
Saturday, December 12, 2015

This Week in Reading - December 13

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Snow White Red Handed by Maia Chance - I've been wanting to read this one since it came out and I really enjoyed another book by this author earlier this year.  (Paperbackswap)

The Book Stops Here by Kate Carlisle - I love this series even though we're not going to talk about how many books behind I am.  (Paperbackswap)

How to Paint a Cat by Rebecca M. Hale - I'm a few books behind in this series as well and I'm looking forward to catching up.  I have mixed feelings about this puzzle solving series involving the nameless main character's cats and a whole host of other characters.  It kind of reminds me of the Nancy Drew computer games I used to play with the kids.  Lots of puzzles that don't always actually connect to the story itself.  (Paperbackswap)

I don't know if you noticed but there's no review books!!  I'm very excited about this and am calling it a win even though my actual bookshelves did get a little more crammed.  


Reading:  All Wrapped Up by Kimberly Kincaid and The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie

Listening:  The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George - I have a review copy of this but decided to go to the audio route.  I'm not loving it as much as I expected.

Watching: Not a huge amount with all the Christmas stuff going on.  We're keeping up on the sitcoms we enjoy - The Middle, Modern Family, Blackish, and The Big Bang Theory but I'm not watching much else.  I did watch one of the Aurora Teagarden Hallmark movies and enjoyed that.  It stayed pretty close to the book - or at least it did from what I remember of the book!

Off the Blog:

The Tornado missed his first day of school due to illness Monday.  He's been on the edge of not feeling good for awhile and I don't think he fully recovered from when he was sick before Thanksgiving.  Sunday he ended up with a fever and I kept him home Monday just for some extra rest.  I know this isn't that unusual but this is a kid who is NEVER sick.  Seriously.  Like he didn't run a fever until he was 3 or 4 and the first illness of any kind was when he was 2 1/2.  He's never had a sick kid doctor visit.  So for him to be actually sick twice in less than a month is just weird.  It makes me grateful that he's not sick very often because he's a terrible patient.  He does NOT want to rest.
Other than that we got our decorations up this past weekend and our tree up this Monday.  We also got the bulk of our Christmas shopping done with the exception of 1 order from Amazon and a little more for bits and pieces.  I have menus and shopping lists so I'm feeling not quite as behind as I usually feel this time of year.  That'll probably change in a week or two but for now I'm feeling pretty good.
The Tornado has his Christmas concert this week and did fine.  He's not one for stage fright and he actually participated in the singing so it was fun to watch.  He has one more week of school and then he'll be out for break.
My reading has been slow lately.  My brain just feels tired and I've been falling asleep way earlier than usual which has cut down on my number significantly.  I'll still make my goal but it will be tighter than I'd like.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: A Copper Ridge Christmas - Contemporary Romance Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday: My Top Ten Best Book of 2015
Wednesday: TBD
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Christmas Decorations
Friday: Friday Linkups with Excerpts from Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I heard mixed things about Paris Bookshop- some really good ones and some meh ones. Hope it gets better. The cozies look good, Snow White Red Handed looks fun and KAte Carlisle I've heard good things about.

    I know what you mean about reading- I'm not in a slump, it's just too busy and Netflix runs my life now. LOL. I figure after New Years I'll get bac in the swing of things. Have a super weekend!!

  2. Snow White Red-Handed looks very tempting...and I'm curious about Furiously Happy.

    I've been enjoying some of the Hallmark Channel mysteries, but the Christmas themed stories are starting to feel like too much...LOL.

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week; and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Yes, it is hard to keep up with everything during the holidays especially with Tornado being sick! Glad to hear he did well a the concert though, :)

  4. We have been watching the same sitcoms too. I love the holiday episodes they do. When the kids are sick it is the worst.I think my kids are perpetually kind of sick this year. I think it may be the new norm in this house. Hope he feels better! Have a great week!

  5. The Paris Bookshop book sounds so good but the reviews seem really mixed. That is the only reason I haven't picked that one up yet. Sorry to hear that Tornado has been sick. Hopefully he is fully recovered now. You sound like you are so organized and ready for Christmas. I am so jealous. I will be winging it at the last minute as always. Have a great week!

  6. You got some great books and I really need to go check out paperback swap for cozies I want to keep forgetting to go look. :)

    I am so behind on shows but have been watching Christmas movies trying to find some Christmas mojo. It's not really working I am so ready for this time of the year to just be over.

    Happy reading,
    Week in Review

  7. Snow White Red Handed looks intriguing. I'm interested in seeing your review!

  8. Aaah, poor Tornado. Is he feeling better? When you're not used to being sick,it's extra hard. :( Now don't forget to take care of yourself too!

    Love your new books and isn't paperbackswap awesome? I love that site.

    Have a good week!

  9. I hope the Tornado is feeling better. Good thing he got it now and not for Christmas. I have wrapped one present. Good thing I give chocolate and money to every else but my son! I am looking forward to reading another Beyond the Books. Have a wonderful week. :)

  10. I remember when my kids had concerts and plays..such fun. I miss those days. Bummer the audio wasn't as enjoyable as you hoped. We are catching up on DVRd shows. Enjoy all your new books and I hope everyone stays healthy!

  11. I love the cover of Snow White Red Handed. It looks like it will be good. That's disappointing about The little Paris Bookshop. I admit mixed reviews have put off my reading it. I had high hopes for that one. I still want to read it, but maybe now my expectations won't be so high.

    I hope the Tornado is feeling all better. Mouse doesn't know the meaning of rest when she's sick either. I bet his Christmas Concert was wonderful! :-) Mouse has hers this coming Friday.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine.

  12. The Little Paris Bookshop has been on and off my wish list several times. It's off at the moment, but I'll see what your final verdict is. Sure hope The Tornado is feeling better. It's so hard for kids to rest...

  13. There is an Aurora Teagarden movie?, I love this series! Better check this out!

  14. You know I want to read those cozies too. They look so good.

    Have a great week!

  15. I've been under the weather with double ear infections and upper respiratory infection. I only had a fever ONE day. I know how Tornado is feeling! I hope he is on the up and up. Missing one day is not bad, in comparison to the week-long absences my students are taking this year for vacation! With the time change and it getting pitch dark by 5:30, my body is naturally trying to shut down earlier each night. I went to bed last night before 6 PM! It has definitely hindered my reading these last few weeks. :/

  16. Bummer for the Tornado not feeling well, especially when you're tired and he doesn't seem to want to rest ! Snow White red handed is such a good title, lol, I hope you enjoy ! Have a quiet, resting week ;)

  17. Poor Tornado. Sounds like you could both use some rest.
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  18. I had a slow reading week too, just so much going on this time of the year ... crazy time. It's a relief when you get Christmas 'stuff' underway, I still have to decide on a menu and there's a few more gifts to buy or make but I'm feeling less panicky.

    I listened to The Little Paris Bookshop on audio too, I enjoyed the meandering, contemplative style but probably wouldn't appreciate it at this time of the year, I find it hard enough to focus lol
    Hope Tornado is feeling better and this week is a little more 'restful'

  19. Oh boy, a tornado home which means no rest for Mum! Hope he got well soon.
