
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Fall TBR

This week's topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Books in my Fall TBR.  I love this topic because I get to think about what's coming out, what's already on my shelf and what I really want to read.  I did okay with the last TBR post and only have 2 unread so I'm hopefully for similar if not better results for this one.

1.  The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins - This is a book I've been wanting to read for ages and I've decided now is the time.  I've heard fantastic things so I'm looking forward to this one.

2.  The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman - Neil Gaiman is an author I've been wanting to read for awhile though I'm a little nervous because the episodes he's written of Doctor Who tend to be my least favorite.  The blurb on this one really caught my eye though so I figured this would be a good place to start.

3.  The Duke and I by Julia Quinn - This is the first book in the Bridgerton series which is one of my favorite historical romance series.  I'm trying to squeeze some rereading into this year and I want to revisit the Bridgertons before reading the newest book that Quinn released earlier this year.

4.  All the Little Liars by Charlaine Harris - I have had mixed results with Charlaine Harris.  I loved 1 series by her but didn't love another and to be honest I've never really felt the urge to pick up the Sookie Stackhouse series though it is becoming more tempting.  I love this series about a librarian who investigates murders and am really excited that this new one is coming out in October.

5.  The Queen's Accomplice by Susan Elia MacNeal - Between the cover, the 1940s setting, and mentions of a copycat Jack the Ripper I just could not pass this one up!

6. The Flower Arrangement by Ella Griffin - This is about a young woman in need of healing who owns a flower shop in Dublin.  It looks like there may be a touch of magical realism.  Even if not I have high hopes!

7.  Sun Sand Murder by John Keyse-Walker - I love a good murder mystery and I love when people aren't who they say they are (in fiction of course, in real life that would be troubling) and this is a new to me mystery author so I'm excited!

8.  When All the Girls Have Gone by Jayne Ann Krentz - I love a good romantic suspense and Krentz's are always so much fun!

9.  The Secret Sister by Brenda Novak - This is an older release but one that has been sitting on my Kindle for far too long.  I enjoy Novak's writing and I love romantic suspense.  Plus, this one has a heaping scoop of family secrets so it really sounds like something I'd enjoy.

10. Treasure on Lilac Lane by Donna Alward - Alward's Jewell  Cove is one of my favorite fictional towns to visit.  It's been awhile since I've been there so I'm looking forward to this one from a couple of years ago that somehow I missed when it came out.

What are you looking forward to picking up this fall?


  1. It looks like you have some good books lined up. The Woman in White is one of those classics I've been meaning to pick up for a while. Also, Neil Gaiman is such a well loved author, but the two (maybe three) books I've read of his have all been DNF'ed - I just can't connect with his writing. But of course I hope you enjoy The Graveyard Book, and the rest of the titles on your TBR!

  2. Lots of good books! I have a Julia Quinn on my kindle I need to get to. I have only read the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris and I loved them in the beginning but no so much at the end. Enjoy all of these!

  3. Good luck getting through your TBR - being done with 8/10 from last time is great! I hope you like Secret Sister better than I did... I ended up DNFing and just asking someone how it ended :( hopefully that's just me though!

  4. The Woman in White is SO good - enjoy!

  5. I love a favorite series and when a new one comes out it's always nice, especially if there's a setting/ town that just works. :) And The Queen's Accomplice does have a nice cover. I've never read any Neil Gaiman either and I hear so much but I just don't think he's my thing.

  6. You have a lot of good books on your list! I have been wanting to read The Woman in White for a long time.

    Here is my TTT:

  7. The Woman in White and The Graveyard Book were both really good. Hope you enjoy them and the rest of your list!

  8. Have you read other books by Susan Elia MacNeal? Love those books, though I'm a few behind. Your list looks good!

  9. So many good suggestions here! I would read almost all of these, though the Gaiman and Harris don't appeal to me, but any of the others, I would read if the timing was right. Thanks for all your TTTs; I love to read lists!

  10. I really loved The Graveyard Book. I'm not a HUGE Neil Gaiman fan. I mean, I like his books, but I'm not a fanatic. But The Graveyard book is excellent. Highly recommend the audio.

    I am actually kind of nervous to reread The Duke and I. I loved the book when I first read it, and I have reread it numerous times since then. But not in a long time. I'm not sure how I would feel about it now.

    And I seriously need to get back to Jewel Cove!

  11. I haven't read Neil Gaiman yet, but I have The Graveyard Book and I'm really looking forward to it! The Queen's Accomplice looks really good; thanks for the suggestion! Happy reading and happy Tuesday! :D

  12. The Woman in White and The Graveyard Book both sound like perfect books for October. I share your excitement about JAK's new book, and I totally should have put The Queen's Accomplice on my list today (oops!) Also, enjoy rereading The Duke and I. I love that series, though book 1 isn't my favorite. But anything Bridgerton is good.

  13. I loved The Secret Sister! A very interesting twist. The Queen's Accomplice looks right up my alley!

  14. The Woman in White is one of those...gotta get around to it someday ones, but no telling when someday will be. Enjoy your fall reads. My list:

  15. I really enjoy Brenda Novak and Julia Quinn, even though I haven't read them in a while. Still, you know they still end up on my evergrowning TBR Pile! (lol) Hugs...

  16. I'm going to have to investigate some of these books! And I want to read Aurora Teagarden books again. So far I've read the first one and hope to read the others before reading the new book. Good list!

  17. A few of those on your list sound really interesting! :)

  18. I have also wanted to read some Gaimman. I have two or three ebooks I snapped up when they were on sale. I think The Graveyard Book is one of them, but I am not sure. I don't remember which DW episodes he wrote, so I am off to Google and see if I liked them or not. :)

  19. The Flower Arrangement is a cute book.
    I don't have any of these on my to-read list but I am planning on reading Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman. I didn't like his episode with the human tardis very much but I like his fairytale like writing style.

  20. I just checked my Kindle - I have The Duke and I and should really get around to reading it one of these days. *sigh*

  21. Neil Gaiman is one of my favorites! I hope you love The Graveyard Book!

    Check out my TTT.

  22. All the Little Liars was interesting. I didn't love it as much as the previous ones in the series but it was still a good time being back with those two :D Hope you enjoy it! And gah on the Krentz! I'm so excited for that one.

  23. This would be such the perfect time to read The Woman in White. I haven't read any other books on your list, but that one, I'm afraid. The others all sound so good though. I love Susan Elia MacNeal's series. I am not up to date on it, but what I have read is good. I hope you get to as many of these as you can!

  24. Looks like you're going got have a good fall!
