
Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday Linkups: A Wrinkle in Time

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Question:
Do you believe audio books are the future and why do you believe?

My Answer:
I'm  a big fan of audio books.  I especially love listening to them when I'm cleaning.  I've found I'm extra thorough if I'm enjoying my book!  However, there are lots of times audio books don't work.  So while I think audio books are a great addition to reading I don't think they'll full replace print books anytime soon.

This week's book was one of my childhood favorites.  I remember absolutely loving A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle.  I remember exactly where it was on the library shelf and what the cover looked like.  And I remember absolutely nothing else about it.  Rereading this as an adult I've been surprised that I loved it so much.  My tastes have never really run to science fiction and this definitely qualifies as such.  Not to mention the fact there have been several times I've lost the train of thought of the story and have had to go back.  I'm not sure if that's because I'm revisiting the story in audio and it's just not suited to audio or if the book itself is just confusing.  I am really enjoying my revisit though.

The Beginning:
It was a dark and stormy night.

My Thoughts:
Yes!  This is the actual beginning!  It made me so happy to read/listen to that first sentence.

The 56:
Calvin led Meg across the lawn.  The shadows of the trees were long and twisted and there was a heavy, sweet, autumnal smell to the air.

My Thoughts:
I"m pretty far past this point so I know what's going to happen next.  I do like how calm and homey this scene is when things are moments away from erupting into total chaos.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What were some of your favorite childhood books that are now only vague memories?


  1. I've never really listened to audio although I've tried once or twice. It would work for me in the car I think but if I was doing other stuff I think I'd lose my concentration and have to go back-so I haven't really taken the plunge. One of these days though...

    I think a childhood favorite I barely remember are the Willy Wonka books. I remember them being really whimsical (I think!) but that's about it.

    1. There are only certain things I can do and listen - driving, vacuuming, cleaning, folding laundry- without getting distracted. I really enjoyed A Wrinkle in Time though I remembered nothing about it! I read and really enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory recently. I really want to read more Dahl!

  2. That opening line is a classic. About audiobooks, I usually listen in the car. Unless it's a really good story and narrator, I get easily distracted.

    1. I have to be careful about the books I choose because not all books work for audio.

  3. I'm not a big fan of audio because I keep getting distracted. I really enjoyed reading A Wrinkle in Time though. I've lost count of how many times I've read it. This week I am featuring Uprooted by Naomi Novik which I thought was amazing. Happy reading!

    1. I read it a number of times as a child so I thought it was odd that I remembered so little about it! I did enjoy it and want to continue the series!

  4. The quote is so suitable for spring. It's magic :) It really hard not to switch attention from audio

  5. I have never read this one...I love the excerpts, especially that beginning that reminds me of another favorite or two.

    Moments that are calm always feel as though something horrible is about to happen...LOL.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “THE GIRL IN THE RED COAT”

    1. I would classify it as horrible exactly but it definitely is going to be an adventure!

  6. I love audiobooks - love them. No, I don't think they will replace books in print or e-books, but they are a good alternative in certain situations. I know that some have a hard time concentrating when listening. My advice is to begin with a book that you've already read and that way you won't miss anything. Try one you really liked. I think that listening to books takes practice. And a good narrator. I also advise people to listen to a sample of the book to see if the narrator works for them. A narrator that is annoying to you (for whatever reason) can kill the book faster than - well, anything. I listen to books in the car and around the house and while I exercise and anywhere else I can away with it. Almost 50% of my reading last year was in audiobook format. So, try it - you might like it. :-)

    1. I'm a big fan though I don't necessarily listen as much as I'd like. 50% is impressive!

  7. Is this the point where I confess I've never read this book?

    And, as a fan of Peanuts, I must say I loved that first line as well. I have a book that starts with that first line as well, and it made me smile.

    1. I know! I saw Snoopy at his typewriter as soon as I read the first line!

  8. OMGoodness, I've never read this book but know it was been around for ages. I need to look for a audio version.

    1. Found it and requested it. My library is selective in its audiobooks.

    2. Oh I hope you like it! It was so different than what I expected.

  9. I love A Wrinkle in Time, it's definitely one of my favorite books. Thanks for sharing.

    1. It was one of my favorite books as a child but I really enjoyed it as an adult!

  10. I read this for the first time this year and I loved it, I read the graphic novel and it was really good.

    1. I really want to get the graphic novel! It looks amazing!

  11. I seen the movie that was based on this book and liked it and always wanted to give the book a try but just haven't had the chance. :)

    1. You know I don't think I've ever seen the movie. I'll have to check it out.

  12. I love audios for when I am cleaning and cooking even though I don't always have an audio available. Print is my first love. :)

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. I love audio for getting reading in when I'm doing other things but it's not replacing print anytime soon!

  13. I don't know. That beginning would have made me smile and keep going. Such a quirky, cute cover too.

    My 56 -

    1. It's actually a bit darker than I expected. I ended up enjoying it!

  14. I agree I don't think they will ever replace real books. Also the narrator can ruin a good book.
    Sportochick’s Musings Answer

    1. A bad narrator can definitely make a book less enjoyable but it can go the other way too!

  15. I agree some books just don't work on audio. I tend to enjoy women's fiction, UF, PNR and horror on audio, and mystery thrillers

    1. I haven't read much UF but I can see where it would work as audio. I don't love historical romances in audio - or at least I haven't found one I liked.

  16. I agree with some books being wonderful in audio and some not. I haven't used audio for cleaning yet because I tend to make a lot of noise and go back and forth into other rooms. If I could have it on my iPod in a pocket with headphones that would work, but I have no clue how to do that. I do love them for ironing, folding laundry, dishwashing, doing mani/pedis on myself, mending, crafting, and eating dinner. When I am sick and need to have an ARC finished I use text-to-speech. The updated voices for Kindle are pretty good. I don't think they will ever replace the written book because it is too difficult to go back to reread something, and you can't highlight or check an ereader dictionary, or webpage for a history fact or info on a subject (one reason I love my e-readers). I read A Wrinkle in Time in fourth grade. I had no clue she wrote a second one when I was in high school, and then a third in the series after that, until one of my college housemate's friends was talking about them. So I re-read Wrinkle and the next two then. When Sebastian was six, or so, I wanted to read Wrinkle with him and when I went to the library I saw there were 20 some books in the series with two spinoffs. Over the next two years I read them all except for the last one in the Time Quintet because for some reason The library didn't have it, and I had no clue about it. I have loved all of them and plan to re-read the first four Time (Chronos) books before reading the last one. Sebastian wasn't as thrilled with Wrinkle as much as I had been either. He read the second book, but that was it for him. :)

    1. I actually got an armband to put my phone in so I can put my headphones in while I'm cleaning. I think it was originally designed for working out but it works great and was really cheap on Amazon!
      I'm glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know this was a series! I just figured it out! That's too bad Sebastian didn't love these. I can see where it wouldn't be for everyone.

  17. While I really like audiobooks, I am atrocious at actually listening to them. So, if they are the future my reading is screwed. lol

    1. Lol! I kind of had to learn how to listen to them! I would definitely miss books!

  18. I adore audiobooks. I fall more and more in love with them every year. But I don't know why anyone would think that they would make print books obsolete. That's like saying I love TV so we don't need movies anymore.

    1. That's a perfect way to describe it! I was trying to think of a way to explain it but couldn't come up with something so fitting.

  19. I don't remember if I read this one or not. I think I did though.
    As a child I loved Bobbsey Twins, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and books of that nature.

  20. You know, I've been meaning to read this novel for the LONGEST time, and just haven't.... Well, just yesterday I visited "Paradise" (aka my local Barnes & Noble store), and found a GORGEOUS copy! It's one of the volumes in their Collectible Editions series, and cost $20.00 + tax. This book actually contains the first three novels in the series: "A Wrinkle In Time", "A Wind In The Door", and "A Swiftly Tilting Planet". So now I really MUST get to it!! I have just featured the cover of this treasure in my Saturday book cover meme, "Shelf Candy Saturday". LOVE it!!!

    In regards to audio books, I don't use this format much. I totally prefer printed books, and don't see the audio format ever replacing them. I do read ebooks, too, from time to time, and no, I don't think they will ever replace printed books, either.

    Happy Reading!! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!! :)

    1. I think all the mediums have their place. They all have their pros and cons and none will replace the other.
      You must read it! I'll have to look for that copy. I enjoyed this one and would love to read more of the series.

  21. A Wrinkle in Time! I hope you are enjoying it.

    I don't listen to audiobooks often, but I do enjoy them now and then.

    1. It's hard to find the right time for audios because you do have to really listen. I think you would enjoy this one!

  22. I have never read this book but have bought several copies of it for my nieces and nephews ...I guess I'm going to have to read it for and I love the's my Friday meme

    1. I enjoyed this as an adult though I'm not sure I got as caught up in the magic of the story as I did when I was a child.

  23. This was one of my favorites, too, I would love to reread it and see what I think of it now. :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).
