
Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday Linkups: Every Frenchman Has One

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
If you recommend a book to someone, do you also send that person your review?

My Answer:
No, not usually.  If I'm speaking with someone in person I might tell them why I liked it but wouldn't follow up with a link.  If I'm recommending a book on the blog I might include the link to my review in that post.

This week's book is a little different.  Every Frenchman Has One by Olivia de Havilland was originally published in 1961 - 10 years after the actress famous for her role of Melly in Gone with the Wind (though my favorite is her role of Virginia Cunningham in the really creepy Snake Pit) married her Frenchman.   This is her story of transitioning into Paris society.   While I haven't read very much so far it's such a pretty little book and de Havilland's somewhat dry humor has made it just a treat to read!

The Beginning:
I never will forget the day I went to see a movie which you know all about if you've been watching television lately: Anthony Adverse.  I won't mention the year I saw it, but it had just come out, and I was in it, and I was just nineteen.

My Thoughts:
I actually haven't seen Anthony Adverse though now I'll be looking for it!  She goes on to talk about the discussion the two women behind her have about her without knowing she's there.  What a strange experience that must have been!

The 56: 
"You know, I really am an American in Paris.  When that enormous glass was presented to me I simply could not imagine what it was for. I'd never seen one before in all my life"

My Thoughts:
I feel for Olivia here.  She's young, inexperienced, and hopelessly in over her head at a French dinner party where she really has no idea what the customs are.  Here she's explaining herself to another dinner guest and I love how politely direct she is.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I look forward to hearing how you like this, I almost grabbed it from Blogging for Books and wish I had. Let me know what you think.
    Hey, what's your screen name in Litsy?

    1. I'm excited about this one! It's a pretty little book and what I've read is really great. My Litsy name is LivinginaLibrary. Are you joining?

    2. I just followed you, I'm Bookhound1

      And I would definitely make that corn and avocado salad for you! Thanks for your comment :-)

  2. I often wonder if the actor's sneak into theatres to watch themselves in a movie. It would be weird to hear people talking about you when they don't know you're there. Like a fly on the wall. LOL

    MY Friday 56 from Save The Last Dance

  3. I don't usually read memoirs but this one sounds engaging. I hope you continue to enjoy it. I'm featuring a historical mystery this week - These Honored Dead by Jonathan F. Putnam. Abraham Lincoln stars. Happy reading!

  4. I've got a memoir of Ingrid Bergman that reminds me of this! Hope you will enjoy it over the weekend, Katherine. I also don't always include a review with a recommendation. I don't have that many reviews!! LOL! Here's my Friday Meets:

  5. She was such a lovely actress I hope this book doesn't dispel any myths about her.

  6. This sounds like a delightful memoir. Your 56 selection makes me want to know more about this talented actress.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

  7. She sounds like a lovely lady. I'd read on! Happy weekend!

  8. Interesting question this week. I don't generally send my review either or mention it necessarily- unless it's a book blogger and I think they'd be interested or they ask. But in RL I just tell someone why i liked it (short version lol)... I have included a link in the comments a few times if it seems relevant.

  9. My favorite type of memoirs are about actors/ess. Hope you enjoy it! :)

    Friday memes

  10. This sounds like a fun Read. I like how she Sat in the theater watching her movie! Happy Reading!

  11. Hi Katherine,

    I'm afraid this one won't be going on my TBR list, as I don't read memoirs or biographies, although Olivia does seem to have led a very interesting life and had a very lengthy and successful career. It wasn't until I just checked her out on Wiki, that I realised she was related to another famous actress, Joan Fontaine. To my shame I have never watched 'Gone With The Wind' either, so I don't recall ever seeing Olivia in a film.

    I hope that you enjoy the book and thanks for sharing, I had great fun checking out both the book and the star :)


  12. No... I generally just mention that I particularly enjoyed it. Sometimes I mention I reviewed it, but usually I don't bother. I figure that if someone is particularly keen they can check it out - and if not then it's rather rude to ram my reviw down their throat when they are politely asking about a book. A bit like following someone on Twitter or Facebook only to find a DM asking you to reviw their book...

  13. Oh, I would absolutely keep going. In fact, I'm going to search out a copy of this.

    My daughter, who was born in 1973, was a b&w movie fan from her teens. The only fan letter she ever wrote was to Olivia deHaviland, who wrote her a very personalized response (from Paris) answering all her questions, and sending an autographed photo. What a gracious lady!

  14. It sounds like a very interesting book. It puts me in mind of a wedding rehearsal dinner I was at where the two different families were trying to impress one another. They were discussing fine wine. Everyone was being very highbrow. Until, my friend put both feet up on the table and proclaimed, "I like that wine in a box." From that point forward, all pretension was over with.

  15. This one sound like a good read. I don't know anything about her but she sounds like she has lived a very interesting life. Enjoy!

  16. I like the book. I've never read Anthony Adverse. I think it's a classic? Both of your meme thoughts are good.

  17. I don't send copies of my reviews when recommending books either, unless someone asks for it.

    I don't think Every Frenchman Has One is one I would pick up to read, but I like your opening and teaser. I can just imagine how uncomfortable it would be to hear two people talking about you, not knowing you are there. I hope they had good things to say!

  18. I love Olivia! I hope you kept reading. :)

  19. While not my personal style I did enjoy reading your thoughts about it. I hope you enjoy it.

  20. Me too I only show book review links online too my fellow readers as well. I don't show my book reviews in person too. Thank you so much for stopping by my Blog Hop.

  21. Huh! I enjoyed seeing her in The Adventures of Robin Hood. :)
