
Monday, February 1, 2016

Stars of Fortune - Review

Stars of Fortune (Guardian Trilogy #1) by Nora Roberts
Rating: Very Good
Source: Library
Description:  Book One of the Guardians Trilogy - To celebrate the rise of their new queen, three goddesses of the moon created three stars, one of fire, one of ice, one of water.  But then they fell from the sky, putting the fate of all worlds in danger.  And now three women and three men join forces to pick up the pieces...
Sasha Riggs is a reclusive artist, haunted by dreams and nightmares that she turns into extraordinary paintings.  Her visions lead her to the Greek Island of Corfu, where five others have been lured to seek the fire star.  Sasha recognizes them because she has drawn them: a magician, an archaeologist, a wanderer, a fighter, a loner.  All on a quest.  All with secrets.  Sasha is the one who holds them together - the seer.  And in the magician, Bran Killian, she sees a man of immense power and compassion.  As Sasha struggles with her rare ability, Bran is there to support her, challenge her, and believe in her.  But Sasha and Bran are just two of the six.  And they all must all work together as a team to find the fire star in a cradle of land beneath the sea.  Over their every attempt at trust, unity, and love, a dark threat looms.  And it seeks to corrupt everything that stands in its way of possessing the stars... (from Goodreads)

Genre: Romance - Paranormal

Why I Picked This Book: I enjoy Nora Roberts' books and when I saw this newest book at the library I couldn't resist picking it up.

My Impression:  You know that voice in your head when you're reading that says "That so couldn't happen!" when you're reading?  Yeah, you're going to want to pack that voice up and send it on vacation because you're really not going to want that voice around when you're reading this.
The book starts out with a scene where the three goddesses are making the stones and in a scene very reminiscent of Sleeping Beauty the evil goddess shows up and ruins their fun.  This part reminded me very much of Roberts' Three Sisters series that came out in early 2000 but I was pleased that when the actual story started in Chapter 1 that the similarity was gone.
The story starts off with Sasha getting to Corfu and immediately starts rolling.  She teams up with Riley and Bran very quickly and they form an immediate team - that's the part you don't want your voice around for.  I get predestination and all that but it was very quick.  So while that stretches credibility a bit I am glad I didn't have to read through pages of "getting to know you" and we could just get started with the story.
And what a story!  This is an adventure quest story with 6 strangers having to form an immediate team and fight a really powerful evil.  I liked that they all had problems trusting each other and that there are some challenges because most of the team is used to working individually.  I liked that there are consequences and hurt feelings when kept secrets are revealed but on the other hand grudges aren't held and apologies are made.  I really liked Sasha's transformation.  She starts out the book timid and scared of what she is and by the end she's stepped up and really owned her identity.  It was a treat to watch.
The main problem I've had with Nora Roberts' books lately is that they remind me of previous books in a "we've already done this" kind of way.  With the beginning I was very concerned it was going to be a retread of the Three Sisters (Dance Upon the Air, Heaven and Earth, and Face the Fire) but it ended up not being the case at all.  It did remind me a little bit of Three Fates which is one of my very favorites but only in the best possible ways.  I was pleased to see the Merry Band of Misfits concept used again.  There's a lot of paranormal here and if that's not something you enjoy this book might not work for you.  I was drawn in from the beginning of Chapter 1 and really enjoyed the ride to find the star and outwit the villain.  I can't wait to see what happens next!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes of course!  Nora Roberts has been an auto-read for me for years and I was really pleased with this one and her last book The Liar.

Would I Recommend this Book?: Yes, especially if you enjoy a little fantasy/paranormal mixed in with your romance.


  1. And, see, for me the similarity to Three Sisters trilogy would be a plus. The band of 6 coming together seems a bit like the trilogy that begins with Morrigan's Cross. I liked that one too. I do understand about contrived plots and coincidences and wanting the story to be believable, but I sometimes want to say 'it's fiction and this is how the author sees it'. LOL

    I have this one, but am going to wait at least under #2 is published or maybe even #3. I get anxious for the 'rest of the story'.

    1. I kind of wish I had waited till at least the 2nd book had come out because I want to know what happens next! I liked the Three Sisters too but I don't think it was a favorite and the prologue was SO similar but I ended up enjoying it.

  2. hmmm. I sent it back unread but maybe I should get back on the list.

    1. If all you read was the prologue I'd give it another try. I ended up enjoying it.

  3. When I've read some of Nora Roberts' books with the magical stuff, I always have to put that voice aside too. Like with that series she wrote a long time ago. I think the books were called Captivated . . . and I can't remember the other titles. But I did like that series. The same with The Three Sisters.

    I'm so glad you really liked this!

    1. I think I read Captivated. Wasn't that the series about magical siblings?

  4. I liked the story but didn't love it. I found a lot of it to be predictable and formulaic and yes, it did stretch credibility. I liked the relationships between everyone, despite the credibility problems. I'm intrigued enough to read the next one.

    1. I enjoyed the relationships as well. That's always my favorite part of a Roberts book!

  5. I didn't find this one of her best, but that said I am planning on reading the rest of the trilogy.

    1. The past few years her books have been iffy. I don't know if I've lowered my expectations or what but this one clicked for me s bit better.

  6. I like Nora Roberts but haven't read half her I do want to read her witch trilogy and have one, and this sounds interesting. :)

    1. The last witch trilogy wasn't my favorite but I know it really worked for Lark.

  7. I don't read paranormal often but when it's done well I love it! Adding this title to my "to read" list.

    1. I've been leaning more and more paranormal lately. This one does have a lot of paranormal aspects but I enjoyed it!

  8. I feel like I need to pick up Nora Roberts. I am sure I would enjoy her books but just haven't bothered to pick them up for some reason. I like the whole paranormal aspect. Great review!!

    1. Read Nora Roberts! I think you'd like her. I love how she creates not only romances but friendships too.

  9. I picked this book up at a book sale yesterday. I am so glad to see that you enjoyed it. I am excited to give it a read. Great review!

    1. This one worked for me! Her books have been hit or miss for me lately but I've really enjoyed the last two. Hope you like it!

  10. Love your review and packing up your 'this couldn't happen' voice! Yes this one worked for me too and I think you nailed it in your review.

  11. Woot, love your review. Nora is an auto-read for me too Katherine. This is sitting in my pile and you have me itching to dig it out!!

  12. I saw this being bought a lot for Christmas. And having never read a Roberts book before I was thinking I might start here. But I resisted buying it and said I will get it from the library when I find that I actually want to read it.
    It does sound more like a fun adventure that you don't really put any serious thought into. I'm glad you liked it! And with the amount of books this lady has, I'm really not surprised that there's going to be similarities between them.
