
Sunday, September 18, 2016

This Week in Reading - September 18

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Dangling by a Thread by Lea Waite - This is the 4th book in the Mainely Needlepoint series involving a group of needlepointers and their business manager/private investigator/niece.  So far I've really enjoyed it and it always seems to have a link to the past which I really love.  I'm looking forward to this newest book.  (NetGalley)

Other than that I only have 1 request outstanding.  I really don't expect to get it but I figured it can't hurt to request it.  The worse that happens is that I'm told no.  I'm not entirely sold on the new NetGalley shelf arrangement.  I think I've finally gotten it figured out and know where to find everything but I'm not sure I like seeing just how many reviews I have outstanding!


Reading: The Munich Girl by Phyllis Edgerly Ring and The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan for a tour later this week and unless she starts kicking kittens or something in the last 50 pages it's going to be hard not to gush about it!

Listening: Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson.  I've already read this book and really enjoyed it but I couldn't resist it in audio book and it is fantastic!  If anything it's even funnier than it is in print.

Watching:  Well I'm almost done with Catfish which is unusual for me.  I'm not great about binge watching shows because watching more than a season in a row (not all at once but spread over a few weeks) and I want some variety but that has not been the case here.  J and I are also watching the 3rd series of The Blacklist.  I'm not loving it as much as the previous 2 but I'm starting to enjoy it more.  

Off the Blog:

Well I am pleased to report no alien abductions this week.  It wasn't the most productive of weeks but I at least no where all my time went and I don't feel like a frazzled mess.  I ended up with a bit of a cold in the middle of the week but I actually just let myself go to bed and slept for like 15 hours and I felt so much better!
The Tornado has learned to whistle and is driving me absolutely mad whistling all the time.  He got his 6 week progress report and is doing fantastic.  This is the first grade he's actually gotten real grades for and since it's a new school I was worried he'd have a difficult adjustment but he is doing great.  His best subject is math which is not a shock but he's doing well in the other subjects too.  He's also doing better with the not talking when he's not supposed to and got all good marks in behavior this week as well.
We were at Costco last week and I bought these sweats and they're so awesome I invented an excuse to go back and buy another pair.  Seriously if you have a Costco membership and you see Women's Joggers by 32 Heat buy a pair!  They're made of clouds and warm hugs and are only $10.  They're so comfortable that I don't want to leave the house because then I'd have to change out of them.

Speaking of leaving the house J and I are going to a play tonight (or last night if you're reading this on Sunday) and I'm so much looking forward to it.  It's called The Game's Afoot and is about a murder happening at a party that an actor best known for playing Sherlock Holmes is attending.  It's being done by a local theater company that is usually good, sometimes great and occasionally awful but it's always fun to get dressed up and go watch a play regardless of the results.  Last time we went there we saw And Then There Were None and they did a fantastic job even though it had the play ending which I HATE!  We're having dinner at this little restaurant that has the best butternut squash ravioli and is the only dish where I find the use of nutmeg acceptable.

I'm still trying to catch up from the alien abduction last week and the cold this week but I'm slowly but surely making my way through blog posts so I can be caught up with everyone and comment replies.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Ramblings from the Stacks "I Just Read Junk"
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday: Audio Freebie
Wednesday: The Bookshop on the Corner - Fiction Blog Tour Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books - Signs I'm Getting Older
Friday: Friday Linkups Featuring Current Book
Saturday: 52 Pins in 52 Weeks - September Edition

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Dangling By a Thread looks very tempting. Gorgeous cover, too. I am also eager to learn more about The Bookshop on the Corner.

    Enjoy your week, and your comfy sweats.

  2. The play sounds great Katherine, I hope you enjoy it. I'm also glad school's going well for the Tornado.

    Mostly though I'm happy about the lack of alien abductions! ;-)

  3. I like that cover for Dangling by a Thread- so relaxing (and I love the Save the cormorants throw). Cozy covers are the best! The Bookshop on the Corner sounds good too, I think I've seen that one- it sounds really familiar. Hope the play was good- always nice to have a night out like that.

    I haven't watched Blacklist but a friend of mine told me I'd like it, so maybe I'll try that one next. I think Netflix has it. Have a great week!

  4. I'm glad you're enjoying Catfish lol. And that's great that the Tornado is doing so well so far! How was the play and dinner? I used to go to plays when I was in college and enjoyed them but have been to very few other than that.

    Feel better and have a great week!

  5. I clicked the view the new shelf arrangement on NG for later and so now not sure about it all, but seems okay. I so want to read the Colgan book so no doubt will get it at some stage. Look forward to your review.

  6. lol I know on the NG thing. When I first signed in I was like DUDE!! I *know* I have X books that have been waiting 3+ months. I know! *hangs head* lol

  7. I'm delighted to hear the Tornado is settling in so well - I'm looking forward to catching up with the grandchildren to find out how they're liking their new school year. Have a great time with the play - I know what you mean, though Himself and I haven't been to a play together for far too long... This is my Sunday Post

  8. Good to hear Tornado is doing such a great job at school! You must be very proud of him?!
    How awesome that you two went to a play yesterday. How was it?
    I hope next week will be even better for you. Happy Reading! ;)

  9. Those pants sound awesome. I love comfy pants. :) Have a great week!

  10. So glad you were not abducted by aliens this week! That can be very inconvenient :)
    A play sounds nice, I have always wanted to go to one of those murder mystery shows. They always seem like so much fun and I heard they are very funny.

    New Sweatpants are the best. I hate when you wash them after a few times the inside gets all scratchy. The new ones are like heaven.

    YAY! The Tornado is doing good in school! That is awesome! Sorry you didn't feel well. I am glad you are feeling better.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  11. I did not know that Dangling by a Tread was out yet so I had to immediately stop what I was doing which was reading your and go and grab it from NG. :) Love that series too!

    I don't binge watch a lot of shows but I plan on binging on some Longmire his coming weekend cause season 5 is out on the 23rd! :) Love that show!!! If you have never tried it I think you might like it, it's a modern westerny type crime show. :)

  12. I am not super into the new NG shelves and what not. But I am sure I will get used to it. How great is the audio for Furiously Happy!! Hope you guys had a greta time at the play. Have a great week!!

  13. I think I've had Furiously Happy on my list ever since you reviewed it in print. Maybe I'll go for audio instead :)

  14. I love the cover of Dangling By a Thread, will have to check that out. I've been binge watching Deadly Women, but I know what you mean about verity. Have a great week!

  15. The Lea Wait series and Bookshop on the Corner appeal to me (I remember meeting Ms. Wait and she is very serious about her craft and I like that dedication).

    I do binge shows and apparently I now binge on book series too. I've been zeroing in on a few newly cherished authors and reading them one after another. This didn't use to work for me, but now it's okay. I'm still branching out and finding more authors since I gave up some of my authors who write dark, gritty, sometimes violent stories.

  16. Yay for no alien abductions :) Glad you were able to sleep off the cold before it got serious - I always get worried when I start to come down with something. I keep seeing this dangled by a thread book - haven't read any of the series, but y'all are tempting me like crazy! I may just have to look up book 1.

    I'm so glad Tornando is doing well in school! And I'm lmao about the whistling. I'm sure he's so proud of being able to do it, but I can only imagine how annoying it is. Hilarious!

    Have a great week :)

  17. I am literally just popping in to say hi! I will come by your blog later in the week and try to catch up a bit. Sorry that you've been sick but so glad that the aliens left you in peace! Hope you will have a good week and we'll chat soon! Here's my Sunday Headlines:

  18. LOL, glad there was no alien probes! I will keep an eye out for the Women's Joggers, I need hugs from clouds! Ha on Tornado's whistling, wait until he tries the flute, drums or sax. Hope your week is amazing!

  19. "Made of clouds and warm air" - I love that! I think I feel the need for a trip to Costco!

  20. Somehow I missed the alien abduction. Sounds interesting! I'll have to go back a week or two and find it. As for the Tornado's whistling, I'm sure he's proud of his new accomplishment but I can imagine how irritating it must get! Robin still remembers that I took away her little "keyboard" that played one song. Incessantly. I can still hear every note in my head, and I think it's close to 18 years since I took the batteries out.

    Dangling By a Thread is going to be fun -- I really like that series. I'm glad you've got it too! Have a wonderful week (hopefully without too much whistling!)

  21. Have a wonderful time at the play. I LOL'd at your bit about Tornado whistling. I can't do that any more, whistle; maybe it's because I have dental work goin on?

  22. Glad you're loving Furiously Happy again. I have that book on my phone all ready to be listened to, but I just haven't found the time yet!

  23. I love the Mainely Needlepointers! You are one busy reader!

  24. I wish that everyone would be encouraged to dress daily in comfortable sweats. Let's start a trend!

    Hope you enjoyed your play!

  25. Butternut squash ravioli... mmmmmmm... I am jealous. Yay for The Tornado's stellar school report. It is always great to know everythung is goiung great at a new school. I have to drop back for the Mr. Penumbra review. I missed iut somehow last week. 52 Pins next week! Have a fantastic week. :)

  26. Thanks for the heads up on the Costco pants! I'll check next time I go.

  27. My nearest Costco is about 200 miles away so may have to miss out on the sweats. I do like the sound of them though...perfect for snuggling up and reading a cozy mystery.

  28. The play sounds so fun! I wish there were offerings like that near where I live. Good to hear Tornado is doing so well in classes. It is easier to resolve any concerns at the beginning of the year than at the end when things are too out of hand.
