
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Why Not Me - Review

Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling
Rating: Very Good
Source: Library (audio)
Description:  In Why Not Me?, Kaling shares her ongoing journey to find contentment and excitement in her adult life, whether it's falling in love at work, seeking new friendships in lonely places, attempting to be the first person in history to lose weight without any behavior modification whatsoever, or most important, believing that you have a place in Hollywood when you're constantly reminded that no one looks like you. (from Goodreads)

Genre: Nonfiction - Memoir

Why I Picked This Book: I loved Mindy as Kelly Kapor on The Office and really enjoyed her previous book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

My Impression:  I wasn't sure what to expect with Why Not Me?  Mindy had covered most of her childhood and early career in her first book so I wasn't sure what was left.  In her 2nd book she takes us back to college and then to the end of The Office and the beginning and creation of the Mindy Project.  We see her a little bit older, a little bit wiser, and a whole lot gutsier but still most definitely herself.  She's the woman you want to be best friends with because not only is she intelligent enough to have discussions about comedic greats and the ins and outs of becoming a successful writer but you just know you could also debate if those shoes really work with jeans and she'd be all for it.
I really enjoyed her stories on her short lived time as a sorority girl, dating a guy in the Secret Service (or at least I think he was), getting her show started, and listening to BJ Novak defend himself for his behavior at the theater.  I didn't find this book laugh out loud funny and there weren't moments where I absolutely repeat something to my husband (which is best - he's still recovering from the Bill Bryson book I read a few weeks ago) but it was entertaining and interesting and just plain fun.  Mindy has mastered being smart but not pretentious or unapproachable as well as being shallow without being superficial or vapid.  She's incredibly honest  and witty and listening to this book made me feel happy.
My primary complaints would be that the stories do feel a little random and there are a few that kind of feel like filler.  Also, there's not nearly enough BJ Novak but I guess it really isn't his book so I can't complain too much about that.
I went the audio route which is read my Mindy and is lots of fun.  Listening to it feels a bit like hanging out with a good friend.  If you're an audio fan I recommend going that route though I really think it would read great as well.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  In fact I'm thinking about going back and getting the audio for Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? because I really enjoyed the audio of this one.

Would I Recommend this Book?: This is a bit more of a difficult question than usual because I don't think she's for everyone.  If you're familiar with The Mindy Project or her character on The Office definitely pick this one up.  If you're not maybe watch an episode (she's way more put together and less crazy than either character) and see what you think.  Or get this one from the library - especially if you can get it on audio.


  1. Totally agree! I enjoyed it but it was a bit random on the stories and yes some felt like filler. Her fist book on audio was amazing though! Great review!

    1. I read her first book and enjoyed it but I can see how it would be awesome on audio. My library has it so hopefully I'll get to it soon.

  2. Even though Audio is not my thing, I really enjoy reading stories about people from the entertainment world. I didn't know she wrote any books, but totally enjoyed her on television. She just seems like one of us, you know? Great review! Hugs...

    1. Definitely! She's down to earth but still has a good dash of fun. You must try her books if you like her in TV. I think you'd enjoy them.

  3. I've been wanting to read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me for awhile now. I just haven't gotten there. I'm so glad to hear that you really liked the audiobook for this one, because I definitely want to listen to Is Everyone Hanging Out without Me.

    1. I liked Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me a little better though this was fun. I think it'd be fantastic in audio!

  4. Hmm I like memoirs but have not really seen the TV shows, so maybe not, following your recommendation. Definitely sounds good though.

    1. If you have access to the American version of The Office you may want to give it a try.

  5. I've been curious about this book, so I appreciate your thoughts. Had to laugh at your Bill Bryson comment--I'm listening to At Home during my drive time. So much information in it that at times my head is spinning.

    1. Oh I know! I read At Hone awhile ago and it was so many facts!

  6. Oh I like that with both books you see two different perspectives that of young Mindy and that of older Mindy. As I approach 50 rapidly, I often laugh at 20 something me, I worried about such stupid stuff. I listen to my twenty something girls and try to tell them what I now know..but we all have to make that journey.

    1. It's definitely fun to compare earlier Mindy with more current Mindy. Both are good reads and just fun!

  7. I have heard this book was quite as good as the first book. I am glad to hear you liked it.

    1. I did like it. It might not have been quite as good as the first but it was definitely fun!

  8. I do enjoy memoirs of celebrities....although I have no clue who Mindy is, never having watched any shows she was on...LOL.

    Thanks for sharing, and I hope you enjoy more about her.

    1. I'm not sure what someone who isn't familiar with her would think. The books are so fun!

  9. I don't know any shows that Mindy Kaling is on, but I have read excerpts from her book, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? I think she's hilarious.

    1. She is definitely hilarious! Definitely get the books! I've read one and listened to the other and they were great both ways.

  10. I know so little about Mindy. I do want to listen to the audio version of this book though. I bet I would love it.

  11. Not familiar with her but I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  12. Yup,audio is a post for celebrity books. A must.
    I love Mindy. But like you, this was a 4* for me. Mostly because the stories had no flow to them. She would jump all over the place. I do love how honest and down to earth she is. She is exactly like a normal women and I think that's her appeal to us.

  13. I don't read a lot of celebrity memoirs. I have seen a lot of people loving her books so I do wonder if I would enjoy it. I may need to see if my library has the audio. Great review!
