
Saturday, May 14, 2016

This Week in Reading - May 15

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Secrets of Wishtide by Kate Saunders - This one was recommend for fans of Agatha Christie so you know I couldn't pass this one up!  There's a widow of an archdeacon who has become a private investigator.  It sounds like so much fun!  (NetGalley)

Address to Die For by Mary Feliz - This cozy mystery stars a professional organizer whose family inherits a 100 year old dilapidated house.  I love organizing and I love dilapidated houses even more so I'm super excited about this one!  (NetGalley)

Other than that it was a fairly quiet week in terms of acquiring books which is good because I definitely need a bit of a slow down!


Reading: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer and Deception Island by Brynn Kelly

Listening: Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Society by Ann Barrows and Mary Anne Shaffer (SOOO GOOD!)

Watching:  We're still watching and loving Blacklist but other than that there hasn't been much TV time.  I'm hoping to get back to Supernatural this week.

Off the Blog:

This week has been kind of a mess.  The Tornado had 2 school concerts that took some time.  He did great.  Thankfully he has no stage fright and seems to be fine with being on stage.  There's a little girl in his class who stood next to him and cried the entire time and I felt so bad for her and her parents as there wasn't much they could do.  Next week is the last week of school.  Since he's leaving the little school he currently attends they do a full scale graduation and I seriously fear I'm going to cry.  It's hard to believe that not only is he 6 but that he's done with kindergarten.

This weekend will be visiting Emma in her college town and I'm looking forward to it.  We haven't been there since we took her down in August and there was this Italian restaurant that had the BEST ravioli.  We will be going back!  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Ramblings from the Stacks - Reviews and Ratings
Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Picked Up on a Whim
Wednesday:Deception Island - Blog Tour Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books - Someone You Admire and Why
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Isn't May crazy? All those concerts and end-of-the year activities... Glad you're enjoying the audio of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Society. I loved it in print. Have fun visiting Emma this weekend!

  2. My little girl is the same age as your little boy and recently they did a school play so was where you were. All the kids did great till the end when they all burst into tears - literally 30 crying kids ... And then 30 sets of crying parents, including me!

  3. The secrets of Wishtide sounds good and I like the title of Deception Island- that sounds mysterious! May is a crazy month and I feel bad for the little girl on stage Maybe she won't remember it when she's older? :)

    I finally got Clouds in my Coffee and looking forward to tearing through that one!

  4. I love the cover for The Secrets of Wishtide! It sounds good too. I haven't yet read Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Society, but I am glad to hear you are enjoying the audio. It's gotten good reviews.

    I am glad to hear Tornado did so well during the concerts! I wonder how Mouse would do . . . She loves to perform, but in front of strangers? I'm not sure. I don't think she'd cry, at least. Maybe just stand there shyly. Haha Big hug to you, Katherine, as your son graduates kindergarten.

    Enjoy your visit with Emma! Have a great week!

  5. Address to Die For sounds really good...I love organizing and renovating, although I always need help with the renovating part. I like the planning and supervising, lol.

    Enjoy your books...and thanks for sharing. I also got Clouds in My Coffee this week.

  6. Time moves so fast, doesn't it? But a graduation for the smaller school does sound like a lot of fun.

  7. I'm glad you're still enjoying your cozies!

    And the concerts sound cute - and like you I feel sorry for the little girl and her parents. Though I guess it's kinda funny at that age.... there's always someone who struggles.

    I'm glad the Tornado enjoyed it all as well - despite how frantic it sounded for you!

  8. Aww, even I feel bad now for the little girl who cried the entire time she was on stage. They really shouldn't force kids to do things like that because that probably only solidified her fear, being forced out there like that :-/ But that's good news that your son doesn't have stage fright!

    Have fun visiting Emma and enjoy the ravioli ;-)

  9. The audio of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Society was really good!! I need to start Deception Island soon. I hope you are enjoying it! Yes all the end of the year stuff coming with school. It is cute but sometimes hectic. Hope you have a great week!

  10. I LOVED The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society!!! It's been a few years since I read it but it was SO good. I haven't listened to the audio but I'm thinking that might be the way to go when I want to reread it.
    Our little man is doing his preK graduation this week too. I have no doubt that I'll be a blubbering mess ;) Hope you have a great week!!

    Here's my Sunday Post.

  11. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is also one of my favourites! "The problem with really good books is they ruin you for really bad ones". The Secrets of Wishtide seems like something I'll read as well. Hope you have a lovely week.

  12. The cover of The Secrets of Wishtide catches my eye. Hope it is good!

  13. I have always felt schools shove everything into May. The cover of this book is catchy. I'll be checking it out.

  14. I totally love organizing and cozy mysteries too. So ‘Address to Die For’ sounds like a great read!

    Have fun visiting Emma and I hope the ravioli is still as good!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  15. Oh so bittersweet when you little one is growing up! Don't you wish you could say - slow down life! I so do want to get on to the Meyer books. The audio for the Barrows book is a good idea, I read it but think audio would be great for it.

  16. You will be crying a lot over the next few years, so I say let the tears flow. I cried the first time Sebastian's school list came in the mail and he didn't need crayons and markers anymore. Lol. I am looking forward to your TTT and BTB posts. Have a fabulous week :)

  17. Are you loving Scarlet?! I LOVE her. She's soooo sassy and fiery. Wolf is also A+. And Thorne! Ahhhhh!!! I just want to gobble this series up again. I'm so excited for you!
    6! Wow! Years go by fast because I'm pretty sure he was 4 when we started chatting through our blogs.
