreshing sleep.

  23. Have fun listening to Sarah Vowell speak :) My son has a couple of her books Assassination Vacation and another one. I haven't read them yet.

    I'm ambivalent about continuing Blacklist lately. I watched two episodes from season 3, then stopped. I don't know what happened, but the first season was the best.

    Have a good week ahead and hope you find more get-up-and-go soon!

  24. 90 degrees?!?!? Here the poor little kiddies are trudging through muddy pumpkin patches in the pouring rain, a great Pacific Northwest tradition....!

  25. Oh my word..o 90 degree heat! Is it normally that hot at the end of October?? It must make all that volunteering very tiring. Hope you have a cooler and good reading week.

  26. Sounds like Halloween is a lot of fun around your house. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  27. Oh that looks like a fun one :D hope you enjoy it! Ha on the weather! Ours decided it was going to skip Fall completely. Summer heat to....40s. Hello, winter!
