
Sunday, April 10, 2016

This Week in Reading - April 10

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Things went horribly wrong (or incredibly right depending on your viewpoint) this week in book acquiring world.  Between a NetGalley binge and a Save Our Cozies inspired Amazon binge there were books flooding in over here and we're not even going to talk about pre-orders!


Starfish Moon by Donna Kauffman - This is the 3rd book in the Brides of Blueberry Cove and I loved the first one and the rest of Donna Kauffman's books that I've read so I'm looking forward to this one.

The Bluebonnet Betrayal by Marty Wingate - I enjoyed the 1st and 4th in The Garden Shed series so of course I couldn't resist getting #5!

Tea Cups and Carnage by Lynn Cahoon - This is one of my favorite cozy mystery series and each book has just seemed to be getting better!

Murder at the Mansion by Janet Finsilver - This is a new series for me but it involves a Victorian B&B and jewel thefts so I couldn't resist!

Chin by Larry McShane - So this one is a bit different than my usual cozy mystery or contemporary fiction but I've always had a fascination with early 20th century Mafia and this biography on Vincent Gigante triggered that though he's quite a bit later than that but the story is fascinating.

Better Get to Livin by Sally Kilpatrick - This one sounds fun and quirky and I always like when main characters decide to be what they want to be and stop living other people's dreams:


These are all cozy mysteries that I've been wanting to read and I decided now was the time!

The Pickled Piper by Mary Ellen Hughes

Truffled to Death by Kathy Aarons

Snow Way Out by Christine Husom

Nuts and Buried Elizabeth Lee

Needle and Dread by Elizabeth Lynn Casey

The Readaholic and the Poirot Puzzle by Laura DiSilverio

Suede to Rest by Dianne Vallere

Between a Book and a Hard Place by Denise Swanson

A Tine to Live, A Tine to Die by Edit Maxwell

Crime and Poetry by Amanda Flowers

Assault and Pepper by Leslie Budewitz

Reading Up a Storm by Eva Gates

Wow that list looks scary when written out like that!  


Reading: Silenced in the Surf by Kate Dyer-Seeley for a blog tour later this week and Whiskey Beach by Nora Roberts

Listening:  Cinder!  I finally got it back and just have over an hour left of listening

Watching: I'm still watching Supernatural and am still really liking it.  J and I are also finishing the last season of Top Chef and really enjoying it as well.

Off the Blog:

This week was calmer though it was the week of doctor's appointments.  Nothing bad just regular checkup-y stuff.  The eye doctor actually dropped the prescription in one of my contacts (my vision is terrible, like -9 prescription terrible) so I can even say my eyes are getting better!  We're going to ignore the fact that it's most like because I'm getting older and getting farsighted which is decreasing the nearsightedness a little.

J got the new Star Wars movie on Blu Ray this week and he and the Tornado ended up staying up and watching it the night it arrived. What was supposed to just be watching a few minutes ended up watching the whole thing but they had such a good time!  The Tornado hadn't seen it yet because we were worried it'd be too intense for him in the theater but he loved it.

Did you know they sell Arby's curly fries in the frozen food section at the grocery store??  Arby's is my favorite fast food restaurant and a lot of that is because of the fries.  J hates it so we don't go there very often but now I can get have the fries at home.  They're not quite as crispy but they taste just as good which makes me super happy!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Quiet Neighbors - Review
Tuesday: 10 Books Everyone Who Wants to Read Cozy Mysteries Should Read
Wednesday; Silenced in the Surf - Blog  Tour Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books - A Tour of My Town
Friday: Linkups with teasers from current book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Tea Cups and Carnage looks so tempting...all your titles sound wonderful. I want to read more cozies...can't wait until Clouds in My Coffee is released.

    Enjoy! Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a great week.

    1. I'm excited about both! They're two of my favorite cozy series!

  2. Wow! Katherine,

    You are certainly going to be all cozied out by the time you finish that little lot:)

    I can read the odd cozy mystery, when I am looking for a quick and easy read between more challenging storylines, but I am really not that much of a fan.

    I do have to admit that cover artists who design for cozies, must have a field day. They can really let their imaginations run riot, with no holds barred in the brightness and colour stakes.

    Thanks for sharing your new finds and I hope that you enjoy them all :)


    1. The covers for cozies are always so eye catching! I can imagine they'd be lots of fun to design!

  3. Wow, nice haul of cozies! I heard about Saving the Cozies, sounds like there's a lot of turmoil going on in that area right now. Tea Cups and carnage looks fun, but then her cozies always do. Hope Assault & Pepper is good, I read a Budewitz last year and it was fun.

    I used to like Arby's but haven't eaten there in ages.

    1. I'm really excited about Assault & Pepper. I love the idea of a spice shop in a mystery!

  4. Looks like you had a great book week! I'm not super into mysteries, but I have heard great things about Cinder. I hope you enjoy all of your new additions.

    I know-ish your vision pain. My 11-year-old daughter has some visual impairments since birth and she is a +9 in both eyes so we spend a lot of time at the eye doctor.

    I'm going to have to look for the Arby's fries! It the only thing I care for there but the rest of my family loves them.

    Have a great week!

    My Weekly Wrap-Up

    1. I'm just glad my vision is correctible! And that I live in an age of contact lenses! I hope your daughter finds some solutions for her eyes.

  5. Oh you're so funny - confessing to your downloads and purchases - but I get the feeling you're not all that sorry! :-)

    Glad the doctor's appts were nothing major and enjoy those curly fries.

    1. I'm a little surprised by the quantity but you're probably right about me not being sorry! I'm having to restrain myself from more buying binges.

  6. Oh my goodness. That's quite the stack of new reads! Yay! (though eep! I totally get that too lol)

    1. I didn't realize how many if ended up with this week until I listed them all. Definitely eep!

  7. Wait, -9?! My vision is -3 something in both eyes (plus some astigmatism), and I thought I felt blind without my contacts. I can't even imagine how blurry the world must be to you! Glad the doctor's appointments all went well though :-)

    And that's awesome that they sell Arby's fries! I haven't had those in so long. I might have to see if my store has any!

    Enjoy all your new reads!

    1. Yeah I'm helpless without my contacts and glasses give me a headache because I have no peripheral vision. Atleast I can read if I have a kindle on the largest text setting and hold it close to my face I can read!

  8. That's a great looking books list! Have a great week :)

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading them all.

  9. Holy haul!!! That should keep you busy for a while!! YAY for Cinder. Mmmmm I used to love Arby's fries but there isn't one close to where we live anymore. I will have to check the freezer section. Have a great week!

    1. Yeah I didn't realize how overboard I'd gone until I listed them all out. Whoops!

  10. Wow!! You definitely had an amazing book acquiring week!! Looks like an great list.
    Good to hear the doctor appointments went good.

    Have a great week reading your cozy’s ;)

    1. It did spin a little out of control but it was fun! I'm looking forward to reading them.

  11. haha I'm glad to see I'm not the only clickmanic around requesting requsting buying pre-ordering lol that is NOT HORRIBLY wrong [just plain wrong :)] kidding! Hope you enjoy them all and your curlies :) Now off to read your Friday post on Cinder. YAY!!! one hour left

    1. I'm loving Cinder! I can't wait to hear how it ends and read the rest of the books in the series.

  12. You just added three books to my TBR pile and next week my Netgalley goes up three if I get them all. Two just from your post and one cause when I went to get Marty Wingates (didn't know her new one was out yet), I picked up another in one of my favorite :)

    You got a lot of great books to day. Just look at all those cozies. I have Crime and Poetry and Reading up a Storm on audio and can't wait to try them. :)

    I just watched the new Star Wars and I was not to fond of a certain part at the end so not sure if I will ever watch it

    Happy Reading,
    Week In Review

    1. Yay! I'm the bad influence this week! You're the one usually talking me into books! I'm excited about Crime and Punishment and Reading Up a Storm! They all look so good!

  13. That's quite the haul!
    I feel that way about Checkers fries which can also be found in the freezer section! That reminds me that I haven't had any in ages!

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

    1. I love the Checkers fries too! I used to love Checkers but the one local is terrible. I should try the ones from the grocery store!

  14. I'm feeling much happier about my own book addiction, having read about your haul:). You have my profound sympathy regarding your eyesight. I find when I've been intensively editing, my eyes ache and run, which makes reading not so much fun:(. I've just started reading CINDERS and am completely beguiled, after starting out being a tad impatient at the daft premise... Have a great week. This is my Weekly Wrap-Up.

    1. I'm glad I made you feel better! Things definitely spun a bit out of control this week! I'm really liking Cinder even though it's completely different from what I normally read. I'm glad I took the chance with it!

  15. HOLY BOOK HAUL, BATMAN! Good for you! :) Everyone deserves a bunch of books every once in a while :) I hope you enjoy them all!

    Haven't seen Star Wars yet but I want to so badly. I always see commercials for Arbys and I don't know why since we don't have any in the area but I REALLY want to try one because there food looks good. I am not a fast food fan but I would be willing to at least try it once :)

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading...all those books! ;)

    1. It was like Christmas around here with all the packages arriving. So much fun! Arby's is so good! A beef and cheddar with curly fries is my indulgence meal when I'm having a bad day!

  16. Is that a record weekly haul for you??? So many books!! ;-) Arby's is my favorite fast food, too. Have never seen the fries in the grocery freeze, but now I'll have to look.

    1. If it isn't a record it's got to be pretty close! It got a little out of control but it was such fun getting them all! Yay for another Arby's fan. So good!

  17. I loved the audio version of Cinder. Glad you got it back and can finish it. I listened to the audio books for Scarlet and Cress too but still haven't listened to Winter though I read the print version.

    That is a lot of cozy mysteries! I haven't heard of any of them before. It is hard to keep up with all the series out there. I prefer historical mysteries (Rhys Bowen's Her Royal Spyness series, the Maggie Hope series by Susan Elia MacNeal and the Amory Ames series by Ashley Weaver are some of my faves) but have enjoyed some contemporary ones too.

    I just got the new Star Wars movie too. I saw it twice in the theater and started watching it again on DVD but didn't finish it yet.

    1. I love the Royal Spyness and I just got the first in the Armory Ames. I'm looking forward to reading it!

  18. I don't read cosy mysteries but always think I should give them a go...maybe nows the time before it's too late? I do find the titles tempting. They always make me smile. Have a good week reading the mountain of books!

    1. I really just want to stack up all the books and just look at them! I love a good cozy! They're great to mix in with darker or heavier reads.

  19. So many cozies, so little time....
    I read Snow Way Out and Assault and Pepper, both new authors to me at the time and I plan on continuing with their series. Both have good locations, which are important in cozies. I understand your cozy binge since I read the news on Lark's blog about the merger and the cutting back/firing/ending cozy series and authors, what a shame!
    I read Cinder a few years ago and remember liking it, any my elder daughter loved it and read two more in the series.
    I think you singlehandedly saved the cozy publishing world, lol, but kudos to you and they all look good to me. I'm curious as to your thoughts on Quiet Neighbors, as it's on my wishlist.

    Have a good week if I don't chat with you soon. I'm randomly visiting blogs I like to comment but not posting yet. And still continuing my mindless bingeing on whatever pops up on HGTV, including my faves- Chip and Joanna, and the Property Brothers.

    1. I'm excited about the snow globe and the spice shop mysteries. I love the whole concept of them. I need to do some HGTV binging! I love the flipping show! Plus it's been far too long since I've watched Property Brothers!

  20. Ahh I love cozy mysteries so much! I really enjoy the mixture cutesy settings with the fun mysteries. Happy reading!

    My Sunday Post

  21. I was tempted by Netgalley but managing to only request one. As for those cozies. Don't get me started. I'm addicted to them and will have plenty of new ones to share next week after a trip to my favorite book store. LOL

    My Sunday Post

    1. Netgalley killed me this week! I'd been doing so good and then there were so many I couldn't resist!

  22. Wow, great book haul this week! I'm trying so hard to stay away from Net Galley but then just this morning I saw a couple of books being talked about on FB and couldn't resist requesting them on NG! Ah well! I hope you enjoy reading all your books and that you have a fab week! :)

    1. Oh I know! I do so well and have such restraint and then wham! I end up requesting like 15 books at the same time!

  23. This looks like a fun selection of cozies to have on your nightstand. The crew and I watched The Good Dinosaur last night. It was funny and good. I inherited the bad eyesight (-11 in the right eye for glasses I'm afraid and a -10 in contacts) and the bad teeth genes, but I have the good hearing and hairline + I'm the feisty one.

    1. Wow! I very rarely meet people with worse vision then me! I want to see The Good Dinosaur! I think the Tornado would love it!

  24. Well you rocked the book haul this week! So many lovely books... :)

    Happy Reading!

    1. I ended up going a bit overboard but it was fun!

  25. Wow, you're really doing your part to Save Our Cozies! I've got a few in my Amazon cart, waiting until I finish my current freelance project so I can order them -- my reward for getting my work done. And I'm waiting for Tea Cups & Carnage; I haven't gotten my NG link for the tour yet. Murder at the Mansion looks like fun and I'm really tempted to request it, but I've already got 4 books releasing in June and I'm trying to keep requests to a minimum and there are several other books I'm eyeing. We'll see.

    I hope you're enjoying both Cinder and Whiskey Beach! And I'm glad the doctor visits have all been routine.

    Have a great week!

    1. I was doing so good at keeping requests to a minimum and then things got completely out of control. I think I'm going to blame alien abduction though it was so fun getting all the packages this week! I'm loving both Cinder and Whiskey Beach. I'm glad you reminded me to pull Whiskey Beach off the stack!

  26. Wow, you got a great haul! I've been on Netgalley and buying ebooks that are finally on sale. I have some cozies that I want to read soon. I hope you are enjoying Cinder! I enjoyed the series but I need to read some of the novellas. I hope you have a great week!

    1. I definitely lost control with the book acquiring this week! I'm really enjoying Cinder and I really can't wait to see where the series goes!

  27. Looks like a lot of great mystery books this week. And I love Supernatural, it is one of my favorite tv shows!
    Check out my Sunday Post

    1. I'm really liking Supernatural! It's so fun and I can't wait to see more of what's going to happen!

  28. Ah those books are going to keep your busy! Will be looking forward to your thoughts on Cinder once you finish. I must read it - this year!!

    1. Read Cinder! It's completely unlike anything I've ever read but I'm really liking it.

  29. Well you definitely have books to last awhile. :D Glad you're enjoying Supernatural! Have a great week.

  30. Wow you definitely picked up some books..but you know shopping binges and netgalley madness once in awhile it super fun! I am so tickled you are loving Supernatural. Hope your week is filled with great reads!

  31. You really scored on the book front recently! Murder at the Mansion sounds like my kind of read - I love anything Victorian.

    I'll have my eyes peeled for your upcoming TTT because I've been wanting to get in to cozy mysteries for a while.

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Reading With Jade

  32. I broke my no NetGalley rule this weekend. When I cave, I cave big. :-( I need to lose my password or something. My husband and I used to watch Supernatural. I can't remember where we left off . . . I'm sure we're very behind by now. I kind of like the earlier episodes better-at least from where we ended up. I wish there was an Arby's near us. It's one of my favorites too. Although I'm not sure they make the sandwich I like anymore.

    I'm not going to be able to put together a Top Ten post for tomorrow, unfortunately. I was hoping I would have time, but it hasn't worked out. I look forward to reading yours though!

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  33. Great haul! I love cozy crime books so I'm going to check out the ones you've listed :) I love Supernatural too, I'm a few episodes behind though (we just moved across the country).

    Happy reading!

  34. Well I never see receiving books as a bad thing. Overwhelming? Yes, definitely.
    Cinder!!!You know I will always point out that you're reading The Lunar Chronicles whenever you mention it. :)
    Ugh. Eyes. My eyesight is getting worse. I should be doing my two year check up this spring and I'm scared for how much my prescription has probably changed. :/
    Has the Tornado seen the other Star Wars movies? I'm still hard pressed to pick a favourite, but I think it's The Force Awakens. Sooooo good!
