
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Beyond the Books: Why I Started Blogging

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's topic is - Why I Started Blogging

This one isn't as easy as it should be.  I'm not sure I had a specific light bulb moment where I thought "I'm going to start a blog" nor is there really a reason that made me thought I should.

I think the first step was reconnecting with an old IRL friend who just happens to be Lisa from Books Lists Life.  I hadn't really seen a book blog before hers and I was intrigued.  I was also pregnant with the Tornado and in the process of moving and had 3 other kids so there just wasn't time to explore it further.

Fast forward a few years and I've started following a bunch of food blogs and am becoming a bit more aware of the blogging community - at least on the food side.  I expanded out into book blogs and crafts and stuff and really just enjoyed reading blogs.  But I still didn't feel like it was something that I was going to do.  At this point I was reviewing books on Paperbackswap and Goodreads and found that it was really helpful in helping me keep track of which book was which.  Plus I felt like the read was more meaningful if I thought about what I liked and what I didn't and it was more helpful in steering me towards other books that I'd enjoy.

I was a big Pinterest user and loved all the cupcake recipes and decided to start a project where I tried a different cupcake recipe every week.  As the project progressed I decided I needed a place to keep track of my results so I started a blog centered around cupcakes and other food.  As an afterthought I started one to review books as well.  My first post was August 1, 2013 though to be honest I wasn't great about keeping up with it and posted really sporadically.  My real focus was still on the food related blog.

But as time went on I found that I was enjoying the book blog more.  I've always been a big reader and finding there was a whole community out there of people who felt the same way about books that I did was really exciting.  After a few months of doing both blogs I decided to let the food blog go and focus on I Wish I Lived in a Library and I have been so glad I did!

So what about you?  If you're a blogger what's your blogging story?


  1. I agree about reviewing, something about it does seem to make reading a book more meaningful, maybe because we're thinking about it and analyzing it so much. Great post!

  2. I had two good online friends who both started blogs back in 2006 or 2007. They kept encouraging me to do the same. I finally did and had that blog for 5 years or so. Then I got tired of it and stepped away for what I thought was a permanent break. I missed it as time passed and so began again a little over a year ago. I've been very glad that I came back to blogging. Have enjoyed renewing friendships made the first time around. I've also been much more 'relaxed' about this blog. I do what feels good to me. And I'm happy sharing and talking about books with others again. I see this as an extension of what I used to do at the library - talk with readers about books.

  3. HI! That's me! PS. If we go to Burritt this summer are you in?

  4. Do you still have your food blog? May I take a look? :-)
    I started a blog to track my Pierce family research so it would be easier for family to share the information they had, easier than writing out so many emails. Then food and books crept into the mix so I started Squirrel Head Manor. Then I started Novel Meals for books. Too many blogs!

  5. I didn't know you and Lisa are IRL friends. How cool is that?! After reading book blogs for a year or two, I wanted to get in on the conversation, so started my own blog in 2008.

  6. I was posting reviews on B&N's forums and Goodreads when friends suggested I start a blog and sign-up for NetGalley. I had no idea about the blogging world before that. I jumped on Blogspot made up a name and retrospect I would have researched more had I know, but we all need to the noob right of passage :) What is this food blog you speak of? I would follow.

  7. As Emeril would say, "Kick it up a notch!" I had a private blog before just for ohana and then decided to take it one step further and join the world of knitting blogging.

  8. I heard about people blogging on the news back in the day, was intrigued by it and started my own about 5 years ago. This is my third blog, but this is the one that's "just right" as Goldilocks said so succinctly.

    I am here right now at this time for the discussions, new title recommendations and the company. I love to chat about books and other life issues. I've made wonderful like-minded friends here so I keep at it :)

  9. That is really cool that you started with a food blog. I hadn't even thought of that being a thing. (i don't cook much) That is really cool though. I could totally see how you may have combined them. Awesome food to eat while you are reading a good book?
    I am so glad you found you niche here in book blogging land. It is such an awesome community.

  10. Always interesting to see why and how readers got into book blogging! Enjoyed your story and can see you have been active in many areas of social media!

  11. I too was aware of food blogs well before book blogs. I have a home and gardens Facebook page and I find things on food and gardening blogs and post them in albums under themes (like Mad Hatter Tea Parties). When I started making posts to my blog I didn't really know what was going on because I was posting links to other blogs and e-zines. Heh. I am so happy you decided to book blog! :)

  12. I read your blog because of Lisa, I think. I feel like there was something that happened that made me head over here. OH! Lucy Maud Montgomery! She told me you were making a project of it. I planned to but still haven't. lol

  13. I enjoyed reading about your journey; mine started in 2008. I created my first blog on Blogger, while I also started reviewing books on Amazon and Goodreads. It was another year, though, before I discovered the book blogging community. In the meantime, Amazon had a more user-friendly forum back then, with a profile page with "friends" and fun things. I started seeing some of those people on blogs and got the idea of doing more with mine.

    Of course, for a while, my "more" meant having LOTS of blogs...a bit obsessive. Now I have six, which works for me.

  14. I just discovered your blog and love it! I started with a general interest blog and now only blog about books. It's addictive and I love reading outside my comfort zone or stumbling upon books I would probably never have discovered otherwise. It's fun to read about your blogging journey, thanks for sharing.

  15. I started visiting book blogs and I enjoyed reading the books they recommended. Since I read so many books I wanted a place to share with my family and friends. Also I like using the blog to track what I’ve read. I’m having fun meeting people who also have a passion for reading.

  16. I enjoyed hearing about your story, Katherine. I found you through Lisa. :-) My own story is pretty simple. I've always enjoyed jotting my down my thoughts about my reading and my husband encouraged me to go public and make a blog.

    I hope you have a good weekend! It's been such a crazy week--exhausting. I am looking forward to this weekend.

  17. What a great post!! It was Pinterest that was responsible for me becoming a blogger. I still am to this day a big pinner and a lot of my boards are devoted to food. A couple of years back like you I started following these blogs and I got the idea that I could become a food blog, it look amazing fun. I think I lasted two weeks as a food blog, I very quickly realised I didn't have the patience for pretty pics and why was I trying to blog about food when books where my passion? That was two years ago and books it has been since then!

  18. I love learning everyone's blogging story. My first experience with blogs revolved around food like yours and I still follow a few food bloggers. Book reviews were only supposed to be a small part of my blog but I soon learned that was the part that I enjoyed. That is how I became a book blogger with such a terrible blog name. :)

  19. You really did just fall into book blogging, didn't you?! I wasn't even aware you and Lisa were friends!

  20. Interesting story.

    I started reviewing back in 2001 at this little site called Amazon. Maybe you've heard of it? From there I joined another site in 2005. When it was becoming obvious the site was about to close, I decided I wanted to save my reviews in a space I controlled. So instead of trying to find another site with a business model of reviewing, I started my blog by posting all my old reviews on it, and then posting my new reviews going forward there. And about a year later, that old site closed, so I was right to be concerned.

  21. Thanks for sharing! For as long as I can remember, I've been captivated by words and their power to pull me in. Growing up, I was socially awkward (still quite introverted at times *shrugs*) and some of my best friends were in the pages of the books I read. Novels in particular were a treat I couldn't wait to indulge in! The characters that awaited, the clever word play, the highs and lows. The possibilities were endless and I was always down for a good read.

    Considering how much I love to read, I must confess that I was in a bit of a reading rut for...don't judge me... a year. I know, I know! However, my love of literature didn't go down without a fight and in January 2015, I started a book club. It was one of the most terrifying and exciting things I've done! It required me to put myself out there and possibly be left standing alone. And just so we're clear, I'm the girl whose hands are firmly folded when volunteers for karaoke are requested. Yep, that girl lol.

    I actually had no idea that book blogging was a thing and just launched my own blog ( ) and am just loving this community!
