
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: 2016 Resolutions

This week's topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Resolutions.  I love making resolutions and I'm normally decent at keeping them.  Last year I started out doing pretty well but then got completely distracted and seriously dropped the ball.  This year I'm going to try to be a bit more consistent.  I'm much happier when I have a plan and a little bit of structure.


1.  Read 100 books - I'm lowering this from 132 books last year.  I made my 2015 goal but without much time to spare and this year I'd like to read some chunksters without worrying about if I'm going to hit my number or not.

2.  Read more books from my own shelves - at least 2 a month - With review books and everything reading off my own shelves definitely screeched to a halt.  The problem is my acquiring of books didn't stop or slow down and I'm getting overrun!

3.  Clear out some of my old review books to get my NetGalley ratio higher - Like most people I have a love/hate relationship with NetGalley.  My impulse control got a little better these last few months but I have so many books that were released ages ago that I desperately need to get to.


4.  Reply to comments consistently - For awhile I was good at replying to comments but took a bit of a dive on that for 2015.  This year I'm going for a little more consistency.

5.  Redo blog pages - About Me, Favorites, Etc - Basically my blog needs a little love and attention.  I'm hoping to update everything and do a little bit of a makeover.

6.  Do my own readathon - I love the idea of the Dewey 24 hour readathon but so far it always occurs at the worst possible time for me.  Since I can never participate in the fun I'm going to try to schedule my own just to see how many books I can read in 24 hours.

7.  Have at least 2 weeks of posts lined up - Kind of self-explanatory! I really need to do this.  It'd make my life so much easier!


8.  Pick 52 Pins and actually do them and post about them - It's no secret that I'm in love with Pinterest but I don't use it as a tool nearly as much as I should.  Last year I wanted to use it more and did okay for awhile.  This year I'm going to pick 52 pins and do 1 each week.  I think it'll be a fun challenge.

9.  Actually paint the nightstand that's been sitting in my garage for at least 2 years that I swore I was going to paint last year. - Another self-explanatory topic.  I've got a plan and a list of supplies.  Now I just need to bite the bullet and actually do it!

10. Put the billion pictures I have into some kind of album and get them off the computer and phone - We have lots of albums filled with pictures of the older kids when they were little but none of the last almost 10 years and absolutely no snapshots of the Tornado that are out.  Everything's on the computer or on my phone.  I really need to fix this because I miss looking at photo albums!  And now with everything being digital it's a lot easier because I can just drag and drop and then they'll send it to me.


  1. Great list! I'm with you on #2 and #3. I'm trying!

  2. Those are all great resolutions, I wish you luck. I couldn't keep up with one Pinterest thing a week but I will happily cheer you on!

    1. It's going to be a challenge to do something off the list every week but I'm hoping I have a good mix of easy and complicated but we'll see.

  3. The Dewey 24 hour marathon always falls on a bad day for me. Often it falls on a Saturday I have to work. That's a great idea about doing one on your own. I should really update some of my blog pages too. Especially my About Me Page.

    1. Dewey is always on the worst possible weekend for me but I love the concept so I'm hoping to make it work at some point soon!

  4. The Deweyy 24-hour marathon looks like so much fun but alas, I can never participate due to whatever going on offline. I'm also planning on updating my blog pages this year too.

    Best of luck with your resolutions this year! My TTT

    1. Thanks! I'm the exact same way when it comes to Dewey. I'm hoping I can just figure something out.

  5. #5!! I need to do this so bad!! And yes NG will be the death of me. I need to calm it down!! I love #8. I might steal that idea!! Great list!

    1. I'm working on 5 and trying to do an index though it may kill me. Yes to #8! Join me!

  6. Netgalley is great...but it can also be a black hole. In 2016, I'm just finishing up the titles I already have from there and then NO MORE for the year! I got out of control with it last year!

    1. I'm not sure I'm strong enough to avoid NetGalley completely but I am hoping to get a lot less!

  7. Yes , yes, yes... to all of these, especially 2 and 6!

    1. I'm hoping to make some progress on my shelves. It's getting out of control!

  8. Do blog about your upcoming 24 hour read-a-thon. I'd love to join in. I have a few blog pages to create although I'm probably more limited with WP than you are w/Blogger.

    1. I'm not sure when I can do a readathon but I will blog about it. I'm excited to see what I can read in 24 hours.

  9. #2 and 5 I so agree with. I have books on my shelf that have been there for... a while, we'll say. :) Geez I'll never get to them if I don't make myself. And #9. This spring I have so many projects I want to do

    1. My shelves are so out of control its terrible! I am hoping to make some progress this year!

  10. I've used Pinterest as a way to keep up with recipes. So maybe one way to try and do 52 things is to look for a couple of good recipes. :)

    Great TTT! Mine is over at

    1. I use Pinterest a lot for main dish recipe but there are so many categories I definitely neglect.

  11. Love reading goals! Now I understand your 52 pins in 52 weeks. Hope it works out fun.

    1. So far it's fun and I'm hoping I have enough of a mix to keep it doable.

  12. I love that planner and totally want to steal it! (lol) You give some really good ones, and I can relate to quite a few. I love the interaction with other bloggers and need to stay on top to responding in less than 1 week, if possible(lol), and I need to do some serious work on my blog as well. Like you, I love Pinterest, and find it amazing that so many people find the blog from pins. Yikes, the books on my shelves are never ending, and I need to do like you are and get into lots more of them instead of adding more. (lol) Love this post! Hugs...

    1. The blog visiting definitely takes a lot of time but it's so fun! I'm really going to try to do more pins this year. There's so many great ideas!

  13. Your number ten should be one of my goals this year. I really need to work on that before I fall even farther behind. I like the idea of doing your own person read-a-thon. It's rarely at a time when I can do it either. Working on my backlog of review books is one of my goals this year. I am not allowing myself to request any more until I have made progress in that regard.

    Good luck with your goals, Katherine!

    1. The photos are just ridiculous here. It's almost unmanageable as it is and it's not going to get any better if I don't get going on it!

  14. Numbers #2 through #7 all sound spot-on to me! Let me know when you do that 24-hour readathon and maybe I can join you. And omigosh, do I need to work on our photos... 25 years worth of them. I put some in albums when our daughter was young, but I need to get all the negatives scanned and also deal with years' worth of digital photos I haven't sorted or pruned. Eep.

    1. I don't even want to think about scanning pictures! So much to do! I will definitely let you know about a readathon though it may be last minute.

  15. OK, you have very ambitious goals. Good luck with them! Two weeks of posts lined up sounds possible. Just remember that this is supposed to be fun and relaxing. LOL

    1. I do remind myself it's supposed to be fun but I definitely need to keep doing that! I'm very task oriented if I'm not careful I can lose the big picture.

  16. These are great goals. I should redo my pages. I have tweeked them a litle, but they need an overhaul. I would really like to get my scheduled posts built back up too. Best of luck with your goals.

    1. Thanks! I've made some progress on the cushion but haven't gotten to 2 full weeks.

  17. Oh I love the Pinterest 52 pins idea, very unique and I wish you lots of luck!!

    1. Thanks! I have a feeling I'll need all kinds of luck!

  18. Oh great list! I love read-a-thons so I would definitely join in yours. Maybe you could listen to an audiobook while you work on that nightstand and kill two birds with one stone? Good luck with all your goals!

    1. I will definitely be listening to an audiobook! This year I'm going to track them so I'm excited to see how many I listen to.

  19. Wow. I love the Pinterest writing idea! Can't wait to see what you do with this.

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to playing around with the project.

  20. I have the opposite problem, I need to get all of my physical pictures scanned into my computer! I was successful in getting my Netgalley percentage up to 96% from 62% last year, and I have managed to keep it between 92 and 96% since then. So I know you can do it! Although seven approvals showed up in my inbox today. Ha ha. I am afraid to look and see how much damage that did. I had shutters on Sebastian's windows at our old apartment and when we moved I was going to repaint them, because they have glow-in-the-dark stars painted on them, so I could use them in my room. I bought the paint and sponge brushes and that was ten years ago, so don't feel bad about your dresser. Hehe.

    1. I don't even want to think about scanning in pictures! I can definitely see myself doing that with the shutters though the glow in the dark paint sounds really great!

  21. I lowered my GR challenge number to 75 (from 100) and hope to read more of my own books (every year I write that, ha). Good luck reaching your goals.

    1. I know! Reading more of my own books is regularly a goal but this time I mean it!

  22. Great list I hope you reach your goal! :)

  23. Good luck reaching your goals! I gave up on the resolutions a while back - I make lists and like to check things off weekly, so I'm going to keep doing that. I always feel defeated with I make resolutions and then don't keep them!

    1. I love resolutions but my ability to make them happen is a whole other story!

  24. These are some great goals, Katherine. I can't wait to see all of your Pinterest posts. That should be a lot of fun.

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to playing around with the Pinterest project!

  25. I have two planned 24 hour read-a-thons for my blog this year. I too love the idea but Dewey's never seems to be when I can. I have one in March and one in May tied into the Take Control and Clean Sweep challenges, but anyone can participate. I am looking forward to joining yours as well!!

    1. I will definitely look for your readathons! I love the idea but have yet to make it happen.

  26. 2 and 3 are on my list, too. Those other ones all fall under the "fixin' to" category in Texas. One of my geography professors told his wife for 40 years that he was fixin' to paint their front door what she wanted it. :)

  27. 100 books is perfect. About two a week no problem. Especially if you're doing more audio books.
    I need to get better at replying to comments as well! Although I hate bloggers comment thing as where I feel like even if I reply the person usually doesn't even know.
    Netgalley-the bane of all bloggers existence. Just need to stay away. Lol

    1. I do wish the blogger comments worked a bit better. I've thought about getting disquis but I have yet to make it happen.

  28. Good luck with your resolutions. One of these days I'll join in on a reading marathon . . .

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping to make a readathon happen this year.

  29. Good luck with completing all these resolutions in 2016!
    My TTT:

  30. Fantastic list with doable goals. You've got this!

  31. I remember you talking about doing the Pinterest one last year and I loved the idea of it. I pin a good bit and rarely do anything with them. I think seeing you blog about following through with them might inspire me to do likewise.
    And I have 100 as my GR challenge too. It's just a number to me and not one I pay much heed to. I just like setting the challenge so I can see easily at year end how much I read.
    Good luck with all your goals. I think we are all trying the NetGalley restraint one!

  32. Ah yes on a lot of those. I need to go about and update my 'dock' pages. Some are a couple years out of date now. Oops!
