
Sunday, July 17, 2016

This Week in Reading July 17

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Darkest Journey by Heather Graham - It's Heather Graham and a Krewe series book.  I barely even look at the blurb anymore! (NetGalley)

Because of Miss Bridgerton by Julia Quinn - I'm so excited about this one!  I'm really looking forward to revisiting the Bridgerton family.  (Paperbackswap)

Pecan Pies and Homicides by Ellery Adams - Technically I haven't read the first book in this series but I have them all and do plan on starting it soon.  In the meantime I will keep collecting them! (Paperbackswap)

Privy to the Dead by Sheila Connolly - I really love this series from Connolly about a Historical Society director.  I'm looking forward to catching up on it. (Paperbackswap)

The Obsession by Nora Roberts - I've been waiting patiently for an e-copy of this one from the library but the Tornado and I were at the library earlier this week and there sat a print copy! (library)

Bon Appetempt: A Coming of Age Story (with Recipes) by Amelia Morris - Since I was already getting one book at the library I decided why not two!  This one jumped out at me because of it's cute cover and the title.  It sounds like it's project style memoir with cooking which I'm all about!  (Library)


Reading:  A Hometown Girl by Mariah Stewart and An Address to Die For by Mary Feliz

Listening: Podcasts - I've really been enjoying Overdue about books you should have read by now and Read It and Weep which tears apart pretty bad books, movies and shows.

Watching:  J and I got the first season Northern Exposure from the library and have been watching it lately and really enjoying it.  I forgot just how great that show is!

Off the Blog:

Pokemon Go has taken over our lives this week.  The Tornado is obsessed and I have to admit it's pretty fun.  I don't understand all the fighting or the strategy but I'm all for the collecting!  We've gone on a few walks through our neighborhood, a few local parks, and downtown when we went to the Farmer's Market the other evening.  This weekend we're heading to the big outdoor mall to see what we can find there.  We're also planning to go see The Secret Life of Pets and go out to dinner and do a little shopping but Pokemon Go will play a pretty big part!  We'll probably also stop by the bookstore and I'm torn between some retail therapy and the knowledge that I'm not sure if I have any more corners to cram books into.  Not surprising but my book acquiring has greatly outpaced my book reading!

I had been thinking about the whole Pokemon Go thing but hadn't downloaded it or looked into it but on Monday Eleanor and her boyfriend came over and they'd been playing it.  So we talked about it for awhile and it sounded pretty fun.  And then Emma and her boyfriend came up from the town their school is in and they've apparently become obsessed with it.  We went to dinner and Emma's boyfriend and the Tornado (who incidentally have the same name) spent most of the meal discussing the game and going through all the Pokemon the boyfriend had collected.  After 2 nights of Pokemon Go talk there was no way we were going to get out of playing!

We're closing in on the end of summer.  The Tornado has one week of camp left and next week we'll see who his teacher in and a couple of weeks after that school will start.  This summer has flown by and I'm not quite ready for it to end!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Ramblings from the Stacks - Magic Words
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I've Read Set Outside the US
Wednesday: Address to Die For - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday: Better Get to Livin' - Fiction/Contemporary Romance Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with Teasers from my current book
Saturday: My Foodie TBR

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I have some Ellery Adams for when I need a cozy fix, I always seem to like her stuff. And Read It and Weep sounds fun.

    Glad you guys are having fun with Pokemon Go. It seems like it's taken over the world this week. I kinda want to try it now... That's fun that you guys are all enjoying it together!

    1. I love Read It and Weep! They also have a Too Chef recap podcast that I love! They're hilarious!

  2. I haven't seen anyone playing it around here but it does seem to be everywhere online! I'm glad you're having fun with it. Have a great week!

    1. It definitely does seem to be everywhere! We are having a good time with it!

  3. My grandchildren haven't mentioned Pokemon Go, so it doesn't appear to have swept into our neck of the woods, but doubtless it will in time. It sounds weird hearing you talk about the summer holidays coming to an end, when our children haven't yet broken up - they have one more week at school before their summer holidays start. Have a great week and make the most of it - I'm looking forward to spending time with my two and am just hoping the weather will continue improving.

    1. We are definitely opposites! I kind of wish our school break was later in the year because right now it's too hot to do anything outside!

  4. I don't have any small children, but that Pets movie looks soooooo good. Hope you enjoy it.
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

    1. It was so fun! Definitely worth watching small kids or not.

  5. Great book haul. Pretty much everyone I know is obsessed with Pokemon Go. I’m not even sure what it is, lol.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. If it wasn't for my girls I'd be the same way. One of the advantages/disadvantages of teenagers!

  6. I loved Northern Exposure I had forgotten all about it. Next Tuesday's TTT will be interesting, I think. Our kids don't go back to school until September and my boss doesn't get back and settled in until the first week of Setember, so I am calling only half the summer gone for me. Ha ha. We also usually get some of our hottest temps in September. I hope The Tornado gets a great teacher for next school year. :)

    1. We are loving Northern Exposure! It's definitely worth a rewatch as it has really aged well. I'm crossing my fingers about the teacher!

  7. I am all about collecting also, I have been enjoying just being out and walking around with the kids. It gets us talking and we spend a lot of time chatting and laughing. It is really awesome how it has gotten so many people out and about.

    Enjoy your new books! Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading!

    1. I'm the same. Pesky kid keeps messing with my strategy! It is a lot of fun!

  8. I have been waiting for The Obsession for my library too. Can't wait to see what you think! I am so lost with the whole Pokemon Go thing but sounds fun!! I still say there is a lot of sumer to go and won't let go of it yet!!! Have a great week!

    1. Right now I'm loving it though it's in the darker side of her romantic suspense. I was staying away from Pokemon Go too because I've never been interested in the whole thing but after the girls showed me how to play I couldn't resist giving it a try!

  9. We are also having fun with Pokémon Go. I'm just excited to collect the Pokémon so I don't think I'll do any battles. I play with my daughters and its nice to spend time with them on our walks. Plus the walking is really good for me since work is so stressful.

    I love your new books. I really need to start the Krewes series so I've added the first book to my audiobook TBR. I've read only one of her books and I really liked it. I also love Julia Quinn and need to catch up on her books.

    I hope you have a nice week!

    1. I have enjoyed the walking too. I've needed to be more active for awhile. I'm so excited about the new Bridgerton book! I'd love to do a reread of the series!

  10. Looks like you've had a great week lots to keep you busy. I have downloaded Pokemon Go but haven't done any collecting my 6 year old has claimed the game. However my husband and her have been enjoying nightly walks and collection so it's win win. I hope you enjoy your new books. Have a great week

    1. It's amazing how fast the young ones figure out the game! My 6 year old has got it down too!

  11. I do love cozies, especially when they are a little darker. The book I finished yesterday, Death at Breakfast, is the first in a new series that seems like a cozy, but darker.

    I loved The Obsession! Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Death at Breakfast looks really good! I've added it to my TBR. I'm loving The Obsession! Can't wait to see how it all works out.

  12. Pokemon Go is not out in Canada yet, but my step-son was still able to get it and we spend one night wandering around with the dog while he collected some in town. I found a really nice walking trail I had never been on before!

    1. That's great! There are a couple of walking trails that supposedly are hot spots that I'd love to try out.

  13. I really enjoyed Northern Exposure! It's been so long since I watched it. Think it's time for a rewatch. Hope you guys enjoy The Secret Life of Pets. My little man loved it. It's so funny! Hope you have a great week!
    Here's my Sunday Post.

    1. Definitely rewatch Northern Exposure! It's so quirky and weird that it's held up really well! We really enjoyed The Secret Life of Pets. It's nice when there is a kids movie that is fun for us too!

  14. Pokemon Go really has taken over the world this week, lol! I haven't checked it out yet and am not sure if I will. I feel like our summer is just getting going. School lets out toward the end of June here and doesn't start again until after Labor Day... definitely a different schedule than many other parts of the country.

    1. Oh wow! We are definitely on different schedules. The kids here get out in mid to late May and are back by early August!

  15. I'm still trying to wrap my head around Pokemon Go, it is it has certainly changed from when my brother collected Pokemon 20 years ago. It sounds like you have a great weekend planned. I love going to Farmer's Markets even if it is only to walk around.

    1. I love the Farmers Market! The one we go to most not only has great veggies but also has a couple of amazing bakeries!

  16. I am refusing to try Pokeman Go because I can see me becoming addicted. It sounds like compulsive fun!

  17. Oh, don't say summer is winding down! Though here it means not such hot temps, but it's the cultural connotation of the season... more relaxed, more cheerful, outdoor activities... so much fun.

    My extended family is telling us about Pokemon Go. Surprisingly my granddaughter has the app downloaded but hasn't started playing here. My younger daughter did it a few times for a goof as we were walking around all over S.D. this weekend, and we caught sight of large groups of young people glued to their phone, but moving as one, like a flock of geese. I would yell out Are you Pokemoning? And got back smiles and waves.

    I read and enjoyed The Obsession, just be warned, it's adult subject matter in the first 20% or so, then it becomes more like a Roberts story of a woman moving on from her troubles, finding love and career.

    I apparently requested the newest Heather Graham, but didn't remember because it was so long ago until I just received it. I've only read two Krewe stories, but hope to like this one. And Northern Exposure, what a great, quirky show! My hubs and I watched it when it was originally on. We used to live in cold climate, but not as wintry as them, and commiserated on their claustrophobic existence in town :)

    1. I'm liking The Obsession! Roberts really does a good job with suspense! I've never lived in a super cold climate and Northern Exposure makes me really glad I haven't! But it is so much fun!

  18. I'm not playing Pokemon Go but I do say it is one heck of a clever game; I say that mostly because it's get you and walking. I don't normally even give a book rated under 3.5 on GR a glance but I'm a bit intrigued about the food memoir and so I've added it. I can't wait to read what you think about Because of Mrs. Bridgerton! I bought the fourth Bridgerton book with an Amazon gc to complete my collection. But it's been so long since I've read The Duke and I that I think I will have start over from the beginning.

    1. I'd love to do a reread of the whole Bridgerton series! I can't remember the last time I read my favorites and some of them are kind of fuzzy!

  19. Seems Pokemon Go is all over the world! Don't you love it when a book you want to read is just sitting there at the library! I haven't read the new Bridgerton book yet but hope it will be as good as the rest.

    1. I was so excited to see it just sitting there it was all I could do not to squeal and clap! So far I'm really enjoying it!

  20. I read the first book in the Ellery Adams series and loved it. I really have to get back to it and I really want to start the Sheila Connolly series. that looks good.

    Have a great week!

    1. I'm so behind on all my cozy series. I'm looking forward to reading both!

  21. So many people seem to be enjoying Pokemon Go. Is The Tornado enjoying camp?

    I had to laugh at your comment about the Heather Graham book as I'm the same when it comes to her books. You got some good books in, have fun reading!

    1. He's loving camp! And I like that it's only 3 days a week so he gets some lazy days too. I can never resist Heather Graham! It's an addiction.

  22. You got some great books, I have been wanting to check out those Bridgerton books by Quinn but I haven't yet but heard so many good things about that series.

    I tried Pokemon Go, but didn't really care much for it so uninstalled it but a lot of my friends are

    Week in Review

    1. Definitely check out the Bridgerton books! The Viscount Who Loved Me which is the 2nd book in the series is one of my all time favorites and the rest are pretty great!

  23. I checked out Pokemon Go but won't be doing it. After seeing how people are using it to find out when you're not home, it's scary. My house has been broken into before. Good books this week. I love visiting the memes and finding new ones:)

    My Sunday Post

    1. That's definitely scary! I'll have to look into that. The memes are dangerous for my TBR! I always end up wanting new books!

  24. I used to read a lot of Heather Graham books but I haven't in years. I hope you enjoy all of the books you grabbed this week! I haven't gotten into Pokemon Go either...

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  25. I've enjoyed seeing people out and about catching the Pokemon. :D Have a great week and enjoy your books.

  26. My 17 year old has been playing Pokemon Go. I get it, but I am not playing it. I was never a big Pokemon fan anyways. I think it is kinda funny how a video game has a lot of people now getting some exercise, lol. You got some interesting read this week. I hope you enjoy the all. Have a great week!

  27. I enjoyed Because of Miss Bridgerton immensely-it was my first Bridgerton read-but I loved it!!

  28. LOL, my adult children are having fun playing Go...I am waiting for the tears when they get their data Yay for Heather Graham :)

  29. Read it and Weep sounds so good! I have already subscribed to the podcast :). Pokemon Go has become popular in our house too! Me and my brother work as a team, I collect, he strategizes/fights

  30. I wanted to start Pokemon Go, but after reading the security issues with it and Google accounts, I opted not to since I have my school email account on my phone. Plus, I'm enjoying being a hermit, but I laugh every time I see a friend posting about their recent spottings of Pokemon Go players.

  31. Sounds like you are all having fun with Pokemon Go! Having no smartphones pretty much rules it out for our family, which is both a blessing and a disappointment. (A blessing because I don't have time; a disappointment because it sounds like fun.)

    I got Darkest Journey too, and am looking forward to reading it! And I can't wait to see what you think about Because of Miss Bridgerton. Have a great week and enjoy all those lovely books!

  32. Are you not playing Pokemon Go? Download It Now (Built for iOS & Android)
