
Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday Linkups: Murder in Mesopotamia

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you have a favorite place to read?

My Answer:
I love the idea of reading in this big comfy chair in the living room but that never really seems to happen!  In reality my favorite place tends to be in bed after everyone else has gone to sleep.

It's been awhile since I featured an Agatha Christie and I just started one of my favorites - Murder in Mesopotamia.  This is one of her archaeology books where a murder happens in the midst of an archaeological dig in some exotic location.  One of the reasons I love them is because Agatha had a very strong personal connection to archaeology.  Not only was she fascinated by it in her own right but her 2nd husband was a renowned archaeologist. This adds a real touch of authenticity to the books and you can just feel her love for dig sites and history.   Most of them are stand alones but in this one features Poirot completely out of his element but still being Poirot!

The Beginning:
The events chronicled in this narrative took place some four years ago. Circumstances have rendered it necessary in my opinion, that a straightforward account of them should be given to the public.

My Thoughts:  
This is a pretty common device that you see in Christie books.  The book itself is coming from a journal from someone involved in the case or the case caused such a scandal and so many rumors that a character on the outskirts rights a clear record down.  It works very well story-wise but doesn't make for the most riveting beginning.

The 56:
"I've made up my mind to tell you - everything!  I must tell some one or I should go mad."

My Thoughts:
I love a secret!  This one sounds like a good one!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I know you are a big fan of Christie so you have to keep going! But this sounds like a good mystery, so I would keep going, fan or not. My favorite place to read is this one corner of a sofa. The light is so good and it's so comfortable. I used to read in bed but the mattress doesn't cooperate so I read in the living room.

  2. I have a chair and light set up in my office/library and that's where I usually read. A little at night before I turn out the light, but these days I don't read very long before my eyes are closing.

    I like this Poirot mystery. Captain Hastings is not the recorder of this story is he? It's someone else. I also like the books where she features archaelogical settings. I've heard that she loved going with her husband, Max, on his digs.

  3. One of my favorite places to read is in my car while I'm waiting for someone. I'd love for everyone to check out mine...

  4. The archaeological connection reminds me of another mystery series I recently started: the Ruth Galloway mysteries. That was a fascinating exploration, and I like the sound of this one, too.

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “MULTIPLE LISTINGS”

  5. Definitely keep reading, I always loved archaeology as a kid and I would have gobbled this one u if I had known about it probably. The combination of archaeology and a murder mystery sounds like a lot of fun. And I love that 56 quote...

    I wonder if the "this is a journal recounting past events" trope was common early in the 20th century, cause Edgar Rice Burroughs comes to mind as someone who did that ALL the time. LOL.

  6. I really need to read more Christie. Sounds like a good one.

  7. I love comfy chairs.

    I usually don't read in bed. Need to think about that.

    Have a great day and weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  8. As you know from my post, I have two favorite places to read. But I occasionally do read in bed, as well. I like to put at least 3 pillows behind me. And I need to use my little reading light, so I don't disturb my husband. Lol.

    I've been meaning to read an Agatha Christie novel for the LONGEST time.... Maybe I'll start with this one, too! Archaeology totally fascinates me!

    Thanks for coming by and commenting on my BBH post!! :)

  9. I've never read a Christie book, even though I really want to. I really need to pick one up sometime. I like the 56, I'm curious as to what the secret is! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  10. This sounds like such a good one as I love archaeology but saw it was #14. I have the first of this series on my TBR.

  11. Hi Katherine,

    I have to be in total peace and quiet to read, so my only time to read, is really early in the morning whilst I am eating my breakfast, enjoying my first cup of black coffee of the day and hubbie is still tucked up in bed sound asleep.

    My office chair is where I generally sit, as I like to have the desk, with pen and paper handy to make any notes, or jot down any quotes, as I go.

    I love Agatha Christie and Hercule Piorot, so I would keep reading, regardless of the rather clinical opening lines, which are in fact, quite intriguing.

    I'm no good at keeping secrets either, so eventually I have to tell someone and then hope that I am acting naturally, so as not to be found out.

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your fix of Christie :)


  12. I keep saying I am going to read one of her books, but I swear one day I will. :)

  13. Great answer to this week's Book Blogger Hop question.

  14. I love Agatha Christie books and I'm pretty sure I've read this one - at one time I had read all of her books - but it's been a long, long time since I read it - think I need to re-read it myself. Great choice. Thanks for visiting my Friday meme

  15. I have a comfy sofa but I too end up reading in bed. It's quite and snuggly. I'm pretty sure I've read this one. Have to check my shelves. Always good reading with Agatha!

    My 56 -

  16. It's been so long since I read an Agatha Christie book. This sounds so good. I don't think I read this one.

  17. I understand about wanting to read in a certain place and not really being able to. I feel that way about the glider that used to be in my daughter's room (and is now our living room). I never seem to settle in it though to read. I hope you are enjoying Murder in Mesopotamia!

  18. Reading in bed does not work for me. I get neck aches. I wish I could though.

  19. Love the 56 quote! I've had this one on my wish list for a while, I need to go hunt it down!

    I read everywhere but mostly on the couch and in bed.

  20. Interesting BB :) Sounds like something really juicy is coming! x

  21. I think I'd like this one a lot. Happy weekend!

  22. Ooo, that Christie book sounds juicy! And yes, definitely agree about wanting to read elsewhere but not really being able to do so. I, personally, feel like it's because the bed has a sense of permanency, you can stay as long as you want.

  23. True confessions: i have never read a single Agatha Christie novel. But 2016 will remedy that situation. This one sounds like a good place to start.

  24. In bed is pretty common place. But I think that's because it's the most comfy. Than again I'll read wherever. Outside on a perfect day would be ideal. But seeing as it's February that's not happening right now.

  25. I don't know, if someone told me they wanted to unload all of their secrets onto me, I might have to say no thank you, who knows what you'll be getting yourself into! Happy weekend.

  26. I think I have read at least one Agatha Christie book and I know I need to try more. Happy Weekend!

  27. I haven't read her since High School. Eeps!

    I tend to read in bed too. I wish I could find the right comfy chair--that does sound lovely--but so far I've not found one for sale. Bed will do though :D

    Sorry for the comment bombing that's about to commence! I'm catching up on blog visits from being a bit out of the bloggy world the past week or so.

  28. I always try to have reading time but I usually find myself reading while I cook and other such nonsense. I really need to start reading Christie. The archaeology in this book sound wonderful.
