
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Beyond the Books - What I'm Afraid Of

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's topic is - What are your fears?

I'm pretty paranoid.  There have been some comments that my paranoia isn't helped by my television choices but I choose to ignore those crazy suggestions!

I watched a show once where the killer got into the victim's house a few weeks before the murder and took pictures of the victim sleeping.  The victim never knew.  If I wake up suddenly in the middle of the night it's just way too easy to imagine that someone was just there.

I don't like dark hallways - even in my own house - because I'm convinced someone is waiting in one of the open doors.

I always lock the door not only from the outside into the garage but the door from the garage into the house because of an episode of Criminal Minds I watched one time.

I always check the backseat before I get into the car and I always have my keys in my hand before I leave a store to walk to my car.

Shows where the bad guy wears a mask of any kind freak me out.  I can't stand masks but somehow clowns don't really bother me.

With all this you'd think violent crime was a day to day thing here but it really isn't.  I live in a low crime area of a low crime city!

What are you afraid of?


  1. TV makes one very security conscious I think! I used to watch scary shows when I was a teen and I'd think "that was dumb" or "they shouldn't have done that". Now as an adult I always check the locks LOL.

  2. Sometimes I get really freaked out, too, when I wake up suddenly in the middle of the night.

    I'm actually freaked out about being in really tall buildings. I'm not really afraid of heights. I can be on the top of a mountain and that is fine. But in tall buildings, nope. no thank you. Going to the top of the Empire State Building is never going to happen. Not for me, anyway.

  3. Some of the things you listed - having your keys before you go to the car, looking in the backseat - all of these were taught to me as a teen by my father, a career state policeman. And we always (and I mean always) had the doors locked. I still do that - automatically. Lifetime habit. Now, not sleeping with my foot out from under the covers or hanging over the edge of bed - you can thank Stephen King for that. LOL

    My real fears or phobias or whatever are more in the heights range. I'm very slow getting on escalators. Don't like glass elevators. You get the drift.

  4. I'm afraid of: late night phone calls, the power going out suddenly, heights, drowning, or being locked in a small space.
    Also, watching Criminal Minds is enough to give anyone the creeps! That show freaks me out every time, and yet I still watch it periodically.

  5. I wouldn't call you paranoid, I'd call you cautious. I'm a door locker--very vigilant about locking my car, home, and windows whether I'm inside or outside.

  6. I am overly obsessive about checking locks, etc., and I also lock the door from the garage to the house. These are just normal precautions, I think. One can never be too careful.

    But I do hear sounds sometimes when there are none. LOL

  7. I used to have the dark hallway thing, but it was fear of ghosts, ha ha! I was a ghost hunting show addict. So I guess it proves that what we what on the tube colors our fears. I always had to watch what I called a "palate cleanser" after watching a ghost show at night, so I wasn't as afraid of the dark house. :P

  8. I freeze when the doorbell rings at night even though it's just a neighbor. I've gotten used to sleeping in a ranch style home and do check all the locks and the alarm. I do worry sometimes w/all the gun violence out there about the safety of my loved ones.

  9. I see and think strange things when I wake up in the middle of the night. I always seem to think that I didn't remember to lock a door and want to go back and check. It drives me nuts.

  10. I think that's smart. I never check the back of my car. I head into dark hallways without a second thought. I would be the first one attacked.

  11. Lol! Criminal Minds has some freaky stuff on it. But that doesn't really scare me. It's more ghosts when I'm in a dark house by myself. Snakes are my worst fear. I can't even see one on TV without having a nightmare. They're disgusting unnatural creatures.

  12. My thing is bees/wasps/hornets. I hate them. lol

  13. I never though about checking the back of my car, it is parked during the day at my work which is a house in a quiet village but maybe I should....

    Criminal Minds (which I can't watch anymore) plus to a lesser extent CSI Vegas due to them freaking me out!!!

  14. Oh what, that just sounds creepy.. I too don't like hallways and I always have to turn the light on to go to the bathroom. Haha.

  15. Fun idea for a meme...Beyond the Books. Interesting to see if we book-ish folks have things outside books in common....

  16. Pretty much the same things as you - all of the possibly real things that could happen. I don't need zombies and chainsaw-wielding bad guys to scare me - the guy walking down the street does just fine!
