
Saturday, March 5, 2016

This Week in Reading - March 6

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

*Hangs head in shame* I've been doing so good on NetGalley lately.  I've been being very selective about what I request.  And then this week something happened.  I blame the publishers - particularly Harlequin and Midnight Ink and Berkley too.  They didn't resist to many but all of the ones they listed I had to have!  I only got a few this week but I know there are lots more pending!

Blood of Saints by Maegan Beaumont - There's 20 year old forensic evidence and a main character who has found safety but now has to go back and face her demons.  And the cover looks creepy.  I can't resist a creepy cover! (NetGalley)

A Golden Cage by Shelley Freydont - I really enjoyed the first one in this series of Gilded Age mysteries so I couldn't resist the 2nd one! (NetGalley)

Tumbledown Manor by Helen Brown - Not only is there a dilapidated mansion and a woman trying to repair herself as she repairs the house but it's set in Australia!  (NetGalley)

The Madness of Mercury by Connie di Marco - This is for a blog tour so I can't be blamed!  (Publisher)

Mrs. Hudson and the Spirits' Curse by Martin Davies - I'm excited about this one.  It's a mystery featuring Sherlock Holmes but Mrs. Hudson is the main character and takes a lead in the investigation because she feels like Sherlock is overlooking something.  (Paperbackswap)


Reading:  The Sharper Your Knife the Less You Cry by Kathleen Flinn and The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum by Kirsten Weiss

Listening: A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle I read this book as a child but I remember absolutely nothing about it though I can picture exactly where the book was in the library!  I'm enjoying it so far.

Watching: I've been rewatching the first season of The Librarians on Hulu and am really enjoying it.  It's a fun show and I really liked the 2nd season too.  I'm also really looking forward to the beginning of the BBC production of And Then There Were None which will be on Lifetime starting March 13.  It looks amazing.

Off the Blog:

This week was pretty quiet.  The Tornado had a birthday party Saturday which was lots of fun and he got to burn off a ton of energy.  Emma is looking at moving into an apartment for next semester so we've been doing a lot of texting back and forth about options.  I'll be happy when that part is done with.  This is really the first big thing that she is taking care of mostly on her own and I'm trying not to take over too much!

I've fallen in the genealogy black hole again.  I love researching anything and genealogy has lots of research and lots of history of ordinary every day people and both of these make me happy.  I'm currently on top of all major dates regarding the War of 1812 and the Civil War.  I'm boring J to death spouting off names and dates and talking to myself but I'm really enjoying it!

Cooking-wise I've had a week where almost nothing turned out as planned.  I don't know what the deal was but it seemed like every day when I went to start dinner either I hadn't factored in marinating time or I was missing some key ingredient.  In the past this would have meant ordering pizza but I was able to make something good each night so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself!  I'm definitely not someone who cooks by instinct but I think I'm getting a little better about being able to change and adapt as I go.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Black Rabbit Hall - Fiction Review
Tuesday: Ten (Okay 6) Characters I Love But Others Don't or Vice Versa 
Wednesday: In a Dark Dark Wood - Mystery Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books: What Do I Do with "Me" Time
Friday:  Friday Linkups Featuring Current Book
Saturday: Hopefully a review of Chrissy Teigen's Cravings but we'll see how the week goes

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Exciting times for the family, with parties and Emma moving into her own place. As you said, that's a big step and it must be hard to let her completely take the reins and make that decision!

    I've not requested any NetGalley books for a couple of months now and only have TWO unread books there (one I've had for months and months). It's the hard copies that are killing me!

  2. Oh, I know what you mean about NetGalley...whenever I go there and start requesting books, they all seem to be approved at once. Luckily, the release dates are spaced out a bit.

    Tumbledown Manor looks very tempting. Enjoy!

  3. I never did watch The Librarians but remember thinking it looked good. And the BBC And Then there Were None, think I'm going to watch that too.

    Genealogy is fascinating my relatives started a family history years ago with everything they knew and found out and there was so much, I've thought about doing some researching as well. It is very interesting.

  4. The Madness Of Mercury is one I'm reading too. The only Netgalley for me this week. Many exciting new things happening in your family.

    My Sunday Post -

  5. awww glad to hear Tornado had a good time at his birthday!
    hummm I know what happened with the cooking! your subconscious wanted you to have more time to work on that fun genealogy research :) so... get more take out menus and enjoy :)

  6. A show called The Librarians?? Umm... I need to check that out.

  7. Glad you are having fun digging up the past and what a fascinating time in history. My Dad loved digging up old documents and clippings from our family tree. He will email us all and share. Glad the little one had a great birthday. I haven't been browsing NetGalley instead I go on and search author names and then We have fun watching the Librarians as well. Hope your week is delightful :)

  8. I will do my best to avoid NetGalley right now since you said they have so many great sounding books on offer right now. I will be strong. Hopefully. I probably remember nothing about A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle too. I would like to reread it someday as well. I am glad you are enjoying it.

    I am glad Tornado's birthday party went well! We had a little family one for Mouse this weekend. All the best to Emma on her search for an apartment and the move. How exciting for her! I love genealogy. I hit a couple roadblocks with ours a few years ago and haven't been able to learn much more, unfortunately. I wish I could afford to travel and really dig my heels into the research.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  9. Netgalley is just so much fun!! I love browsing through their books. Amazing that you’ve already got a lot of the books you wanted. ;)

    Good luck with Emma’s apartment search. Definitely an exciting time.

    Have a great week ;)

  10. I ave been good about not requesting on NG or EW lately - however a giant block of books that were pending on EW just got approved. I was happy but then overwhelmed by more ARCs!! It is so hard to to be good about it all!Yay for Tornados party. Glad it went well. We have our party next week and I will say I am not cut out for throwing parties. Stress get to me. I had so many issues with cooking this week!! Twice I didn't have a key ingredient. Needless to say we ordered out way too much this week! Have a wonderful week ahead!

  11. I looked on Netgalley a couple times this week, but resisted the urge. Since the beginning of the year I've gotten quite a few NG books, but I've managed to stay on top of it. I want to continue that...for awhile anyway.

    I did a lot of genealogy a few years ago and like you I love doing the research and reading about all the history and people. I've thought about doing some more once we move...seeing what new documents are on-line. And I bored both my kids and my husband with it all!

    Good luck to Emma with the apartment search. It's hard not to want to step in and help--our son especially resisted any effort on our

  12. You have had a busy week! I get into the genealogy for a bit and then need a break. Have you ever used an Internet program called Geni? I am storing my info there now. A long time ago I used software called Family Tree Maker. But when my computer died, and I mean completely crapped out, there went all the info I had stored. Now I use an online tracker.

  13. Thanks for reminding me about Lifetime's And Then There Were None. I don't want to forget to set the DVR to record it. I saw Maegan Beaumont last weekend at LCC. She was the moderator of a panel that I attended. Didn't get to hear about her books, but I'll check this one out. And letting your kiddos 'go' and do the adult stuff administrative stuff is tough. I remember well. Have a good week!

  14. I try to avoid Netgalley. Most of what I read on there is comics that are 'read now'. I am just so bad at reviewing! Have a great week.

  15. Shoot, your killing me as I really want all your books! LOL. Luckily I already have one and only just went and got one of them from

    Week in Review

  16. Thanks for listing some new-to-me titles here! Blood of Saints and Tumbledown Manor look suspensefully good!
    I hear you about Netgalley and I had my % up high and then I got my blog email hacked and closed down all social media and reopened. I didn't try to reopen Netgalley...yet. Don't know if it is worth it now that 4 books I'd had requested came and gone and were archived back without reviewing, sigh.... Thoughts for another day.

    Anyhow, you do have a fun stack of books to look forward to, so I hope you have an enjoyable experience reading them this week.

    By the way, I still want Murder in an Irish Village, but it's No-No-No Month on my blog, yikes, so I have to wait (grumbles impatiently).

  17. I feel ya on the cooking struggles. I'm not the best cook, but I do try. I feel like I always fail! hahaha Some come out good, though.

    I'm interested in Chrissy Teigen's cookbook! How is it?

    Here is my Sunday Post
    Molly @ Molly's Book Nook

  18. I need another Netgalley request like I need a bullet to the head, but sometimes it is hard to resist! Mrs. Hudson and the Spirits' Curse sounds good. I've always thought Mrs. Hudson was an underutilized character and it would be very interesting to see her in the spotlight. Have a great week!

  19. How are you liking listening to A Wrinkle In Time? I have read the first three books in the series several times and I have read all but one of the 20 some other books in the series. I will be looking forward to your Black Rabbit Hall review. I will be reading it soon, so I hope you liked it. The more you cook the easier and easier it becomes to go with the flow. Now that you are feeling it, it will progress pretty fast. Have a wonderful week. :)

  20. LOL On the requests. It happens to all of us. I love A Wrinkle in Time though it's been many years since I read it. I'm glad you're liking it. :)

    Happy birthday to the Tornado! And congrats to Emma, that's a big step. :)

    Have fun with the genealogy! That really is a black hole but so fascinating.

  21. My kids are still little but I think I would be a little bit of wanting to help more than they would want me too lol.

    Genealogy is cool, I love looking up stuff like that. I wanted to do a family tree type thing but when I get to my grandmother things get a little weird because her name isn't correct or something weird was going on and we can't seem to get past that point. My cousin is looking into it also but I would love to sit one day and figure it out myself.

    I am a make up as I go cooker. I love to create stuff, sometimes I can't make things twice because I don't write it down and forgot how I made it. Somethings come out good but others are a disaster lol. It's fun to experiment with food!

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  22. Haha! Netgalley is such a challenge! There are just SO many great books to choose from! I hope you enjoy all your new ones and have a fantastic week :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  23. Netgalley is a black hole. I mean we're trying that has to count for something right?
    I read the first two books in The Wrinkle in Time series a few years ago. Even as an adult it was major confusing. I don't know how a child would understand the plot. Maybe that's where their better imagination comes in?
    Great job saving all your meals! I think that's a sign of a wonderful chef. 😊

  24. All of those titles from NetGalley sound good! I've managed to stay away the past couple of months, but not sure how much longer I'll be able to do that ;-) The Sharper Your Knife the Less You Cry has been on my wish list for a while, so I'll look forward to your thoughts. Have a great week.

  25. I know, I am not even going to NetGalley and clicking because I have way too many to read as it is, gets a little off putting. Nice to have a different black hole to fall into- genealogy, makes life so interesting.

  26. I was on Netgalley this week to link up a review and I was tempted to look at the new titles. But I walked away lol. Your new books look really good!! I would love to do our genealogy. We did find some information for my husband and my family so we need to just do more research. I hope you have a great week!

  27. I remember my first apartment. It was actually a really good pick, and the cheapest there was at the time in the entire city. I hope she finds something good!

  28. Yeah, we have to blame it on the publishers when they do the mega updates to Netgalley and Edelweiss! :-) I am interested to read your review on Black Rabbit Hall, I saw it the other day, and it looks interesting!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  29. I need to check out that series as we have Hulu. It's amazing how fast our children grow, yeah? Another year goes by or a step up in maturity is taken.

  30. Blood of Saints looks good. Look forward to your review. I love doing my family tree...even though I haven't found one Lord, lady or knight of the round table. So addictive though!

  31. My backlog at NetGalley is always the publishers' fault. :) Too many good books. Happy birthday to the Tornado! It is hard to step back and let your kids do things on their own sometimes. I try really hard to keep my mouth shut unless I have been asked for advice with my adult daughter but it is hard. Great post!
