
Monday, December 14, 2015

A Copper Ridge Christmas - Review

A Copper Ridge Christmas by Maisey Yates

Rating: 4.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley
Description:  Holly Fulton is throwing a special Christmas Eve party for the foster parents who gave her so much.  To finish her preparations in time, she needs to recruit her one time foster brother, Ryan Masters.  He may have a scowl that can curdle eggnog but under that surly demeanor is a big heart.  And amazing muscles.  And a gorgeous chest.  In fact X-rated visions of Ryan have been dancing in Holly's head for years, but she can't risk complicating the only family she's ever known.
But maybe there's a way for Holly to have her Christmas cake and eat it too.  A no-strings affair just until they're done with the planning.  But from the first touch, it's clear this isn't just a festive fling it might just be a Christmas miracle in the making.

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book: Maisey Yates is an author I've been wanting to try and while I don't always love novellas they're a good way to get a taste for an author without the time commitment of a full length novel.

My Impression: With my main focus being the author I didn't really pay attention to the blurb so I was a little concerned when I started reading and discovered that the main characters had been foster kids with the same family.  Would this cross too close into ick territory with main characters who consider themselves brother and sister?  (The award for that goes to the step-siblings in Charlaine Harris' Harper Connelly books where one character has to remind herself not to think of the other character as her brother WHILE THEY'RE IN BED.  I still haven't recovered.)  Thankfully, Yates handles this situation beautifully.  Holly and Ryan never thought of themselves as siblings, only lived under the same roof for a month or two, and have a big enough age difference that they weren't super close.  But, the really wonderful thing is that the same people are important to them for the same reasons so it really makes sense as to why they're working together.  This also has one of my favorite type of characters in a novella - one with history.  Holly and Ryan definitely have history and a solid reason to not get involved.  Neither of them want to damage the only family they've ever had and so their reasons for fighting the attraction they have to each other makes perfect sense.
But they're so sweet together and they're so obviously good for each other that it was a joy watching everything evolve.  Plus, Ryan *sigh* is kind of dreamy underneath the grouchiness.
While this is a novella and there were a couple of pretty hot scenes it still read like a complete story.  The characters felt fleshed out and the story just really worked.  This was my first visit to Copper Ridge but it will absolutely not be my last.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  I want the rest of the Copper Ridge series immediately!

Would I Recommend this Book?: Yes! If you enjoy a romance with a good dose of heat but a lot of heart this is a good one to pick up.


  1. With such a high rating, this sounds like a keeper, Katherine! Going to have to grab this one and loved your review. Hugs...

    1. Thanks so much! I really enjoyed this one. It had a lot of heart and a lot of heat.

  2. Bah. I didn't request it because of the Harper Connelly books! And now I regret that.

    1. It's a good one. I'm glad I didn't read the blurb or I might not have requested it!

  3. omg I LOVE Yates. I can't believe I didn't realize this one was happening. Must make time for it now :D

    1. This was my first book by Yates but I loved it! Can't wait to read more!

  4. I have really been wanting to try out Maisey Yates, too, and I'm glad to hear this novella is good. I understand about the possibility of ickyiness. I read Flowers in the Attic. Have you read that one? Because whoa.

    I think I might read this one next.

    1. I skipped Flowers in the Attic because of the whole brother/sister thing. When I figured out what was going on I was nervous but it really worked. I think you'd like this one and I can't wait to read more of the series.

  5. Lol, comment above me from Quinn. Yes, I read and let my eldest daughter read the Flowers in the Attic series as a teen; I guess selective amnesia about the plot. I asked her recently if she would let her 12 year old daughter read them and she said no way!
    I caught that in the blurb right away about foster siblings. That angle rubs me the wrong way but you explained it away satisfactorily. I don't like novellas for some reason so I'm not sure if I would read this, but I'll keep the series in mind, so thanks!

    1. The foster sibling thing really actually worked in this case because they had the same level of loyalty to the same people so it made sense that they were working together. I know what you mean about selective amnesia. I came across a show that I let my kids watch when they were 11 or 12 and I was more than a little horrified! It's funny how that works!

  6. That whole brother/sister like relationship is what has kept me from reading the Harris' series you mention, even though I have the first couple books to read. I just don't know if I can get past that. I'm glad it wasn't an issue here. This sounds like a wonderful Christmas romance! I have read one book by her and enjoyed it.

    1. The first few books in the Harris series are okay and then major ick! I was impressed that Yates not only made it work but made it a good thing! I'm looking forward to reading more of the series.

  7. I haven't read any Maisie Yates so I'm glad to see you enjoyed this one! As for the Harris book you referred to, I'll be avoiding that like the plague. Definitely "ick factor."

  8. Oh you have sold me on the series, and I like how well done this is. I have tried a few Yates novellas and enjoyed them.
