
Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday Linkups: Black Rabbit Hall

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you tend to read more in the winter or in the summer months?

My Answer:
I probably read more during the winter though it's not on purpose.  During the summer we're outside a lot more and a lot more active.  Between that and the heat and my allergies ramping up when it gets to be nighttime I'm frequently to tired to read much.

This week's book is Black Rabbit Hall by Eve Chase.  I was really excited when I was offered the chance to review it because I love a good Gothic-y read and this had old secrets and a shadowy manor house.  I can't resist those things!  So far I've been enjoying it though I have quite a ways to go.  I hope to have the review up on Monday.

The Beginning:
Last day of the summer holidays, 1969, Cornwall
I feel safe on the cliff ledge, safer than in the house, anyway.

Chapter 1
More than three decades later
It is one of those journeys.  The closer they get to their destination, the harder it is to imagine that they'll ever actually arrive.

My Thoughts:
The prologue feels so foreboding.  I'm thinking if you feel safer at the end of the cliff things are not well at the house!  I know just the feeling they she talks about in chapter 1!  When you've been driving so long it's hard to imagine not driving.

The 56:
A recently retired London taxi driver, her father prides himself on never getting lost anywhere, ever, and thoroughly enjoys it when other men do.

My Thoughts:
This one made me laugh a little.  While I have to say I don't know any London taxi drivers - retired or otherwise- I can just picture the man lighting up over someone else getting turned around.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  When do you do most of your reading?


  1. I read more in winter too. Hey, I didn't know this book was set in Cornwall. I want it now!
    By the way, thanks for you comment on my blog. The Guest Room is not a happy book to be sure, Katherine, but well written. He really captures the emotions of those who are affected by this debauchery. Hey, if you watch Criminal Minds, you may not be disturbed by this!

  2. I don't think I read more in any season especially. Maybe around holiday times in December a bit less. And I'm looking forward to hearing what you think about BLACK RABBIT HALL. Even though I featured it on Tuesday, it will likely be a while before I get around to reading it.

  3. I read much more in the summer. Since I'm a teacher, I am much less busy during the summer months. This week I am spotlighting a contemporary mystery/thriller - Merciless by Lori Armstrong. Happy reading!

  4. Black Rabbit Hall is in my TBR list. I visited Cornwall as a teen and can picture the cliffs mentioned.

  5. I don't know if I read more in the winter or summer. I think I'm a pretty steady reader, but Spring allergies do absolutely kill me!

  6. I have been eyeing Black Rabbit Hall, and you are right about how scary it must be indoors if the ledge feels safer. Ledges scare me, actually...LOL.

    I'll be watching for your review. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THE NEXT TIME YOU SEE ME”

  7. I am curious about this book and look forward to your review. :)

    Friday Memes

  8. I read this book a while back and loved it. I felt like it dragged a little in the middle, but the ending more than made up for that! I hope you're enjoying it! I read more in the winter too and for the same reason. I live on the east coast, so the weather here is really nice in the spring and summer, fall too, really. I tend to be outside a lot, going to the beach and park and whatnot. I do stay inside on the really hot days and I get a lot of reading done then, but otherwise, I read less.

    1. I forgot to leave my link! Here's my Friday memes. Have a great weekend!

  9. This one sounds like it could be good.

  10. By the way, Black Hall looks intriguing, and I still can't get a handle on what it is supposed to be about. Hope you enjoy it!

    I definitely read more in spring/summer rather than winter because from mid-October until New Years is a busy time with us with all the holidays, plus most of our families birthdays/anniversaries are coincidentally in this time period.

    In summer it can be brutally hot here, so I curl up on the couch in the A/C, with my iced tea and my kindle. For people in cold climates they might do the opposite, or for folks with little kids out of school.

  11. I think winter is more reading for me too, but difficult to say.

    I am always reading like everyone else.

    I LOVED Black Rabbit Hall.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  12. I like the cover and it seems like it's going to be an interesting read! I'd keep reading if I were you. Excited to see a review on this :) Happy weekend!

    Here's mine: THE SCORPION RULES

    1. There is a review on my blog, Danica.

      It was a good read.


  13. This sounds really intriguing and the Cornwall setting makes it more so. I don't read more at any time of year, except when I have a book with my editor, because then I cede all the worry to her and go on a mental vacation!

  14. Hi Katherine,

    I tend to get allergies during the spring and summer, although I know that it is the trees which cause me all the problems, rather than anything grass or flower related. I am not a big fan of the summer heat and you will always find me being teased mercilessly by my family, for seeking the shady spot to sit in!

    My reading pattern is pretty steady throughout the year, although some of my other hobbies, such as knitting and crocheting, tend to get set aside in the summer.

    True London black cab drivers, are arguably among the best in the World and it isn't often that they get lost, or don't know a route. You are more likely to find that the private mini cab drivers are the ones who will get lost, or take you somewhere by the longest route, which will definitely make your genuine 'cabby' chuckle!

    I'm not really sure that I would read this book and the excerpts you shared didn't really entice me enough, although standing on the edge of a Cornish cliff and feeling safe, surely smacks of desperation and I am intrigued by the very fact that it is set in Cornwall, a place I love to visit and which isn't too far from where I live.

    Thanks for sharing, enjoy the rest of the book and have a great weekend :)


  15. I like the setting of Cornwall and will add this to my list!

  16. This book looks so good. I have had my eye on it and am looking forward to your review.

    I don't really think that I read more or less in any certain season. It all really depends on how busy my family is keeping me. My daughter is keeping me so busy this school year that I may find more reading time in the summer.

  17. Black Rabbit Hall sounds awesome! I put in a library hold request for the audio version.

  18. I read equally with the only exception being the holidays. My family is home then and I have to sneak my reading in at night after they go to bed.
    Sportochick’s Musings Answer

  19. I'm wondering what is so bad in the house that they'd rather sit on a ledge. Got me curious now.

    My 56 -

  20. This sounds good and I like the idea of the man not getting's my Friday meme

  21. I was approved for BRH so I am happy you are liking it! I listen to a lot of audiobooks, and lately text-to-speech (because the voices on the new Kindle Fires are great, and also have British and Aussie accents to choose from), on the bus. Other than that weekends are my power reading time. ;)

  22. I was approved for BRH so I am happy you are liking it! I listen to a lot of audiobooks, and lately text-to-speech (because the voices on the new Kindle Fires are great, and also have British and Aussie accents to choose from), on the bus. Other than that weekends are my power reading time. ;)

  23. I think I read more in the winter as well. There is school going on and we play more inside which means I can read while they are doing there thing in the basement. In the summer we are out and about more. I love the cover of that book!!! Sounds good too so keep reading!

  24. I seem to keep seeing this book ... it sounds a little like an Agatha Christie novel. Goth is great when you`re in the mood for it :)

  25. I'm definitely curious to read more. Looks highly suspenseful! Happy weekend!

  26. I usually read more in the summer. But that's because winter was a very busy time at work and summer was not. But this winter I'm not working so I've been doing a good amount of reading. Times are a changing.

  27. I read just about the same all year round, because we don't really have seasons here in South Florida. Some years, it's been 80F on Christmas Day! We only get a few cold days every year, and it's unpredictable from year to year.

    I don't like to read outdoors because I get into a bad mood when I'm all sweaty and sticky (unless I've been exercising). So I prefer to read indoors, at any time of year. However, temps are in the 60s, then I can read outdoors. I just throw on s sweater.

    I've seen "Black Rabbit Hall" on other blogs. It sure looks like a great read! And I LOVE that cover!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my BBH post!! :)

  28. I've been hearing a bit about this one lately! I'm really hoping to read it soon. :)
    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  29. This spring my sinuses have been giving me more trouble than they have in awhile. :-( I don't think my reading changes all that much due to the seasons. Although life events do weigh in now and then.

    I hope you are enjoying Black Rabbit Hall. I am looking forward to reading that one.
