
Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday Linkups: A Clue in the Stew

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Has your contact with authors usually been in person, via email, social media, or something else?

My Answer:
My contact is primarily email though really I haven't had that much communication with authors.  I've mostly dealt with publicists.  I have gotten a few requests for reviews via Twitter but they tend to be so far outside my regular genres that they don't work for me.

This week's book is actually for a blog tour review scheduled for Monday.  I got the book just a few days ago so it's going to be a scramble but this series is so much fun and I'm really enjoying it so far so I'm hopeful.  This is the latest in Connie Archer's Soup Lover's Mysteries - A Clue in the Stew and it always has drool-worthy recipes in the back.  I'm planning on trying out a recipe for Tomato Pepper Soup and another for Corn and Cheese Cakes.  Actually I think those 2 might work well together!

The Beginning:
"What?" Marjorie shrieked, "You haven't heard of her?"

My Thoughts:
I like the beginning.  I've felt like this a few times when I'm sure everyone simply must have heard of a particular author and all I get are blank looks!  I do like that Marjorie is actually talking about an author here and that the whole mystery revolves around a book related event.

The 56:
"I won't be a bother, I swear.  I'll stay out of the way."

My Thoughts:
These sound like famous last words to me!  I think whatever the character is swearing to not be a bother during is going to go horrible wrong.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I agree, something is bound to go wrong! This looks like a fun cozy, and I can see where reading it might make one hungry. I'd keep reading. And it's got a good cover as any good cozy should. :)

    1. Hope you get to try some of the recipes, Greg!

  2. What a delightful sounding book! I do love "famous last words," and also characters who are passionate about authors and books.

    Thanks for sharing, and enjoy. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I also get request via Twitter outside of my reading Genre.
    Sportochick’s Musings Answer

  4. Hi,
    Oh yes keep reading. Have a great day!

  5. I have most of my author contact through email, but I've also met a fair few authors. So fun! I like the sound of this book you are featuring. Not a series I've read, but sounds great. It's a foggy day here and so soup would be good for dinner.

  6. This one sounds really cute. And I love soup, so I'm definitely intrigued! Thanks for sharing, and happy reading this week!

  7. I've had some contact with authors via e-mail, but mostly through Twitter, I think. I love the cover of A Clue in the Stew. I had the same thought when I read your teaser. Famous last words, indeed! Haha I hope you enjoyed it!

  8. I haven't heard of this author before. I do like the beginning and the 56.

  9. True about publicists, but I have had authors write after a review. That was so nice.

    Happy Hopping and Happy Weekend!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  10. This is a new-to-me series. Sounds like an enjoyable read.

  11. Havent heard of this book, but i like cozy mysteries... :) ...and i like stew. :) Thanks for coming by my blog btw. :)

    Here are my friday posts:

  12. Oh sounds like a fun cozy series! I am going to look it up and add it to my list. :)


  13. I just love the titles used for cozies. And you had me at the beginning with this one.

    My 56 - Laura @ fuonlyknew

  14. E-mail does seem to be the most common way for most of us bloggers to be in contact with authors. I have gotten review requests from authors in the past. Now most of my contact seems to be through blog tours. But I've also met some authors at local book events. That's very exciting!

    I don't read a lot of mysteries, but this one sure looks cute, as well as cozy! And those recipes are mouth-watering! I know you'll really enjoy it!

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!! :)

  15. I guess that I would have to say email and social media but I really don't feel like I have a lot of contact with authors. I follow a lot of authors but don't carry on conversations with them. The author events that I have been to are nice as well.

    I love all of the cozies that you read. I really like the idea of including a few recipes in the book. I would love to know how they turn out.

  16. I'll be looking deeper into my stews from now on... lol... Happy weekend!

  17. Cute title...I MUST read a cozy soon.

    I keep saying that but never do.

    ENJOY your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings
