
Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday Linkup: Scarlet

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you keep a Blog Roll List?

My Answer:
I don't.  I've thought about putting one together but just never have and I'm worried I'd accidentally leave someone off!

This week's book is the 2nd in the Lunar Chronicles - Scarlet by Marissa Meyer.  I listened to Cinder a few weeks ago and was surprised by how much I loved it.  I know the reviews for it were fantastic and all of my favorite bloggers had really enjoyed it but it was so different than what I usually read/listen to that I was a bit worried.  Now I've started on Scarlet and if anything I'm enjoying it more!  I love having a little more of an idea of what's going on and I really like the new characters in this one.

The Beginning:
Scarlet was descending toward the alley behind the Rieux Tavern when her portscreen chimed from the passenger seat, followed by an automated voice: "Comm received for Mademoiselle Benoit from Toulouse Law Enforcement Department of Missing Persons."

My Thoughts:
Right away I'm intrigued!  I love a missing persons case and I can't wait to see what's going on!

The 56:
She called up the blueprint of the jail's interior structure to check the direction while she waited for Thorne to clamber up behind her.

My Thoughts:
Nail biting!  I know what's going to happen and just reading this again has me holding my breath wondering how it's going to work out!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I like to go through the blog roll list. Very often I find new reads and recommendations I would never have heard about.

  2. I don't have a blog roll list either, there would be way to many and it would clog up my sidebar. I liked Scarlet and I really need to get Cress as for me listening to them is the only way to go as I think it's why I liked it more than I thought I

    Friday Memes

  3. I love missing persons cases, too, and while I've seen this book around, had no idea what the storyline was. Thanks for sharing! Here's mine: “THE ORPHAN CHOIR”

  4. LOVE Scarlet. (The whole series, for that matter.) :-)
    Happy weekend!

  5. I remember reading Scarlet a couple of years ago, and I really enjoyed it. I haven't finished the series yet, but I want to eventually get to it.

  6. Definitely keep reading- it sounds fun and I like the sound of the tech!

  7. I really need to move Cinder up; I keep forgetting about it. I wished my library had an audio copy but it has the Kindle version.

  8. I agree with you about the blog roll. I wouldn't want to leave anyone out, either, and huet their feelings!

    I LOVE your book selection this week!! I've been wanting to start on The Lunar Chronicles for a LOOOOONG time now!

    Thanks for sharing! Have a GREAT weekend!! :)

  9. I may be the only person on earth who hasn't read the Lunar Chronicles. I've been curious about Cinder and the other books, and your excerpts intrigue me. Maybe I'd better check out this series.
    My Friday post features THE LIE THAT TELLS A TRUTH.

  10. It is difficult to keep a blog roll up-to-date and to a minimum. So many awesome blogs to visit.

    See how I maintain mine and how I choose. :)

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  11. I definitely need to read this series - just got the first book yesterday and haven't had a chance to dive in yet - here's my Friday meme

  12. I used to have a blog roll list when I started my blog but, in an effort to make it look less cluttered, that was one of the things that went by the wayside. When I find a blog I like that doesn't have a blog roll, I tend to go through the comments and check out the people who comment. I figure if I like your blog and they like your blog, there's a good chance I'll like their blog, too.

  13. I don't have a roll list either for fear of forgetting people or the list being crazy long, haha.
    Scarlet is probably my favourite of the series, so yes, definitely keep going ;) It just gets so good! Also, Thorne is hilarious! Hope you're enjoying it!
