
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Sea Glass Sunrise - Review

Sea Glass Sunrise (The Brides of Blueberry Cove) by Donna Kauffman
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  In seaside Blueberry Cove, Maine, friends are just another word for family, and big-city politics take a backseat to local pride.  But the real treasure on these shores is always love...
When D.C. lawyer Hannah McCrae heads home for her brother's wedding, she's dragging a lot of baggage along wither her - and she doesn't mean suitcases.  Betrayed personally, and humiliated professionally, the last thing she wants is a new man.  That's fine with square-jawed, rugged contractor Calder Blue.  He and Hannah may be wildly attracted to one another, but all he wants is to build the town's hotly contested new yacht club and mend a centuries-old family feud.  Yet thanks to resentments old and new, day after day the pair wind up tangled in each other's business - and maybe soon in each other's arms.  Every bride needs something "blue"...Includes a delicious wedding cake recipe! (from Goodreads)

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:  I really enjoyed Kauffman's Bachelor's of Blueberry Cove series so I couldn't resist this one.

My Impression:  While this is the first book in a new series there is a lot of stuff from The Bachelors series that is getting tied up.  However, I think it'd be pretty easy to figure out what's going on and that you can go immediately into this series without having read the other books.  The book starts off with Hannah heading towards Blueberry Cove, Maine.  She's back in town for the wedding of her brother and the lighthouse restorer he met and fell in love with in book one of the Bachelors (Pelican Point).  She's got her own set of worries and reasons for keeping some secrets from her family.  Her reasons are understandable and she is planning on telling all so this isn't a reach into the book and yell "JUST TELL THEM" kind of story.
Plans are derailed when she almost runs into Calder and the first meeting is pretty interesting. He's intrigued by her and she's intrigued by him but somewhat horrified about how their first meeting went (other than the car accident it involves a crushed bag of chocolate covered pretzels and her sister acting seriously annoyed while in an awful bridesmaid dress and rain boots) which I found relate-able. I loved being back in Blueberry Cove and it was nice to check up on everyone from the previous books.
I really liked both Calder and Hannah.  Calder is definitely in alpha-male territory but he's not heavy handed about it.  As he tells Hannah at one point "Everyone needs to be rescued at some point." and so he wants to help her.  Hannah's a bit lost when she shows up in Blueberry Cove and is in a lot of turmoil.  Her turning to Calder makes sense as they do have an instant connection and she really needs someone to talk to who isn't her family.
We do stray into insta-love territory here but in a way does make sense just the time line is a little rushed.  I do get the connection and the attraction but the speed strained believe-ability a bit.  I also had a hard time connecting to Hannah.  While I liked her and understood her it felt like she kept her walls up so much that she kept the reader at a distance.
While this wasn't my favorite romance that I've read from Kauffman, I did enjoy my trip to Blueberry Cove and getting to know these characters.  I'm looking forward to reading Fiona and Kerry's stories.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes definitely.  Kauffman is an author that I've consistently enjoyed.

Would I Recommend this Book?: If you like contemporary romances that involve lots of small town goings-on this is a great series.  It's definitely more on the Debbie Macomber (though with more heat) side than Jill Shalvis.


  1. I definitely need to check out this series! I love books set in smalltown Maine! Obviously Jewell Cove is a favorite. :)

  2. I enjoy small town romance. :-) Although, I don't think I've read many contemporary romances that were in big cities . . . Sea Glass sounds good, even with its faults. I haven't yet read this author but it sounds like she'd be worth giving a try.

    1. This is a really good series and I think you'd enjoy it but I really think you'd like it better if you started with Pelican Point.

  3. I want to try a book by this author.

  4. I don't think I have ever read anything by Donna Kauffman. This does sound like a nice romance. It sounds like Calder was a wonderful hero and the everyone needs to be rescued line melts my heart a little. Great review!

    1. I did like Calder quite a bit. Kauffman did a good job of making him an alpha without making him a jerk.

  5. How can you resist with a seaside town named Blueberry Cove, Maine. Now I need to go look at the Bachelor one..LOL

    1. Right! I just picture blueberry goodness every time I hear it.

  6. This sounds good to me. I like this author's books.

  7. Liked the books I have read set in Blueberry Cove and what's not to like about Maine!

  8. That's my plan too! I did pretty well on contemps last year but there were several of my favorite genres I neglected.

  9. Blueberry Cove made me chuckle. These small towns in these romances always have to have some cute and quirky name. I feel like it's a requirement.
    Sound cute. Straying a little in to alpha-male territory is alright in my books. It's when they are completely cavemen that I can't handle.

  10. I really need to try this author. I wouldn't have pegged this book as a romance judging by the name and cover; it looks like women's fiction.
