
Saturday, February 6, 2016

This Week in Reading - February 7

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Black Rabbit Hall by Eve Chase - Daphne du Maurier and the world Gothic were mentioned in the blurb for this one.  Plus there's dual time lines and an old rambling house!  (Publisher)

Once a Rancher by Linda Lael Miller - I read my first book by Miller before Christmas and really enjoyed it.  It was a novella and I'm really excited to see what she can do with a full length novel (Publisher)

Death by Cashmere by Sally Goldenbaum - This is the first book in the Seaside Knitters Mystery series.  There's knitting, a little town by the coast and an unlikable murder victim.  I'm definitely looking forward to this one!  (Paperbackswap)

Untraceable by Laura Griffin - This is the first book in the Tracers series and this is an author I've heard really good things about.  Plus I'm in the mood for some suspense.  (Paperbackswap)


Reading: Beauty, Beast, and Belladona by Maia Chance for a blog tour next week and Murder in an Irish Village by Carlene O'Connor

Listen: I just finished Why Not Me by Mindy Kaling (review coming in a couple of weeks) and am on hold for my next audio book.  Until then I'm listening to podcasts -  I've been binge listening to The History Chicks and have been really enjoying those.

Watching:  We've got one more episode of War and Peace to watch and I'm looking forward to seeing how everything wraps up.  It almost has me wanting to read the book!

Off the Blog:

We were planning on going out of town next weekend but the Tornado woke up with a fever on Friday so that may change things.  Strep is going around so I'm crossing my fingers that it's not that and that whatever it is no one else gets it.   Friday and Saturday have been kind of quiet days because when he is actually sick he wants me sitting right next to him.  I've gotten some reading done and it's been nice to lie around with him.  It doesn't happen much anymore!

It's been a fairly quiet month.  I think we're all still recovering from the holiday madness followed by the getting back to school rush.  I've actually been cooking regularly which I'm enjoying.  I've been using my Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinner and so far I've loved every recipe.  I have done some Pinterest baking but didn't find anything I loved and actually deleted a few pins.  I got the first 52 Pins in 52 Weeks pin for February done and that was a success!

This coming week will mostly be getting ready to go out of town.  Since we don't have quite as many people as we used to it isn't quite as involved but I never miss an opportunity for a detailed to do list.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Death and the Brewmaster's Widow - Cozy Mystery Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Valentine's Day Freebie
Wednesday: Missed Chances - Short Story Collection Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books - Do People In Real Life Know You Blog
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Katherine I only have myself to look after and yet still do a list when travelling for more than a couple of days!

    I haven't heard of any of your new arrivals but Black Rabbit Hall looks and sounds great!

    1. Lists are the best! The only thing better than making a list is crossing items off once tasks have been created!

  2. Death by Cashmere sounds fun, and so does Murder in an Irish village. I was just in the bookstore today and man are there a lot of new cozies out- and some good looking ones too. So many books to try... :)

    Hope the new reads are good, and hopefully no strep! Have a great week!

    1. The cozies have been amazing lately! Im looking forward to seeing what you pick. It looks like everyone is healthy and thankfully no strep!

  3. Ha I am the only one too and I do a list as well. They are the best. I have the book Once a Rancher to read as well. Hope its good.

    1. I'm looking forward to Once a Rancher. I've only read 1 book by Miller and it was a novella so I'm looking forward to seeing what she does with a full length novel.

  4. Oh no on the kidlet! Hope he's feeling better soon! And Oooo Linda Lael!

    1. He's back to healthy so we have dodged the strep bullet!

  5. Black Rabiit Hall sounds great. Love a bit of gothic. Hope everyone feels better!

    1. I'm really looking forward to Black Rabbit Hall! I can't resist a Gothic atmosphere.

  6. Murder in an Irish Village sounds good! I hope Tornado feels better. And I agree I will find any reason for a to do list! Have a great week@

    1. Really all I needed to see was the words Irish Village and I couldn't resist! It doesn't hurt that I'm in a serious cozy mystery mood!

  7. Untraceable is soooo good, I really hope you enjoy ! And I can understand why you couldn't resist Black Rabbit Hall, I wouldn't have too, and I'm waiting for your review now ^^ And I can't resist making lists either, LOL, there is a new one just in front of me :D I hope the Tornado will feel better so that your plans can come true. Have a great week, Katherine :)

    1. I'm really looking forward to Black Rabbit Hall! I love a good Gothic atmosphere.

  8. oh a gasped when your post opened in my browser :) What a gorgeous cover Black Rabbit Hall! I hope you enjoy it. Sorry to hear about tornado. I still have PTSD remembering that age LOL my kids were always sick! I think they finally outgrown it. wow parenting tips???? sorry gotta go to read the post Have a nice week Katherine :)

    1. He usually isn't sick which is good because he's a terrible patient! For some reason he's been sick several times in the last few months. I'm hoping this phase is coming to an end!

  9. You've got some good sounding books I'm going to check out. How are you liking Murder in an Irish Village? I finished it last week and liked it. And I'm looking forward to your review of Death and the Brewmaster's Widow.

    I hope the Tornado feels better soon and none of you get whatever he has--and that you're able to go out of town. Have a good week, Katherine.

    1. The Tornado seems to be back imperfect health which is a good thing because he's an awful patient. I'm liking Murder in an Irish Village though I'm not very far in.

  10. I have a copy of Black Rabbit Hall that I ordered last year and hope to read it before long. Just the name sounds interesting. And I read Death By Cashmere a few years back and probably another book or two in that series. I liked them and need to return to the series to get caught up. Hope your kiddo gets well and everyone else stays well. Have a good week!

    1. I'm looking forward to Death By Cashmere. The series seems like it's got a lot of potential. I'm also really looking forward to Black Rabbit Hall. It looks nice and creepy!

  11. I hope your little guy feels better, it's so sad when they are sick! I want to try a few pinterest recipes that I have seen but I haven't had time to really look them over. I love cooking so it would be nice to get all that organized so I can cook more for the family.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

    1. I love Pinterest for recipes! About 90% are really good so I don't mind the occasional failures. Thankfully health has been restored so there is no strep and everyone else has avoided getting the bug. I'm hoping it stays that way!

  12. Oh no, I hope The Tornado is fully recovered in time to travel! I've tried a couple of Pioneer Woman recipes, but have never looked through her cookbooks. Think I'll look for one at the library this week. Need to see if I can find War and Peace online or on Netflix...

    1. I love her cookbooks but then I'm a cookbook junkie anyway! He seems to be back to healthy for which I'm very relieved!

  13. I love lists. I have them for everything. LOL Crossing fingers it's not strep and your little one feels better for the trip:)

    My Sunday Post -

    1. Lists are the best! So far everyone seems to be healthy and I'm crossing my fingers that it stays that way!

  14. Oh, here's to Tornado feeling better soon!

    Love the look of Black Rabbit Hall. Enjoy your new books and your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. He's feeling back to normal thankfully! It's amazing how quickly kids get back to 100%

  15. I enjoyed Untraceable and hope you do as well. Sorry the little guy isn't feeling well. I am very curious about Black Rabbit Hall. Have a lovely week!

    1. I'm really looking forward to it. I've been wanting to read Lauren Griffin for ages!

  16. Interesting reads this week!! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

    1. Thanks! We all seem to be back to healthy and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way!

  17. Boo on the strep. Another Ravelry friend of mine, her son caught that too. My 8 year old threw up her dinner Friday night and had a rising fever. At 2 a.m., I had to give her a dose of Tylenol chewables. Yesterday she had two more doses. By past 9 p.m., it finally broke. Now we're trying to get rid of her little tummy bug. She didn't really want to eat yesterday nor have soup. Making mint tea for us right now. Hope your boy gets well soon. Don't you catch it.

    1. He seems back to normal so I think we dodged the strep bullet. I'm very relieved!

  18. Black Rabbit Hal sounds good! And I'll be reading Murder in an Irish Village soon too...hope we both enjoy it! Have a great week!

    1. So far I'm enjoying it though I haven't read as much as I'd like. The cozies have been so good lately!

  19. Aww, your sorry son isn't feeling well. Strep is no fun, but maybe it'll just be a random, overnight fever thing. At least you're getting some reading done? That cover for Black Rabbit Hall is gorgeous!

    1. I think it was a random fever thing because he's back to normal now. I wish I bounced back that quickly!

  20. I'm sorry the Tornado isn't feeling well -- I hope he gets over it soon! Black Rabbit Hall almost tempted me into requesting it, but I'm still trying to keep requests down, so I reluctantly passed. I'll look forward to your review and decide whether to put it on my want-to-read list then.

    It's coincidental that you picked up Death by Cashmere; I've been wanting to try that series and have several that I've picked up at library sales, including (I think) Death in Cashmere. I finally sorted through, pruned and shelved all my unread books (though I foresee at least one more pruning) so now I can actually find what I've bought over the last few years!

    I hope you have a wonderful week and no one else gets sick.

    1. I'm looking forward to Rabbit Hall. I've been reading so many cozies that I think something a little more Gothic-y will be good.
      That's funny about Death by Cashmere. I'm really looking forward to reading it! We are back to healthy here much to my relief! I'm hoping it stays that way!

  21. Thanks for introducing me to the History Chicks! Listened last night and I am loving it.

    1. Oh I'm so glad you enjoyed them! My favorite is the one on Lillian Gilbreth. She was such a fascinating woman.

  22. I hope your little guy feels better soon. I'll be reading Once A Rancher soon.
    I'm off to check out the history chicks. I love podcasts. Have a great week!

    1. He's back to normal which is such a relief. I'm always amazed with how quickly kids bounce back from illness. I'm down for weeks!

  23. I have seen the Black Rabbit Hall around and it looks interesting so I can't wait to see your review of it. I need to get Untraceable myself as I want to try that series and was sent the last book in the series (always happens to, and I really hate reading out of order though I heard they were standalones.

    Hope you the little guy gets to feeling better soon!

    Happy Reading,

    1. I'm looking forward to trying Griffin. I've seen her everywhere and I don't know why it's taken me so long to try her. Of course I still haven't but I have the book so I'm getting closer!

  24. Black Rabbit Hall sounds really good. I will be looking forward to your review of that one. I hope that the Tornado feels better soon and everyone else stays healthy. Have a great week!

    1. He seems to be healthy and I'm so glad! He's an awful patient.

  25. Black Rabbit Hall sounds good, doesn't it? I have that one to read too. :-) I look forward to reading your thoughts on Beauty, Beast, and Belladona by Maia Chance this week.

    I hope Tornado is feeling better soon and you won't have to cancel your plans. Take care! Have a good week!

    1. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who couldn't resist! Give me a dual timeline and an old house and I'm sold! I'm about 2/3 done with Beauty Beast and Belladonna and so far I'm enjoying it. It's an interesting series.

  26. I have the Sally Goldenbaum series to read. It looks so good. I've been contemplating Black Rabbit Hall. I'm not sure if it's my kind of book...maybe. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I'm looking forward to Death By Cashmere. It sounds like a great series!

  27. I love the Seaside Knitters. The characters grow with each book, both in personality and maturity. We also meet new people in each book!!!

  28. Death by Cashmere sounds like a fun one, I'll have to check out that series. Sorry your plans didn't go through, but it must be nice to get some reading and cuddling done with your son. I hope you'll have a great week!

  29. Strep is going around down here, too. I hope and pray I don't get it, although I have never gotten it since 5th grade. Every year I would get it within the last two weeks of school or right when school got out for summer. I've done my time! I hope you guys are able to keep the plans for your trip, and for Tornado to be on the up and up!

  30. I love the sound of Black Rabbit Hall! I am adding that one to my TBR list now. Have a great week!

  31. I requested Black Rabbit Hall on Netgallety, but I haven't heard anything yet. I hope everyone stays well and The Tornado gets well so you can go on your trip. I haven't really done any baking in the last couple of years, except for biscuits and holiday pies, and I kind of miss it. I think I will start going through some of my cookie recipes on Pinterest. Have a wonderful week, Katherine. :)

  32. I've been wanting to start Laura Griffin too. I have some of her newer books but I like to start with the first book. A good suspense sounds really interesting right now! I hope the tornado feels better and no one else gets sick. I've never had strep throat (knock on wood lol) but I've heard it's awful. I hope this week is better!!

  33. You received a lot of books this week. I had never heard of this and saw someone else in the restaurant getting it so I asked the waiter what it was.
