
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Beyond the Books: What I Do With Me Time

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's topic is - What do I do with "me" time

Me time is a concept I feel vaguely guilty about because I know so many people who struggle to get any and it's actually something I do okay with.  Part of this is because I have no problem leaving things undone if I have too and my husband is great at helping me out if I tell him I need a few minutes of quiet or I'm going to get stabby.

Things I do to recharge:

1.  Read (obviously) - and if I'm really stressed it's a nice bath with good bath salts and a book.  Sometimes I'll use a playlist on Amazon Prime called Classical Music for Reading

2.  Watch TV - Oh how I love TV!  I like having it on while I'm doing stuff around the house and it's great for when I'm too keyed up to sleep but too tired to read.  Throw in a stack of cookbooks to flip through while I'm watching and I'm a happy person.

3.  Baking - I like baking because I love to try new things and I love sweets so with trying new dessert recipes gets me both.  Plus there's something calming about following a recipe and sneaking tastes of cookie dough is pretty good too!

Other Stuff:
I also like the idea of pulling out one of the elaborate adult coloring books I've bought and doing some coloring but I'm not great about doing them.

At some point when I have more time I'd love to learn how to knit and I'm determined to actually tackle these two end tables I want to paint and I'd like to learn some more crafty skills.

I love taking road trips with J.  We'll pick some random place on the map and try to take the smallest roads we can.  We don't do it too often because it is definitely not the Tornado's favorite thing to do but we always enjoying seeing the out of the way sights and discovering new things!

My very favorite way to spend time  - and something I do very rarely because (a) it works so well as a de-stresser and a pick me up I don't want it to lose it's effectiveness and (b) I have too many books as it is - is to wander the shelves of my library on my own and pick up any book that interests me.  Bookstores kind of stress me out because I feel bad about spending money on books when I have so many already but put me in a library and I'm happy and content.

So what do you do with your "me" time?  How do you de-stress and decompress?


  1. I'm right there with you about wandering the bookshelves in a library. Although sometimes I would prefer to be alone to do so. Nothing more annoying than someone who impinges on my library wanderings. LOL

    I tried to learn to knit. It made me nuts. Not at all relaxing. I've decided that crafty things are just not for me. Once upon a time, I did cross stitch, but it strains my eyes too much now. I'm pleased that walking at the gym on the indoor track is becoming such a treat for me. Add in a book on audio and I just go and go. :-)

  2. Knitting is actually fun. I used to do it and I have made a few scarves in my time. I used to use it to keep my hands busy when I was trying to quit smoking. It would be cool to combine knitting and listening to books. I don't think I remember how to do it now thou. I remember the stitch I used, but not how to start or finish it.

  3. As you already know, I love to hang out in the library, looking at and reading books. of course, I'm still reading at home, but I can also binge watch Top Chef, Chopped, Blacklist and Undercover boss to relax. (lol) Hugs...

  4. I'm glad you are able to find me time. It's so important! Since I don't have children or a significant other, I have lots of me time, and I love it. I also read, obviously, and watch TV. I also love decorating my planner and I'm sort of getting into other areas of papercrafting like Project Life.

  5. Road trips are the best - sometimes the only way I can get Bub to drop off to sleep. My sense of direction is pretty crappy so I often end up taking us on the scenic route to places haha. Quilting rocks for de-stressing though as it is fairly mindless and you get a sense of achievement when it all comes together.

  6. I'm rootin' for you to learn how to knit! A big chain craft store would maybe, probably offer them for free or if you want something finer, a local yarn store (LYS in knitterly speak) is another way to go but you'll have to pay for lessons.
    Well, I read blogs every day b/c I hate getting behind, I knit altho that's gone to crap lately, read, or watch Hulu/Netflix/or Amazon Prime.

  7. "going to get stabby" lol. Reading and TV are big for me (shocker I know) - the funny thing is I almost never watched TV a few years ago and didn't know hardly any of the shows, but since blogging I've been plugged into all these scifi shows now lol. Not that I mind... :)

    Road trips are fun. I like to mess around outside too it's kinda relaxing. At least until it hits 90. :) Music too is a big one- I discovered smooth jazz recently and now Watercolors on SiriusXM is my thing. :)

  8. Those are great 'me' time ways to spend time. Since I retired at beginning of last year, me time is here and I guard it carefully! Time to learn new skills etc. I love it, but amazing where the time just goes so fast.

  9. I get a decent amount of me time too. I can relate to much of your list. Catching up on television shows is a big one. And reading is another. Reading is a bit easier to fit into short time spurts than watching a movie or TV. I want to color more than I do--I had planned to do it when I am catching up on TV, but I have a tendency to be on the computer at the same time instead.

  10. As you know, I've been knitting practically my whole life, and it's a big stress reliever. Swimming from March to October is my other favorite thing - I try to do it every day. So much of TV is junk, but if we get on Hulu or Netflix, we can find some great series to watch. I do keep the TV on during the day tuned to a new channel because I like the background noise, especially when I'm alone (a lot).

  11. I love getting to know you better through this meme! Although I could have guessed most of these (except the road trips) from reading your blog for several years. I like baking too, but don't do it too often because I have zero willpower when it comes to sweets. I've recently gotten back to knitting (I had to stop for a while for while my wrist was healing), and I bought a coloring book but haven't done much in it yet. Unlike a lot of my family, I don't relax as well with TV or movies as I do with books, but I do enjoy watching some shows. And I love listening to music but don't do nearly enough of it. On the other hand, I do sing in several choirs and take voice lessons!

  12. baking (cooking in my case), traveling, reading of course! I like those too but lately practicing piano, dancing or yoga. My ALL time favorite.. a massage! nothing can't beat a massage! :)

  13. I feel a little guilty, as I have lots of Me Time these days, post-retirement. But I still savor it, and recall the years when it was hard to find any. There was work and the kids and even reading a book when I wanted was hard to do.
    Thanks for sharing...and do enjoy your time!

  14. The baking is a good pastime because you get something to eat from it! I have a bunch of furniture refinishing projects that need to get done, too. I love to look at cookbooks too. It is very relaxing. I need to remember to get some when I go to the library. :)

  15. I also have no problem leaving things undone! I can knit square things - dishcloths, scarves, fingerless gloves(no thumbs).

  16. Read? Watch tv? Bake? Yep, I'm with you on all three of those things! Visiting blogs, scrapbooking, playing with the decor of my house are other ways I spend me time.

  17. I love how you go on road trips. It sounds so nice to get away for a quick trip. I would love to learn how to sew and knit. It sounds so relaxing.

  18. I love going to the library too. I would love to work there someday. I haven't done a wandering road trip since I was a kid. My husband isn't big on that kind of things and likes for detailed plans to be made. Great post!

  19. I kind of just go with the flow most days so never really have to worry about me time thankfully. I tend to do similar things. Reading, TV, baking/cooking. I like to do projects around the house too. Browsing the library sounds nice :D I need to do that more often :)
