
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - My Top Ten Books about Food and Family

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is a Thanksgiving freebie.  When I think of Thanksgiving the 2 things that jump to mind are food and family so that my decision for the freebie part of this pretty easy!

My Top Ten Favorite Books about Food and Family:

Too Many Cooks: 4 Kids, 1 Mom, and 102 Recipes by Emily Franklin - This was a fun book about Franklin's yearlong experiment trying to get her kids to try different things.  Some was successful and some not so much but I love her laid back attitude about the whole thing.  Plus there were some pretty yummy recipes to try!

A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from My Kitchen Table by Molly Wizenberg - I had heard so many raves about this book that I was a little nervous going in and was thrilled when I ended up thoroughly enjoying it.  And her food descriptions made me hungry.  Don't read it on an empty stomach!

Tears of the Moon by Nora Roberts - This is the 2nd in the Gallaghers of Ardmore series and centers around Shawn the cook in the family bar.  There's food, friends to more, and a little bit of a ghost story.  What more can you ask for?

Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder - This was a childhood favorite but when I reread it a few years ago I was surprised about how much of the book centered around food.  There's talk of meat preserving, butchering day, and all kinds of different treats and meals.  The majority of their day is spent acquiring, preserving or preparing food and I found it absolutely fascinating.

Make the Bread Buy the Butter: What You Should and Shouldn't Cook from Scratch - Over 120 Recipes for the Best Homemade Foods by Jennifer Reese - I got this from the library thinking it was a cookbook but it was so much more.  I learned a number of things from this book including I don't want to make cheese, if you have chickens trouble will find you, and turkeys don't make good pets.

Burnt Toast Makes You Sing Good: A Memoir of Food and Love from an American Midwest Family by Kathleen Flinn - I laughed and cried with this one.  There's family, heartbreak, fun, strength, a very angry rooster, and lots and lots of food.

Stir: My Broken Brain and the Meals that Brought Me Home by Jessica Fechtor - This is just an amazing story of survival.  The food only really becomes a focus in the last quarter or so of the book but family is always there and it's just an amazing read!

Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley - I was resisted reading this one for awhile because I was lukewarm at best about her earlier book, French Milk.  But I finally gave in and got it from the library and ended up really really loving it!  I found her relationship with both her parents interesting and the food sounded amazing!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl - Do not read this book without a box of chocolates nearby.  Actually the book should come with chocolate.

Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander - The only thing I didn't like about this cozy mystery set in a bakery called Tort was that it isn't actually real.  Jules' concoctions sounded beyond amazing and my mouth absolutely watered.  Plus, I loved her relationship with her mother as she tried to figure out how to get what she wanted to do figured out.

So what are your favorite books about food and family?


  1. Love your take on the theme this week!! I agree that food and family are also what I think of for Thanksgiving - which is why it is my favorite holiday. Too Many Cooks is the one that caught my here. I will have to check it out. Great list!!

  2. That Little House book brings back memories, I think I read a couple of those when I was a kid. I was always intrigued by the books cause of the show. And Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was such a big deal- I remember reading it in school (actually I think our teacher read it to us) and I thought it was so cool. :)

    Great list!

  3. These sound like some awesome food books, that Stir cover looks great!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Here's my Top Ten Tuesday

  4. I don't read many food related books. I did read these cozy mysteries with a chef, I think, years ago that were really fun. I think they were by Joanne Pence. I have read Tears of the moon. I loved that whole series.

  5. OH I've not tried any of those. I do love the combo of food and family. One of the cookbooks that hit me was the HomesickTexan's Family Table (I think that's the right name of it). Her stories had me teary eyed throughout as she remembered parties and moments with her family. (she'd moved from Texas to NY I think?)

  6. Great topic and great list! I can't remember if it was a Little House book or Understood Betsy where they tapped the maple trees, boiled it down, and then dripped the syrup into the snow to make hard candy for the kids. And who could forget the pig bladder balloon in Little House in the Big Woods!

    Your list also reminded me of Like Water for Chocolate, which in turn reminded me of Chocolat. I'm also adding a bunch of the memoirs you listed to my TBR. Have a great Thanksgiving with food and family!

  7. I have vivid memories of the food in the Little House books, too. I remember asking my grandmother to make some cambric tea for me, but she didn't know what it was. :)

  8. Great choices! I've enjoyed several of these. Recently borrowed Stir from the library, but returned it unread... need to try again.

  9. I'm in the mood for food. Maybe because I skipped breakfast this morning. I enjoyed reading your list. I haven't read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but I enjoyed both movie versions. I wish I owned copies of the Little House books. I want to start reading them to my daughter. I will have to see if the library has them. I'm sure they do. They should be mandatory, right?

  10. You have me curious about Stir. Oh I loved the Little House books and devoured them as a child. So many happy memories associated with them. Happy Thanksgiving Katherine!

  11. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory should totally come with chocolate! Stir sounds like an amazing book. Thanks for sharing this lovely list!

  12. These are great looking especially Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I loved reading it when I was young all those sweets sounded amazing!!
