
Sunday, March 20, 2016

This Week in Reading - March 20

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Prayers the Devil Answers by Sharyn McCrumb - I've really enjoyed McCrumb's Ballad series in the past and always love her mix of lyrical writing, old stories, interesting characters, and bits of history.  I'm really excited to read this newest one in the series! (NetGalley)

Reunion Pass by Emily March - This is another series I've really enjoyed in the past and there's definitely been hints about Lori's story in past books so I'm excited to watch it play out.

An Unhappy Medium by Dawn Eastman - I read the previous book in the series last year and really enjoyed it.  This involves murder at a Zombie Fun Run so I'm excited to see what happens. (Blog Tour)

A Clue in the Stew by Connie Archer - This is for a blog tour as well.  I've actually already finished it and the review will be up on Monday.  (Blog Tour)

I've got another request pending on NetGalley and a batch of Cozy mysteries coming my way through Paperbackwap but that's it for this week!


Reading: Iris and Ruby by Rosie Thomas and Once a Rancher by Linda Lael Miller.  I'm enjoying the Miller but had to take a break to get A Clue in the Stew read.

Listening:  I'm still listening (and loving) Cinder but my library loan expires very soon and I'm not sure what I'm going to do.  My options are to way up to 4 weeks until I can get it again or just finish the last 8 or so chapters in book form.  I'm leaning towards book form because I"m not sure I can wait that long to find out what happens next!

Watching:  I watched the new Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders and enjoyed it.  I love Gary Sineie so I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy it but I think as a series it's got potential for some really interesting stories.  We also watched the first part of the BBC production of And Then There Were None (it's being shown in 2 parts here) and I really enjoyed it.  They have made some changes but all the changes make sense given the time constraints and it being a different form of media.

Off the Blog:

I'm actually writing this on Friday morning because as of Friday night we'll be roughing it in a tent for the weekend!  This is the first time I've really done anything like this and definitely the first time the Tornado has so it should be interesting.  The weather looks like it should be good though I'm a little concerned it will get a bit chilly at night.  The sleeping bags are rated for lower temperatures and I plan to do some serious layering so hopefully we'll be fine.  I'm excited about getting out and hiking and figuring the whole camping thing out!

The series of minor catastrophes from the week before have settled down.  My back is so much better, the Tornado is healthy again, and the new dishwasher is installed and working wonderfully.  This week has been spring break and while we haven't done anything big we've had a good time.  We've slept a bit late, had a couple of play dates, made a library run, and then got ready to spend the weekend in a tent.

I'm looking forward to next week to get back on track.  The Tornado will start school which means hopefully that I can get caught up on blog stuff and tackle a few massive projects that have been looming.  And really just get caught up in general.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  A Clue in the Stew - Blog Tour Cozy Mystery Review + Giveaway
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books I Love But Haven't Talked About Much
Wednesday:  A Day in the Life - Or what Camping is Like for a Total Novice
Thursday: Beyond the Books - The Things I Miss About Being a Kid
Friday: Friday Linkups with Excerpts from Current Book
Saturday: 52 Pins in 52 Weeks - March Edition

So that's what happened and what's coming up.  I hope you have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Have fun camping! I saw the first part of And Then There Were none but missed the second part- i need to catch up on that. I thought the casting was terrific. Have a great week and hope the camping goes well.

  2. Camping - well, I'll look forward to your 'day in the life' post to hear how that went. P.S. I'm not a big fan of it myself. LOL

  3. Ah, I loved camping when I was my teenage years. I loved the scent of the woods, the campfire, etc. Even the hiking. Have fun!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and enjoy your books this week, too.

  4. Enjoy camping! My family loves to do it, though we haven't done it in ages, but my son just mentioned it yesterday that we should plan it for this year. Dirty little secret: I love nature, hiking, the outdoors, the photo-ops, but I hate primitive camping! So much hassle for us, I think I'll sit this year's trip out and mind the pets instead. Hope you had a great time, though. I'm sure Tornado had a blast!

    You had a good run of interesting books lately, and I'm putting a few on my wishlist. Nice choices you made!I think I want to try Sharon McCrumb.

    I love Criminal Minds (love the blonde computer hacker gal!) even though it gives me the "heebie-jeebies", lol, and I missed that premiere of CM: Beyond Borders, so will look for it with On Demand channel. I read Cinder years ago when it came out with my elder daughter and we enjoyed it. Hope you do too.

    Have a good week back in the real world :)

  5. Looks like a nice batch of books! Are you listening to Cinder on a device you can switch over to airplane mode? Obviously not a solution if you're listening on your phone, but that has saved me with library loans a few times. Otherwise, I'd have to switch to print, too... the waiting would kill me!

    Like Kay, I'm not a huge fan of camping. During my years as a Girl Scout leader, the kids used to joke about Mrs. S. being a 'hotel camper'. Luckily I had two competent coleaders ;-)

  6. Oh I see I'm not the only one struggling with my library book expiring! Cinder expired on me! NOT FUN because OMG what an awesome book! it happened so often to me... You know what I do now??? I opened an account for my husband! Lol so when I'm getting close to the expiration day I request the book in his account :)
    The prayers the Devil Answers! Just that title makes me want to read it so badly! :) Enjoy your books! :)

  7. I've had audiobooks expire on me too and it is hard to wait renew. Your plan to read Cinder instead is good since you are so close to the end. I hope you continue to like it!

    I hope you are having fun on your first camping trip. I'm not sure if I would survive in a tent since my childhood camping trips consisted of a RV, portable TV and a rice cooker lol.

    I hope you have a great week!

  8. I love Miller, and have fallen off from reading her books. I need to fix that. Have fun camping. I enjoy it, as long as there are showers and restrooms at the camp site. I hate when a book or audio expires and falls off my device. Hopefully you can renew it

  9. We never did anything big on spring breaks - just enjoyed having the time to slow down and relax a little. Hope your camping trip went well!

  10. I am glad to hear you are enjoying Cinder, Katherine. That bodes well for me. :-) I hope you have fun camping! I haven't been tent camping since my childhood. I was never a fan--my dad wouldn't let us use an air mattress and so we did our best to clear rocks away before setting up the tent in an effort to make the ground more comfortable for bedtime. It never worked. I'm not one for roughing it as you can tell. Haha

    I am glad this week went better for you, Katherine. Hopefully this next week will continue along the same vein. :-) have a good one!

  11. The whole Cinder series is so good! I hope you get a chance to read the rest of them. :)

  12. You are very brave to go springtime camping! It can get very cold at night. I know you will all have a brilliant time though. I might give Cress a try. I will have to see if my library has the audiobook. Have a wonderful week. :)

  13. Hope your camping went well, I am not much of a camper unless I have a :)

    Happy reading!
    Week in Review

  14. I'll look up An Unhappy Medium, because a murder surrounding a Zombie Run sounds fun. I love those. Hope you had fun camping. I love it and wish I went more often. Have a great week!

  15. I hope you've had fun camping! And that Tornado loved it :) It's so much fun to take kids to do stuff for the first time - they make us see everything with new eyes, too, don't you think?
    Have a wonderful week and enjoy all your new books.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  16. I want to try an Emily March book - think there are a couple on my kindle. Hope you had a fun time camping!

  17. Have fun! I wanted to go camping for my birthday because the weather was fabulous, but then it rained horribly, so I was glad all the sites near us were already taken. :) Happy reading!

  18. Hope the camping trip was a success! Happy reading. :-)
