
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Christmas at Evergreen Inn - Review

Christmas at Evergreen Inn by Donna Alward
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley
Description:  Welcome back to Jewell Cove, where this holiday season, there happens to be no room at the inn...When a December Nor'easter roars up the eastern seaboard, Jewell Cove cop Todd Ricker spends his day off being a Good Samaritan to stranded holiday travelers.  But when the roads close and Todd can't make his way home, he discovers that the Evergreen Inn is full up.  Until another Good Samaritan opens her doors and offers him a place to stay.  Lainey Price is not looking forward to Christmas, but just because she's not filled with the holiday spirit doesn't mean she's going to turn Todd out into the stormy night.  Even if it means offering the handsome police officer the couch in her tiny cottage.  But when the weather takes a turn for the worse, the two are snowed in for a wintery evenings by the fire.  With Christmas only a few days away can Todd convince Lainey to open her heart to the season...and love?  (from Goodreads)

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:  Donna Alward's Jewell Cove series is one of my favorites so I'm always excited to try the new book!

My Impression:  I have mixed feelings about romance novellas.  On the plus side it's a great way to get a taste of an author's writing style without committing to a whole book.  On the negative it's hard to cram a full fleshed romance with a HEA into 100 pages.  Because of that my favorite type of novella is one where the couple already has a history.  They could have dated before or in Todd and Lainey's case been friends since childhood.

Todd has been around in previous Jewell Cove books.  He's a good guy, a bit of a flirt, but always willing to lend a hand.  He's had his eye on Lainey for years but more an eye of admiration versus unrequited love.  On her side Lainey has been aware of Todd for years as well.  She thinks he's somewhat of a player but deep down a nice guy.   This is a difficult time for Lainey and she's really not feeling the Christmas spirit.  I loved that Todd stepped into fix it and he was really sweet about it.

This was a nice novella with a lovely little story about re-finding your Christmas spirit.  Lainey and Todd aren't the most memorable characters but they worked for a novella.  And I also discovered that Todd would most definitely consider me a city person as I saw nothing wrong with what Mr. Sewell was wearing to drive north!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes!  I'm already anxious for the next Jewell Cove book!

Would I Recommend this Book?: If you're not already a fan of this series than no probably not.  Go start with House on Blackberry Hill (which is fantastic!).  But if you've been the Jewell Cove series for awhile this is a nice little treat until we get our next full length novel!


  1. I just looked up House on Blackberry Hill and found it's set in coastal Maine... which I find irresistible! Adding to my list.

  2. The house on Blackberry Hill, duly noted and now on my list ;)

  3. I'm so thankful that you introduced this series to me. I still have only read the first book, but I do plan on reading more. I know what you mean about novellas. I never LOVE them, but I never really HATE them either. I do have a soft spot for Christmas novellas. I definitely want to check this one out.

  4. Sounds romantic. :-) I just finished a couple of Christmas romance novellas that I enjoyed. There is something to be said for quick reads, but I do miss the depth that goes into a full length novel.

  5. I like it when they have a history together already in a novella too. Makes it easier to believe. Good to know about reading in order. I'd nearly taken this one on for review but will pass. Thanks for the heads up!

  6. Hmm never heard of this author but definitely will check out the first one. Sounds like she made the novella work too.

  7. I am glad it was enjoyable Katherine. I am curious about the series itself, and have book one on my wishlist..I am sure because of you :)
