
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Beyond the Books - Someone I Admire and Why

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's topic is - Someone I Admire and Why

The people I admire most are probably my 2 Grandmothers and my Grandfather.  My Dad's father died shortly before I was born so I never got to know him but I was so lucky to really get to know my Grandmothers and my Granddad.

My Dad's Mother grew up in a cotton mill town in Georgia.  She was quick-witted and sharp tongued and so funny.  But she also had a gift of making everyone feel special.  I was probably in my teens when I realized I wasn't her favorite grandchild - that we all were - and she made each one of her children feel like they were her favorite.  She's probably the relative I look the most like which is slightly disturbing because in her 70s and 80s she had an uncanny resemblance to George Washington and that's not really the way I want to go!  She died several years ago and is so missed but if my children think of me the way hers think of her when I'm gone I would be more than satisfied.

My Mother's Mother is the reader who inspired me the most.  For as long as I can remember we've been friends.  She's this teeny tiny little woman but you forget that pretty quick as she makes up for her lack of height in force of personality.  I think she is the one who taught me the bulldoze method of persuasion!  When she found herself living on base in South Carolina with a husband in Korea, two small children, and hundreds of miles away from everyone she knew she taught herself how to drive and kept everything going.  She always read, she always managed to take time for herself and not forget her interests.  She took to empty nest life with relish and her and my grandfather's marriage is the one I want my own to be the most like.

I really only had one grandfather but he was everything a Grandfather should be.  He's so very nice and always made me feel like I was so special.  He was career army (he was a Colonel when he finally retired), quite an impressive pilot but while I'm sure he was tough to work for he never brought it home.  The man has some seriously crazy stories (there's one about flight training with a broken knee cap and another about smuggling in liquor when he was at Ole Miss and Mississippi was a dry state that would make your hair curl!) but you have to drag them out of him.  He's hardworking and has never met anything he couldn't do.  At 92 he's having to admit that he can't do everything he used too but it doesn't really slow him down all that much.

So those are the people who inspire me, who remind me of what I want to do and who I want to be, and frequently help me get things in perspective.  Who inspires you?


  1. I love getting to know more about you and your family. Your grandparents sound like wonderful role models.
    Thanks for visiting me and you mentioned Curtis Stone. Katherine, we have made so many of his recipes and they are great! If you get a chance to grab one of his cookbooks from the library you out to try it.

  2. Such a wonderful post Katherine. I was very close to my grandparents and try very hard to follow in their footsteps. While I loved my father, it wasn't until his funeral that I realized what an impact he had on his neighbors and community. It made me proud and realize he was a quiet hero who made life easier for others in his own way.

  3. Your grandparents sound like amazing people. I had some fabulous grandparents too, especially my two grandmothers and my grandfather. They were so special, and I miss them so much.

  4. It's lovely that you had such good and loving relationships with your grandparents, and that you still have two of them to enjoy! They all sound like wonderful people, and I would love to hear some of your grandfather's stories.

    I was lucky to have loving grandparents, too. My father's father died when I was very young, so I don't really remember him. My mother's mother died when I was about 8 or 9, but I have some treasured memories of her. But my mom's dad and my dad's mom and my stepfather's parents all lived good long lives, and I had them until I was in my twenties and thirties. I miss them all, even now.

  5. What a lovely post to read and learn about your ohana.

  6. I think that generation was extraordinary in a lot of ways, the things they ahd to go through and the foundations they laid for all of us! I had wonderful grandparents too (sadly they are all gone now) but my mother's father in particular is sort of a role model for me- he built his home and his summer home, was always so positive and it seemed like he could fix or build anything. An amazing guy. Glad you have such wonderful grandparents as well!

  7. I love your post, Katherine. A real tribute to your grandmothers and grandfather.

  8. Being able to admire family members above anyone else is truly the best thing in the world. This post gave me the warm fuzzies. :)

  9. Lovely! I loved the part about your grandma's face!

  10. Love this post and the pictures. My maternal grandparents are mine too.

  11. They sound like amazing people! Gah and the photos. I love those. My grandmom/dad are definitely on my list too. :)

  12. Oh this is so touching. I completely forgot about my grandparents for my post :(
    I know the relationship between a grandparents and grandchildren can be so special. I cherish those memories I have of my father's parents, they helped shape my world and my personality, (i wasn't really close to my mother's parents). This is a nice tribute to them, thanks so much for sharing!
