
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Settings I Love

Today's topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Historical Settings You Love.  To be honest I don't really read widely in setting or time period so I modified it a little bit and went with books where the setting and time period are really important to the plot or are so vividly drawn they're basically a character.

1.  Anne of Green Gables and the rest of the series by L.M. Montgomery - 
Setting: 2nd half of the 19th Century through World War 1 in Prince Edward Island, Canada
These books are why Prince Edward Island is in my top five places I want to visit list.  The books are so descriptive about the island.

2.  The Other Daughter by Lauren Willig -
Setting: 1920s London
The setting and the time period really important to the story as we have Rachel having to adapt to both the fast pace of London and the absolutely stunning close she wears as she pretends to be someone she isn't.

3.  Lisette's List by Susan Vreeland -
Setting: A small village in the Provence region of France during World War 2
Not only is Lisette's entire life turned upside down by the war but the way she survives is deeply rooted in the village where she lives and that's a huge part of the book.

4.  A Gilded Grave by Shelley Freydont -
Setting:  Newport, Rhode Island in 1895
I love all the talk about "the cottages" and the Vanderbilt's new cottage The Breakers.  Not only is the story told mostly in the beautiful homes but we get a peak below stairs as well

5.  Guaranteed to Bleed by Julie Mulhern -
Setting: Kansas City, Missouri in 1974
I love how Mulhern weaves the time period into the mystery with slang and mentions of clothes and trends.  It makes it feel very 1970s without being really in your face.

6.  A Fine Summer's Day by Charles Todd -
Setting: England during World War 1
The looming war impacts so much of what happens in this mystery.  There's constant talk of who is going and who isn't and the pressure is almost palpable.

7.  Whose Body? by Dorothy L. Sayers -
Setting: England early 1920s
This book is most definitely set in the early post-war days.  Almost all of the characters are still incredibly impacted by what happened during the war.

8.  And Then He Kissed Her by Laura Lee Guhrke -
Setting: England in 1893
I found this time period really interesting because so much is starting to change.  The hero is divorced and while that is basically social suicide it's not completely unheard of.  The heroine is vocal about women having to figure out how to earn a living in some way that isn't in service.  Class structure is very slowly changing and the daily life of the characters is subtly different from historical romances set much earlier in the century.

9.  City of Jasmine by Deanna Raybourn -
Setting: Damascus in the 1920s
This book is just gorgeous.  Raybourn draws both the glamorous balls and the tent in the dessert so vividly it's impossible not to picture.

10. Secrets of the Lighthouse by Santa Montefiore -
Setting:  Modern day Ireland
This one isn't exactly historical but I can't resist a book set in Ireland and I loved this book by Montefiore.  Ireland is basically a character in this story and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

What are your favorite settings?


  1. Prince Edward Island and the maritime provinces of Canada are a place I'd like to visit someday. 1920's London and the Provence region of France would also be cool settings. I have to agree about Mulhern too- she weaves in those 70's details without making it too obvious.

  2. I tend to love books set in Europe around WWII-ish. I do want to read Anne of Green Gables and The Other Daughter from your list though. Great picks!!

  3. I love all these setting, too, but would have to add Maine (or coastal New England) to my list!

  4. Thanks to you and a couple of others I got the first Julie Mulhern book and am excited for it :)

    I think I'll look for a a Deanna Raybourn, and Secrets of the Lighthouse was on my radar last year, then I forgot about it.

    Thanks for the fun list. I love TTT, and didn't get to do it this week because of my dog having surgery.

    I agree with JoAnn above... I've read numerous books set in Maine--I used to live there and loved the beautiful setting in real life too-- so for my own list I would've made that one front and center. Also NYC in the last century...

  5. In general, the time period of a book is a deciding factor for me either. I do absolutely LOVE the setting of Anne of Green Gables. I would love to visit Prince Edward Island someday.

  6. A huge yes to the Anne of Green Gables setting. Would love to visit there too. I will be reading The Other Daugher so will be finding out about that setting!

  7. I love books set in Japan, I just find the whole country so fascinating. Prince Edward Island sounds lovely too, I love to visit that neck of the woods one day!

  8. I think I see a bit of a pattern in your time periods - 1920's, Edwardian times, Ireland. My favorite is probably Victorian England and the 1920's and I'm liking some books lately that are set in the 60's and 70's and 80's (is that historical?? LOL).

  9. Anne of Green Gables was favorite of mine growing up. It has such a charming setting. A love the cover and plot of A Gilded Grave. I'm adding that to my TBR list. City of Jasmine sounds terrific too!

  10. I loved imagining the setting for Anne of Green Gables...and I still think of it as a place I would enjoy visiting.

  11. I loved the story and setting of City of Jasmine, too. But then I find it hard to resist any book about an adventurous aviatrix. As for the rest of your list I'm a furiously scribbling down titles and hoping that my library has copies. :)

  12. I love books set during the WWI years (give or take a decade). A Guilded Grave and The Other Daughter are on my wish list.

  13. Anne of Green Gables! Yes! I loved both the books and the television series. I bought all of the ebooks as a bundle special last year, and hope to do a reread within the next two years. Is the tv series on Netflix?

  14. I’ve never read Anne of Green Gables, but I know a lot of people grew up reading those books. I would love to read them someday.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  15. I haven't read any of the books that you mentioned. I have had Charles Todd on my TBR for a long time. Great list!

  16. It's a nice list. Don't you just love books that make you feel the love of place?

  17. The Anne of Green Gables time period is one of my favourites as well. PEI is such a beautiful place and LM Montgomery does a wonderful job of depicting that in her stories.

  18. I'm feeling all the PEI love! Everyone should just remember to come in the summer (July and August) - it's when we are at our best.

    I agree with your settings of Ireland, England, France - we'll have to do a grand European tour sometime!

  19. *gasp*I've not read a single one! I wouldn't mind visiting a few of those :D Love a good historical setting.

  20. Ditto re Prince Edward Island, the trees and flowers always sounded spectacular. I really need to go there some day.

  21. interesting twist! I need to get to Sayers one of these days!
    To that, I would add the series of Th Winemaker Detective, with each book set in a different French wine region. here is a link for those of your readers who are not familiar with it:

  22. A Gilded Grave looks so good - I'll have to add it to my tbr! :)

    Check out my TTT.

  23. Oh, that was a good spin on the topic. High-five!
    I love historical settings. Especially late 19th century England and of course the 20's. Who doesn't love the 20's?

  24. Newport would really have been something to see back in the day, wouldn't it?
