
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Beyond the Books - How I Stay Organized with Blogging

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's topic is - How I stay organized with blogging.

Okay, now that I've stopped laughing I'll try and answer this question.  Seriously, is anyone really organized?  Is there a way to be on top of everything with blogging?  Help please!

But anyway, back to the topic - how do I stay organized?  I'm a big fan of simplicity. I've tried to do spreadsheets and complicated things to stay organized and while it is easier to track releases it ended up being too time consuming to keep up with.  Now I use a standard planner like this one:

Each week has it's own page and then at the beginning of the month has the calendar for that month.  I use the month page to keep track of ARC release dates for that month and the week page to keep up with posts.  See that circle on the 2nd day?  That means the post is done and scheduled.  If it's a blog tour I'll put a "BT" to let myself know it's not a date I can shift around.  The blank day means I haven't decided what's going to go there yet but it'll get filled in as time gets closer.

I have a number of reviews in my draft folders for books I've read that are older releases that I keep on hand to plug in if I get behind and don't have a review for that day.  Though that list isn't as long as I like.  I'm also trying to work on my memes early - like this one and Top Ten Tuesday.  I love the idea of being at least 2 weeks ahead but so far I've only managed to stay about a week ahead.

I do use my phone some but only to keep track of lists and update Goodreads and Litsy.  I have a list for each month that has past in my Reminders that has books I haven't gotten too yet.  I also keep track of my extra posts there as well.  I like the Reminders because it's so easy to check off the book when I've reviewed it.  I also use the Blogger app to reply to comments though I'm not quite as good at that as I'd like.  I'm trying to get better and am making a little progress.

And lastly is my little bit of self-indulgence.  I love lists and the only thing I love more than lists is crossing items off lists after accomplishing them!  I got this notebook on clearance because I really liked the size.  It's not full notebook size but not little either.  It also had a little pocket in the front.  At first I wasn't sure what to do with it but I've started using it to keep track of different bookish lists.  Some are off of Top Ten Tuesday where I list books I want to read.  Some are just lists I want to keep track of.  When I read the book I can go cross it off.  I also started keeping a list of books I'd be reading next in order.  I divided the list into 3 segments - ebook, print, and audio.  The bottom piece of paper is my Blog To Do List which I've been blatantly ignoring this summer but now that school is back in session plan on making real progress on it.

So this is how I keep myself organized at the moment.  I need to figure out some systems with email and the like but haven't gotten there yet.  How do you stay organized when it comes to blogging?


  1. I use a planner as well. I LOVE LISTS!! Crossing stuff off is my favorite. I also keep an excel spreadsheet with all my ARCs on it by date. That has helped me keep track.

  2. I used to use a calendar but it ended in June. I will probably pick one up now that the school year is here, great organizers can be found with school supplies. I like your simplicity system, it is nice to see I am not the only one who loves crossing things off that to-do list.
    Thanks for playing!

  3. I am the queen of list makers. Without a list I am completely unorganized. School supplies are a great place to pick up notebooks and I keep a little notebook in my purse all the time. I note movies we've watched, books to acquire, books I've read....things like that. But you are better organized than I am, I hardly ever have posts scheduled.

  4. I fly by the seat of my pants. I still have some photos that need to be blogged about and I have a few FO's that need photo shoots. I've been thinking about going back to a planner. When I shop for groceries, I always make a paper list; my dad taught me that as I don't like to take out my phone. I know many are into bullet journals, but that requires so much set up. While I'd like to doodle more, I have so much to do already and am involved in lots of hobbies already.

  5. I'm not this organized. :) No planner for me although I do make lists! Mainly of books I want to read, blogs to make sure I revisit, etc. Nothing too involved ha ha. But it's enough that it helps. I do have a master notebook that has most of these lists and other random stuff that might come up- ideas for posts and stuff. That's about it. One thing I wish I had was a reserve of reviews like you talk about- I do have my memes and TT's (usually) done a few weeks in advance, but not reviews- those are strictly as I finish the book. I could use a cushion.

  6. I operate on a similar system. I keep a full-size planner (from WalMart). I only ever use the month pages, the day pages are a waste to me. I want to be able to see everything in the month if I ever need to move anything around or consider something for a tour. I color code my posts. Each meme has a specific color (as close as I can get to the meme's button colors) and each tour company has its own colors as well (also as close to their colors as possible). I try to keep everything scheduled a month ahead, sometimes as much as two months, because of my schedule with school. The problem I've been running into is that meme hosts aren't posting them that far in advance anymore. Reviews are a different story, although right now I do have reviews scheduled half-way through September. I do need to keep a notebook in my purse to make notes like you've suggested.

  7. I need to get a planner, I have tried spreadsheets too and it just doesn't work. I am so unorganized. :(

  8. You sound pretty organised to me! I just keep a google calendar so as soon as I receive a book I put in a possible date to read it and the publishing date. (In different colours). I star it if the review has to go up on a pre-arranged date. That is pretty much it!

  9. It all sounds very organised to me. I use my editorial calendar on Wordpress a lot as it helps me see at a glance what days are filled and what need to be moved. I've found organising with pen and paper doesn't work for me as I move things around too much. And I hate when it gets messy looking. I do love making lists though and fill my planner and notebooks with post ideas and prompts. And I organise all my books on GR.

  10. I am so disorganized. I used to keep a spreadsheet with all of my ARC and review books with release dates and post dates etc,..but I fell way behind!

  11. I'm laughing right along with you! Although you always seem to have your stuff together. These days it takes me a month to write up a big post (like the breastfeeding one) and the rest sometimes feels thrown together. I hate that!

    I use a Bullet Journal a bit for lists and I used to keep a physical calendar with all of my blog posts planned out. Wish I could keep up with that a little better--maybe I need to just store it inside my bullet journal. One thing that I really love is Evernote. It's what I use to write drafts of all my posts because I can do it on my mobile whereas the Wordpress app stinks and Notes doesn't sync online. I use it for almost everything--making notes of books I want to read, drafts on my TTT lists, little snippets of book posts, other little helpful hints (like html coding that I use occasionally).

    Ugh. Responding to comments. I LOVE being able to do this but it's one thing that I've had to give up. I'll never stop feeling guilty over it!

  12. Lists and a planner are a must for me too, but it can be difficult because you have to be consistent with it.

  13. I use the postit notes provided by Word on my desktop and as soon as I load a book on my Kindle from NetGalley, I make a note of the the publication date and title. I then cross them off once I've posted the review. Other than that, there are the regular features that crop up every week. Whenever I read a book I like, I review it and keep it in a folder. Once I've reviewed it, I shift it across to a Published file and that's it, really... Now if anyone can tell me how to sort out my evergrowing email list that comes with the blogging, I'll be very grateful...

  14. I need a lot of organization help. I would love to blog ahead so that it would be less pressure on a daily basis but I just can't seem to get it done. I was the one writing papers the night before they were do as well. I have a google calendar set up but really don't think about it very often. Great post!

  15. I am not that organized when it comes to blogging either. I tried using my online calendar, but it doesn't work well because I'm constantly moving things around. A planner might not be a bad idea. As it is, I tend to print my online calendar and just hand write everything in in pencil and change it accordingly. Even then, I more often than not just plan by the week. I wish I could plan ahead. I want to. Finding time is the problem. I feel like I'm always catching up or behind . . .

  16. I'm ridiculously unorganized with my blogging. I'm forever having to go to my email to find out if I have a book I need to be reviewing soon. You do much better!

  17. I love using notebooks, too...and I'm a big fan of lists. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Wha ha ha!! You don't have to tell me anything about lists... oh gosh, I 've got stacks!! I love this meme, will have a look at it on my desktop tomorrow!

  19. I loved your opening to this post lol. I tried to get organized with release dates but gave up since it was hard to keep up. I only use my calendar to track blog tours I've signed up for. Other than that I play it by ear. I would love to blog ahead but the most I do is a week.

  20. I love learning about how other bloggers stay organised and on top of content, so thanks for giving us an insight. It was really interesting to see how you organise, and whilst your method is simple, it is also quite thorough which is good. Personally, I think you sound to be very well organised.

    My method is quite similar to yours - I like to keep it simple, and I love list making!

  21. I am...moderately organized. For me, Google calendar is the main tool. Blog tours get listed on their dates in lavender so I know I can't switch the date. When I accept a review book I look at the release date then put it on the calendar. As more books catch my eye, I look at the calendar to see if there's room. I've currently got a handful of reviews of older books and library books in my drafts folder for those times when I need a last minute review post. I'd like to build up that cushion.

    I also use goodreads. I list all books I acquire on there. Review books go either on the review shelf or the review consideration shelf. When I pull up those shelves, I sort by publication date.

    I also have folders in the blog's email: blog tours, Bea's reviews, Jax's reviews, Steph's reviews, guest reviews, excerpts, and Possible Blog posts.

    Hmm, more organization than I realized and yet I still am like a chicken with my head cut off. Sigh

    This was a good post and you made me laugh. :)
