
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Christmas in Eternity Springs - Blog Tour Review

Christmas in Eternity Springs (Eternity Springs #12) by Emily March

Rating: Very Good
Source:  Publisher

Description:  After a devastating betrayal, Claire Branham packs up her life, along with a twenty million dollar secret, and moves to Eternity Springs.  She opens a specialty shop - Forever Christmas - and, with the help of a surprise romance with the town's sexy new handyman, Claire's heart begins to heal.  Until her past comes knocking...

Jax Lancaster never questioned the need to abandon his career as a Navy submariner in order to care for his young son in the wake of his ex-wife's death.  Desperate to help with this loss, Jax straps on a tool belt to give Nicholas the one thing he wants: A life in Eternity Springs.  What Jax never expected to find a second chance at love with a fascinating woman for whom Christmas has become a business.  But when the truth about Claire threatens their newfound happiness, can Jax prove to her that in Eternity Springs, the spirit of Christmas is real... And will last a lifetime?  (From Goodreads)

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:  I love this series and each new book makes me love it more!

My Impression:  Did I mention I love this series?  I've always enjoyed it but the last book - Reunion Pass - completely hooked me and this one has only made me a bigger fan. Because I was so anxious to revisit Eternity Springs I didn't even really even read the blurb so I was thrilled to discover that Nicholas, the little boy I had loved meeting in the last book is a big part of this newest book.  Normally I'm not a big fan of kids in romances but Nicholas is such a great character.  He's sweet and intelligent but not perfect and the trauma he has endured just broke my heart.  I absolutely loved seeing him start to regain his spirit in Eternity Springs.
Jax and Claire also were impossible to resist.  They're both trying so hard to help Nicholas and do the right thing.  Their connection to each other basically leapt off the page and I was rooting for them.  Claire does have a bit of a secret but as it isn't something that is continuously brought up and angst-ed about it didn't bother me.  
Eternity Springs is a delightful place to visit and I always enjoy revisiting it.  While the characters frequently have very dark back stories they tend to be just discussed occasionally and don't unfold on the page.  While there is some heat it is mostly fade to black but the emotional connections are up front and center.  
This is a series that I always immediately get swept up by.  While you do meet Nicholas in Reunion Pass I don't think reading it is necessary to enjoying this one (though you should because it's wonderful!) and understanding what is happening with the characters.  This is the perfect read to soothe a holiday frazzled brain and get into the Christmas spirit!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  There are a few early books in the series and I need to go back and read them plus I know I'll be looking for the next book!

Would I Recommend this Book?: I would!  If you enjoy RaeAnne Thayne or books that focus on emotional connections this is a book and a series that is not to be missed!


  1. Ah, I love to read a small amount of holiday-themed stories every year, and I love the idea of this main character opening an all-year-round holiday shop, Forever Christmas, since I love to visit those kind in real life :) If I don't need to have read the books that led up to this one, I would definitely pick it up. Thank, Katherine!

  2. I love this series, the very first one hooked me in and I just want to go live there!! Great review and me too, so happy to re meet Nicholas and for him to get his full healing.

  3. I like these type of homey books with great messages, especially with a Christmas theme. Awesome review! Hugs...

  4. Ooh, I have her on my list; I keep forgetting to move her up.

  5. I have one of the earlier books in this series sitting in my kindle just begging to be read. This one sounds like a great read and I like how the child in the book was handled. Sometimes kids don't add much but in this case it sounds like he does. Great review!

  6. Oh this sounds right up my alley. Can you just jump in Katherine?

  7. This sounds so good! I haven't read this author before, but now I want to. I'm starting to feel the mood for Christmas romance moving in. :-)
