
Monday, April 11, 2016

Quiet Neighbors - Review

Quiet Neighbors by Catriona McPherson

Rating:  It's Okay
Source: NetGalley

Description:  It's the oldest bookshop in a town full of bookshops: rambling and disordered, full of treasures if you look hard.  Jude found one of the treasures when she visited last summer, the high point of a miserable vacation.  Now, in the depths of winter, when she has to run away, Lowell's chaotic bookshop in that backwater of a town is the safe place she runs too.  Jude needs a bolt-hole; Lowell needs and assistant and, when an affordable rental is thrown in too, life begins to look up.  The grave digger's cottage isn't perfect for a woman alone but at least she has quiet neighbors.  Quiet, but not silent.  The long dead and the books left behind both have tales to tell and the dusty rooms of the bookshop are not the haven they seem to.  Lowell's past and Jude's present are a dangerous cocktail of secrets and lies and someone is coming to light the taper that could destroy everything (From Goodreads)

Genre: Fiction 

Why I Picked This Book: There's a bookstore and a cemetery.  I can't resist the combination

My Impression:  I'm so confused.  Not by the book itself.  I had a pretty clear understanding as to what was happening throughout the read though I did wonder sometimes how we got from point A to point B and sometimes why we were going there in the first place.  No my confusion lies with how I feel about the book.
There was a lot about it that I didn't like.  I didn't really warm to Jude or Eddy or really any of the characters for the bulk of the book.  It irritated me that Jude's secret was drug out so long for no real reason.  I was good with not having things settled until the end but her hints as to what had happened in the first place didn't work for me.  I felt disconnected with her fascination with the people mentioned in the various books she's cataloging and it kind of felt like at around 60% the book decided it wanted to be a mystery after just being fiction for so long.  Just in general there were too many half details and misdirection as to what was going on and while I'm okay with an unreliable narrator I wanted someone to actually say something that made sense.
But with all that I didn't like I kept reading.  And not only did I keep reading but I enjoyed the reading experience and was never even tempted to DNF the book.  Not only that but I could really picture the town of Wigtown, Scotland and I really did want to find out what happened and see the resolution for the three main characters.
Do you see why I'm confused?  I think this may be a case of engaging with the writing itself way more than I engaged with the story.  While this one didn't really work for me Catriona McPherson is definitely an author I want to read more from.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: I don't see this becoming a series but if it did I wouldn't pick up the next one.  However, I'm really looking forward to reading more from this author.

Would I Recommend this Book?: Probably not.  While the writing really grabbed me this wasn't a story that I really enjoyed.


  1. It does sound confusing! I'd love the combination of library and cemetery too... but it does sound a bit messy.
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Yes, a bookstore and a cemetery does sound irresistible, but I'll probably give this a pass. Thanks for the review.

  3. Hmm, I can understand why this book would initially grab your attention. Cemetery and bookstores! But the story didn't really seem all that great. But you did finish it, so that's good!

  4. Very interesting feelings on this one! I think I've had books like that before. I love how thorough you were in your review, and I like that you made sure to be specific in your concerns. Great review!

  5. I have this one to read and will be interested to see how I fare with it. I've read another book by this author and really enjoyed it.

  6. Totally stinks this one didn't work out. I see why you would pick it up though - cemetery and a bookstore is a great combo :) Great review!

  7. A really fair-minded, nuanced review that I enjoyed reading:). And yes... cemetery and bookstore certainly catches my attention, though it won't be one I shall be reading.

  8. Well, maybe it's a good thing I can't seem to find my review copy on my I was going to read it and can't find it so I think I might have forgot to download it which I have done on a few occasions. :)

  9. A cemetery and bookstore? Heck yeah! I understand your mixed feeling, though.

  10. Interesting thoughts, and I know what you mean. Not about this book, since I haven't read it, but about how one can be spellbound by the writing even when the story doesn't quite engage us.

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Amused by the bookstore and cemetery combination that would make you pick it up. Nice that the writing was a pleasure in itself.

  12. Oh the premise, cemetery and bookshop all scream read me. While it left you confused I love that you never wanted to stop reading despite issues.

  13. I gravitated towards the cover when I saw it on Netgalley, but I didn't request it. I don't remember why. Guess I didn't miss anything anyway. :)

  14. I love the bookshop part of the premise, and the descriptive prose that made you really able to picture the Scottish setting. I'm a little less drawn to the cemetery. But you really do sound a bit conflicted about how you felt, ultimately, which makes me think that on the whole, I'll give this one a pass.

  15. I know you wouldn't recommend it, but I think you sold me on it anyway.

  16. This is just why I so rarely give up on a book. It seems like there is very often something about it that makes it worth continuing with.
