
Sunday, August 7, 2016

This Week in Reading - August 8

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

So I was feeling pretty smug because I thought I hadn't gotten ANY books this week.  But then I started thinking I realized that I had in fact gotten 4 books this week.  3 were impulsive I'm ordering something off Amazon anyway so what's a book or 2 (or apparently 3) and the other was a pre-order that I had completely forgotten I had ordered so it was a fun treat when it showed up in my mailbox.

Grilling the Subject by Daryl Wood Gerber - This was my pre-order and I was thrilled when it appeared.  I haven't actually started the series but it's a cozy mystery series about a bookstore that specializes in cookbooks.  How could I resist?  (Amazon)

Back in the Day Bakery Made with Love by Cheryl Day and Griffith Day - I have their first cookbook and love it!  I checked out this new(ish) cookbook from the library and found dozens of recipes I want to try so I just ordered myself my own copy!  (Amazon)

Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase - This is a romance novel that came out in 1995 from an author I've heard of but never read.  I tend to avoid romances novels from that far back because of dating issues but after listening to an Avon on the Air podcast where author Sarah MacLean and editor Lucia Macro discussed this one I couldn't resist picking it up.  (Amazon)

Rest Ye Murdered Gentleman by Vicki Delaney - I've enjoyed Delaney's other books I've read and I love a holiday themed cozy.  Plus, I heard some great buzz about this one so when I saw it was on sale it was impossible to pass up.  (Amazon)


Reading:  Finishing up Whispers in the Mist by Lisa Alber and then starting A Child's Garden of Death by Richard Forrest.  Also hoping to finish Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie this week.

Listening: Still podcasts but I'm downloading an audio book tonight to start tomorrow and I'm excited.  I've been listening to the podcast Thinking Sideways and am really enjoying it.  They tackle kind of unexplained things - from Atlantis to disappearances and just weird mysteries and debate all the theories and the validity of each one.  It's really interesting and I like the hosts.

Watching:  We haven't been watching all that much lately.  J and I finished season 2 of Northern Exposure and are waiting to get season 3.  I want to try and watch some of the Olympics in the next few weeks so we may wait to start the next season for a few weeks.  I did watch a Lifetime movie about Drew Peterson the other day while I was doing a deep clean of my desk.  Rob Lowe played Peterson and Kaley Cuoco played Stacy.  It actually was pretty good though of course the subject matter was horrifying. 

Off the Blog:

Well we have survived the first week (well half week) of school!  The actual school part is going reat.  The Tornado has adjusted to the schedule and the length of the day without any problems, he likes his teacher and his classmates, and sees a few friends from his school last year at recess.  He's been really excited every day and looks forward to going back which is a HUGE relief.  We are struggling with carline in the afternoon as the Tornado really doesn't like to move at anyone's speed but his own and the carline runs like a well oiled machine and that alarm clock is a cruel cruel mistress.  I'm really missing the old days with a start time of 9AM.  740 is just too early for a family of night owls.

Earlier this week I decided Friday night was going to be date night.  We haven't had a real actual leave the house without kids and go somewhere in several months.  It's been a stressful summer.  Lots of changes here and then J's work has been crazy stressful which required lots of overtime and even more meetings.  So it was high time we both took a night to relax and talk and go to our favorite non-family friendly restaurant.  We had a lovely time and the food was amazing!  I was tempted to get a Vesper because of all the James Bond I had read and watched but ended up with a Cucumber Basil Martini that was heaven.  We walked around downtown for awhile and just had such a good time.  I had rented a dress from Rent the Runway which I absolutely loved and will be the subject for another post.  We definitely need to do that again!  The Tornado went to my mother's work place (the Space and Rocket Center) where they were doing a big employee family party and he spent the evening riding rides and looking at space stuff.  He's been there enough that he can point to the stuff J has worked on so that always makes for an extra bit of fun.

Next week I'm planning on trying to figure out my new schedule now that we're back on a routine.  I've suddenly got more hours in my day and I don't want to waste them but I'm trying to figure out how to best use them.  There are so many big projects I want to get done both in real life and in blog world.  Plus I want to get back into some kind of fitness regiment.  I always feel so much better when I'm exercising regularly but it's so easy to get out of the habit and so hard to get back to it.  To Do lists are going to be my friend for awhile!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Cracked to Death - Blog Tour Cozy Mystery Review + Giveaway
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday Rewind - Popular Authors I've Never Read 
Wednesday: Whispers in the Mist - Mystery Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books: My First Job
Friday: Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I love it when books show up and are a surprise. I've done that too, ordered somethnig and forgotten the release date or whatever, and it shows up. Yay lol. And the Olympics- I'm pretty excited for it, I love the swimming and diving and even the rowing, oddly enough. Although w/ NBC's coverage I'll have to catch some of it online.

    Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen sounds fun, I think I've seen that one.

  2. I hope you enjoy your new books! I completely forgot to mention on my Sunday Post that I got my new copy of Sense and Sensibility (since my husband lost my our original copy--watch, now it will turn up).

    We are watching some of the Olympic games as well. I imagine it will keep us from other shows. I do wish the coverage was better. It's frustrating sometimes the way NBC covers the games.

    I am glad school has gotten off to a good start! We still have three weeks to go. It sounds like everything is falling into place well. I am glad you and J were able to get away just the two of you. My husband and I aren't able to get away by ourselves very often either. It can really make a difference, can't it?

    I am two weeks into exercising again. It's going to be harder now with my change in schedule because it means getting up even earlier. I feel like I get up in the middle of the night as it is. And then it means going to bed so early, which is hard to do sometimes. I wish you the best in finding a rhythm you like and that works well for you.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  3. Oh my, yes, it IS hard to start getting back to exercising... I'm working on that myself right now - because I'm always feeling better when I do some kind of sports.
    Date night sounds fantastic! And I can't wait to see your post about the dress you rented :) It's amazing how hard it can be to be just with your husband every now and then, eh?
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  4. I will takeover your smugness since I didn't get any books. :P An hour and 20 minutes definitely makes a huge difference in the mornings. Date night sounds like it was a great time. I'm curious about the dress. Have a great week and enjoy your books!

  5. LOL totally laughing at the misplaced smugness. Ha! That's awesome on a lovely date night. Looking forward to the dress post!

  6. Oh surprise books are fun though :) Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen was one I enjoyed. I have been and plan on watching the Olympics as well. I love them so much. Glad school is going well even if getting used to the new schedule is not. I really want to hear about rent the runway! Have a great week!!

  7. I'm adding Thinking Sideways to my podcast playlist too and I'm making a note to tell my husband about it as I think it's one he'd like too.
    Those extra few hours in your schedule sound like a great time to work on a project or to just have some me time in your day. Maybe mix it up so you really make the most of it. Good to hear your little boy is happy in school and your date sounded fun. I'd love to hear about the rent a dress scheme!

  8. A date night is a great idea and I can't wait to see your dress. Looking forward to that post. It's fun getting away but we've had that luxury for years as our son is 27 ☺️
    First weeks back to school, on my, I remember that with the car lines and hoping your kid will be in time. Hang in there!
    Nice batch of books you got.

  9. Those all sound like good books! I am curious to your thoughts on Whispers in the Mist and The Child's Garden of Death since I have of those to read. :)

    I can't believe school is back in session already in some place, it doesn't start here till the 16th. I am glad T is adjusting to the new hours.

    Have a great week and happy reading,
    Week in Review

  10. Oh, yes, how great is it to have books appear when you had forgotten about ordering them! I had done a pre-order recently, and I hadn't forgotten that I ordered it...but the date came and went without my realizing it until I saw the book on Pippa.

    I'm going to check out your links, since I've been gone all week. Thanks for visiting my blog, and enjoy your organized days ahead.

  11. Well you know I am going to give a big thumbs up to a Friday night martini! I worked in an upscale dress shop back in the early eighties and we had a rental selection of cocktail dresses and gowns. We could also get them from the other stores in the small chain. It makes so much sense when guys have tuxedo shops. I will be looking forward to your post. Yay to the Tornado liking his new school and teacher. It makes things so much easier in the morning when you have a motivated child. That Thinking Sideways podcast sounds good. I might listen to a few. I still have to get caught up with Night Vale. Everyone keeos telling me I will like this new tv show called Stranger Things. Have you seen it? Have you seen Fringe? Have a stellar week!

  12. It is nice to hear that school has been good for you. I agree that 740 is way too early. I hate sending kids off to school before the sun is even up. The earth is still asleep and my kids are at a bus stop. Ugh! I hope things continue to go well for you this coming week.

  13. Great list of books and, of course, cozies. I read Rest Ye Murdered Gentleman and enjoyed it. Hope you have a great week!

  14. I remember those car lines. What a nightmare. I have to get up at the crack of dawn for work so my body never lets me sleep in past around 5 A.M. even on the weekends. It's great that the Tornado likes his teachers and school. That's one less thing to stress over:) I too though I hadn't got many books. Then I checked my folder and Oops! There were plenty. LOLO Have a great week.

    My Sunday Post

  15. Death on the Nile is one of my favourite Agatha Christie's. Poirot at his best... I am a firm believer in Date Night. No children, so I guess it is easy for us. I quickly still want to read your beyond the books post. Have a great week! Here's my Sunday Post: The Sunday Post - 07 August 2016

  16. Funny how those books creep into our shopping baskets - almost by themselves! I read Lord of Scoundrels and loved it, very feisty heroine, my book is still sitting on my shelf somewhere. I read some of her others and didn't like them so much.

  17. Your date night sounds amazing!!!
    And Sarah Maclean is one of my favorite authors, so if she recommended it, its got to be awesome! Have a great week!

  18. Aah, book surprises, always such fun! I had an ebook I'd pre-ordered, and forgotten about suddenly show up on my Kindle. Well, hello there! :D

    Your date night sounds fun, and it's good time you two took some private time together. Parents so often put themselves last. I'm glad school is off to a good start for the Tornado, I hope it lasts!

  19. I've forgotten about pre-orders too and it felt like Christmas when they arrived (even though I paid for it lol). Your date night sounds like a lot of fun. I keep telling my husband we need to do that too but something always prevents (usually we both get lazy to go out lol). But I should keep trying. It's good to hear the Tornado is enjoying school. I hope you have a great week and good luck with all your projects!

  20. I read Lord of Scoundrels years ago - I liked it :) have a great week!

  21. I had been doing really well on the treadmill every day but it has been so hot that I am kind of uninspiring the last week or so. Must get back on track!

  22. Your date night sounds so exciting! I look forward to your post on the dress. It's so good that Tornado is enjoying and excited about school. So many times the mindset sets them back in the classroom. I hope you have a great week!

  23. Pleased that you have got back into a routine and that the Tornado is enjoying school. It does take a while to work out a new schedule. Hope you continue to enjoy Death on the Nile and have a great week.

  24. Glad school is going well. We made the change to schools and routines last year and it was tough. I'm glad I'm not the only one tempted to drink something because of books...I once made my whole book club drink cider for cider with Rosie...martinis sound much more sophisticated!

  25. My parents and I were obsessed with Northern Exposure when I was growing up, that show is definitely a part of my childhood! :)

  26. I love it and also feel terribly guilty, well for a second when a pre-order I have forgotten about turns up.

    That cookbook looks so cute, such a great cover.

    Have a great week!

  27. At least you didn't get any new review books? that counts for something. I love it when those pre-orders arrives as it always feels like a bit of a surprise when they arrive. Grilling the Subject sounds like a good one, will have to look that one up. Rest Ye Murdered Gentleman is on my wishlist as well, but sadly the discount didn't show up here.
    Glad to hear your first half week of school went well. Sounds like you had a great night out! Have a great week!
