
Monday, March 7, 2016

Black Rabbit Hall - Review

Black Rabbit Hall by Eve Chase
Rating:  Very Good
Source: Publisher
Description:  At Black Rabbit Hall nothing much ever happens - time seems to move slower at this idyllic holiday home in Cornwall.  Until the worst thing happens and for the Alton children time feels like it's stopped altogether.  As they run wild, lost in grief and confusion, an outsider, Caroline Shawcross, and her dark angry son Lucian enter their lives, changing them forever.  In the present day, Lorna Smith is searching for her perfect wedding venue and is inexplicably drawn to the now crumbling Black Rabit Hall, unaware that her own history is locked up in those derelict walls... (from Goodreads)

Genre: Fiction

Why I Picked This Book: I can't resist a Cornwall sitting and throw in a falling down former idyllic holiday home and it's definitely a book for me!  Plus, I loved the cover!

My Impression:  From the beginning the book is thick with atmosphere, tension, and a sense of dread.  I was pulled into Amber's world (late 1960s) immediately and found her so easy to connect too.  She's 14 and an unusual mix of child and adult.  I felt protective of Kitty and Barney, worried for Toby, wary of Lucian, and intense dislike and distrust for Caroline.
The Lorna plot took me a little longer to get into.  It was still interesting because we're seeing the house 30 years after Amber's story and I was looking for clues as to what had happened but I didn't have quite the instant fall into the story that I did with Amber.
My reading of it did slow down a bit in the middle.  Not because the pacing was off but because it was almost too rich.  This book reminded me a bit of a sinfully rich wonderfully chocolate-y dessert but one that's best eaten in small bites.  With all the atmosphere and tension and richly drawn settings and characters I found myself feeling saturated if I read it in too big of chunks.  For me this was a book to be savored and not devoured.
Normally, when a book is compared to another author or another book I take it with a grain of salt (because - seriously - how many books are the next Gone Girl or for fans of The Girl on the Train?).  For this one I saw comparisons to both Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and Kate Morton's books.  This is one of the few times I felt like the book really lived up to the comparisons.  We have the sense of dread and maze of a house that we have in Rebecca's universe and the complex characters and interwoven characters that Morton excels at creating.
Black Rabbit Hall stayed in my thoughts even after I had put it down.  I wanted to know what happened, what was going to happen, and what secrets were still left to discover.  I loved the world that Chase created and reading it was just an indulgent treat - just like that rich chocolate dessert!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  I really enjoyed this book.

Would I Recommend this Book?: Absolutely!  Especially to fans of Kate Morton, Rebecca, or just old houses with lots of secrets.


  1. Sounds interesting- and Cornwall would be a great setting. I love the idea of the maze of a house, and sounds like it has lots of atmosphere too.

  2. The Cornwall setting is enough to draw me in, but your review makes me think I would really enjoy this book!

  3. Ooo, This one sounds really interesting. I do love Rebecca, so I'm even more intrigued. Glad you liked this one.

  4. OK, this is definitely one I'll read very soon. I had heard the comparisons to Morton and du Maurier as well and wondered. And it's perfect for my 'gothic' challenge. Can't wait now.

  5. It sounds very Gothic but with lots of depth. Your review descriptive and evocative, well done!

  6. I looked through this one at the bookstore today and had to pinch myself from buying it. Have to try the library first, but I also love a good Gothic suspense.

  7. Many book bloggers have been reading and reviewing this book. It just may be my next read.

  8. I am hearing good things about this book. It sounds good!

  9. Old houses with lots of secrets! One of my recurring dreams is of exploring such house--and so I suppose it's no wonder I find myself drawn to such books. Anyway, I am eager to read this one and am glad you liked it, Katherine.

  10. Have seen a few people loving this book, I think though I had better make time to have my first read of Kate Morton first then if I like that put this one on my TBR!

  11. I do love the cover on this book. I love your comparison to a rich dessert. I haven't read Kate Morton or Rebecca but I might give this one a try. Great review!

  12. I love when you can't get a book out of your head between chances to read and you just race to get back to it!

  13. I'm only scanning your review as I have it for review too and don't want to know too much before I read it for myself. But yay I see you loved it, that makes me exited about it!

  14. You have made me really happy that I requested the ARC from Netgalley! I saw it on your blog and, like you, was drawn to the cover. I have never read Rebecca. I have it in my Kindle audiobook library. Maybe I can get to it during summer vacation. Thanks for the review. :)
