
Saturday, December 5, 2015

This Week in Reading - December 6

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Rain Sparrow by Linda Goodnight - There's a thriller writer with lots of secrets and an inn keeper who is afraid of everything.  This is a new author for me but the blurb is promising.  (NetGalley)

Picked to Die by Sheila Connolly - This is one of my favorite series for reasons I can't exactly explain.  There are generally some holes in the story but I love the characters and all the talk of apples so much I'm happy to overlook it.  (Paperbackswap)

Home for the Haunting by Juliet Blackwell - This is the 4th book in the series about Mel Turner who renovates old homes and fights off ghosts.  (Paperbackswap)

The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinner by Ree Drummond - I always enjoy Ree's cookbooks but I was holding strong on not getting this one.  At least I thought I was.  Turns out when faced with it at a decent price I have no willpower!  (Purchased)


Reading: ABC Murders by Agatha Christie and A Knight's Bridge Christmas by Carla Neggers

Listening: Northern Lights by Nora Roberts.  This is an abridged copy which usually makes me worry about what they're leaving out but because I've already read the book though it was years ago it works.  I have the Lifetime movie recorded but I wanted to listen to the book before I watched it.

Watching: I've been catching up on Sleepy Hollow lately.  I'm not in love with it but I do enjoy it and I love when Ichabod has to deal with the modern world's interpretation of what it was like during the Revolutionary War

Off the Blog:

After taking a day off to rest I'm feeling much better though I still have that lingering hacking cough which makes me sound horrible.  The good thing is that if I need space in a crowded room all I have to do is start coughing and people back way up!

I have actually gotten some Christmas shopping done!  Normally I spend all of October and November talking about how I want to get ahead on my shopping but then it ends up in a scramble at the last minute.  But this year I made a list of the non-immediate family members we exchange gifts with and kind of thought up a theme for each person.  I'm so excited to have some people off my list!  The rest of the people aren't as difficult so I'm so excited to have some of this out of the way.

Saturday was Breakfast with Santa at the Tornado's school.  They didn't do this last year and we really missed it and were thrilled when we saw the announcement for it this year.  The breakfast was amazing and the Tornado got some time with Santa.  He had his list prepared and also had a ton of reindeer related questions.  High up on his list is a stuffed animal Dromeosaurus which is going to be a challenge.  Apparently it's not one of the more popular dinosaurs.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Furiously Happy - Nonfiction/Humor Review
Tuesday: Top Ten New to Me Authors
Wednesday: Body in the Landscape - Blog Tour Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday: Knights Bridge Christmas - Contemporary Romance Review
Friday: Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: TBD


  1. I also got the Rain Sparrow. I thought the blurb sounded really good. My kids tolerate Santa enough for a picture but that is it. I think they would not be into a breakfast or more time with him. I will say there was no crying in this year's picture so I consider it a win!! Enjoy your new books and have a great week!!

  2. I like that cover for The Rain Sparrow. Glad you're feeling better- it's funny how a cough will clear a room. :)

    No christmas shopping here yet, but soon! I know Dec is going to fly by like Nov did...

    Have a super week!

  3. I enjoy Sleepy Hollow and love Icabod. Abridged audiobooks scare me, you will have to let me know how much they cut out. Always good to read a little Agatha. I went to the Doctor Thursday and got scolded..I have had a lingering cough and sniffles for over 6 weeks Sad to say I am on antibiotics Oh what fun..I loved all the activities the school and church had for the little ones. Glad a good time was had by all.

  4. I love the look of The Rain Sparrow, too. Enjoy! I am also curious about Northern Lights. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  5. Glad you're feeling a little better. Oh man, I remember when we did a breakfast with Santa at my son's school when he was little. Those were fun. I watched the first few episodes of Sleepy Hollow when they first aired, but never continued. Enjoy your books and have a great week.

  6. Awww the Santa breakfast sounds great and yes... you'll be googling where-to-buy-Dromeo... whatevers! I hope you can find some. There's a new dinosaur movie coming out isn't there? Perhaps they'll bring out a new range for that.

    Glad you're feeling better!

  7. Great that you blog daily! Have a great holiday and feel better!

  8. Looks like you had a great week. I'm only familiar with the Pioneer Woman but she's my favorite chef. I hope you enjoy your new books. Happy reading!

  9. Christmas shopping will be my priority this week... just hate scrambling at the last minute! Breakfast with Santa sounds like a great holiday event. Glad your day of rest helped!

  10. 'Tis the season to be sick; continually. Hope you're feeling a bit better though.
    Good luck with that hard to find dino. I'm happy to say tat I'm done shopping. Although I don't have a ridiculous amount to buy for.

  11. I wish we'd have a lunch thing at my youngest's school, too, it's so nice to have the time to chat a little with the other parents, and to see the children when they're in the school environment.
    It looks like you had a great week, Katherine, and I hope next wee will be as well. Enjoy your new books.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  12. I'm still feeling under the weather as well. I have a tickling in my throat that causes me to cough and get slightly dizzy, and all the sinus junk. Last night I took a tablespoon of local honey to soothe and coat my throat. It seems to have helped as the tickle is gone this morning. I can't believe Santa didn't come to town last year! Those poor kids must have thought they were too naughty for Santa to even stop by! I'm glad he was present this year. But um, what is a Dromeosaurus? After having a sweet little student who was obsessed with dinosaurs, you would think I would know. You should make a post with all of Tornado's reindeer questions and Santa's answers!! I am glad you got some shopping out of the way - it's always the hardest to buy for people you don't know very well. I hope you kick the cough this week and start feeling better. :)

  13. My guys watch Sleepy Hollow, but I'm waiting for a few seasons to build up. I did watch the Bones/Sleepy Hollow crossover and Ichabod is adorable!

    What?! How could the Dromeosaurus not be a popular dinosaur?! *runs to Google to see what a Dromeosaurus is*

    Every year my husband's work has Santa and presents. Our kids are too old now, but he signed our granddaughter up to get a present and a picture with Santa. In fact, the party is today. :) I loved that we never had to deal with lines at a mall or store. And I have pictures of them every year until the youngest was 12. Of course, that made Anna 15 for her last pic with Santa, so hubby sat next to him and got his pic too so she wouldn't be the oldest one getting her pic with Santa. LOL

  14. Coughs are the worse. The last time I had one I learned how to hock that loogie to get out the mucus. There's a home remedy on Pinterest of rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub on your feet and wearing socks to bed. Dunno if it helps tho as I haven't caught a cough yet, knock on wood! Get well and take care of yourself. Glad there was a fun Santa event at your son's school. I laughed at him being armed with his list and asking Santa about his reindeer. Totally cute.

  15. Hi Katherine,

    I always seem to get that hacking cough, although it is something I have lived with since childhood. I was always getting sent home from school, as the teachers thought I might have had whooping cough and it took an age for my mother to call and explain that was just the way I coughed and that there was really nothing wrong with me. I loved school, so any time spent away was always traumatic!

    I love Agatha Christie books, so that was what caught my eye this week.

    Very little Christmas shopping achieved so far, so now there is the usual mad rush on, although we are starting to get some ideas together now. Never mind, 3 weeks and it will all be over for another year :)


  16. The Rain Sparrow sounds interesting. :) I must resist going to Netgalley and looking for it...I will just put it on my I need to look on Paperback swap for those Juliet books cause I have wanted to try that series. :)

  17. Oh, I hate coughing! glad you're feeling mostly better though. And Breakfast with Santa sounds like such a fun outing - that's awesome the school decided to do it this year. I always feel great when I get certain people checked off my Christmas to-buy list. Granted, I also really like getting gifts for people! haha


  18. You had me thinking about the Dinosaur some people, probably find them on Etsy, can create stuffed animals from pictures or drawing, I wonder if you can find one that will make what he wants. As long as you have a picture I am sure someone can make it and I am sure he wont care if it was bought at a store something made might look like the elves made it ;)

    Sorry you haven't been feeling well but I am glad you are feeling better! I also got my xmas shopping done, just a few more things to do but nothing huge.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  19. I stopped watching Sleepy Hollow. I just lost interest in it. I hope your cough is better.

    Have a great week!

  20. I like the cover of The Rain Sparrow. I hope you end up liking it. It certainly sounds promising. Another Blackwell book! I hope you enjoy all your new books. :-)

    I watched the first couple episodes of Sleepy Hollow, but wasn't taken with it immediately and so didn't watch more. At some point I may give it another try. I hear it got better. I am just so limited it what I can watch, you know? I got hooked on a show called Haven recently which I found out after the fact is loosely based on a Stephen King book called The Colorado Kid. I'm really enjoying it.

    Both Mouse and I have colds. I'm so paranoid now when she gets a cough, afraid she'll end up with pneumonia again. Hopefully this will pass for both of us soon. I am glad you are feeling better.

    I am glad Tornado got to have breakfast with Santa. Mouse asked Santa for a hippo this year. Santa will be hand delivering it to her at her school Christmas party in another couple weeks. I found a good deal on one of those stuffie ones--I figure she'll like having a big hippo with lost of places to hide things. I'll regret it later when I find things that shouldn't be hidden in the various pockets. Haha I hope you are able to find a Dromeosaurus for Tornado!

    Have a great week, Katherine!

  21. Glad you're feeling better! I've been a little surprised at myself - I've actually already put a good dent on my gift shopping list. Buying as much as I can online definitely helps :)

  22. Hurray for taking a break. I feel like I really need one right now. Congrats on getting so much shopping done! I still have 2/4 kids to sop for, plus my Miguel, oh and my sister and my mom. Ugh! Good thing I am going to be SUPER busy moving this week.

  23. I'm a last minute scrambler as much as I wish I was organised. I have started nothing Christmassy at all and now it's time to panic! Glad you're feeling better and lol over your cough *hack hack* clearing a room. I adore the cover of The Rain Sparrow, I have no willpower when it comes to gorgeous covers! Have a great week and happy reading :)

  24. I always think about joining into the Beyond the Books posts, but never do. I still need to put up my Christmas tree and finish shopping, but I need my mid-month paycheck before I can buy any more gifts.
    Check out my Sunday Post

  25. Great that you got some Christmas shopping done. I'm still freaking out about mine, haha.
