
Saturday, November 21, 2015

This Week in Reading - November 22

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

On Thin Icing by Ellie Alexander - I loved the previous 2 books in this series and am excited to be on the blog tour for the 3rd.  I can't wait to see what's going on now at Tort.  I've read enough to know I'll need to have pastries handy!  (Blog Tour)

I do have 1 request pending and a book on its way from paperbackswap so next week won't be quite as quiet but I am doing okay on slowing down the number of books I"m getting which is definitely good!

I am heading to the used bookstore this week but am going to try to keep the number a little more manageable.  I'm hoping to find some Patricia Wentworths and Catherine Airds that I'm missing.


Reading: Dead to the Last Drop by Cleo Coyle and A Copper Ridge Christmas by Maisey Yates

Listening: I finished Go Set a Watchman this week.  I enjoyed it though I can see why it was rejected originally.  If you're on the fence about reading it I definitely recommend the audio.  Reese Witherspoon does a good job narrating it and her accent actually sounds right.  This week's Super Serials podcat episode is about The Hunger Games so I'm really looking forward to that.

Watching: I'm still watching Waking the Dead on Hulu and am still very much enjoying it.  There's apparently a spin off about ME called Body Farm that I'm going to try next.  Other than that J and I have been watching Major Crimes and The Big Bang Theory and enjoying both.

Off the Blog:

This week is going to be pretty busy.  All the kids are out of school for the week.  Emma will be coming home from college Monday night and Eleanor is still transitioning between where she's finishing up the semester and where she's moving.  Paul actually is spending this weekend at Emma's college visiting her so there's been lots of back and forth.  I think tomorrow the Tornado and I are going to Birmingham with some friends to go to the zoo and this Peruvian market one of the friends if familiar with.  I think it'll be a lot of fun!

Coordinating Thanksgiving will be a bit of a challenge this year with 3 families in town but it will a fun few days with lots of food and lots of visiting!  I'll probably need to fast next weekend!

I've been actually in the mood to cook this week which has been fun.  I tried lots of new recipes but I think the winner was this Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast.  I'd been seeing the recipe around Pinterest for ages and when the grocery store had a great deal on a chuck roast I decided to give it a try.  It was seriously tasty.  I did brown it as suggested but I'm not sure that made much of a difference flavor-wise.  I shredded the meat about 20 minutes or so before serving and let the meat soak in the sauce which really let the flavor set in.  At first I thought it was really greasy but I finally realized was that what I thought was grease was actually the very flavorful melted butter so be sure to mix that in!  It was fantastic on mashed potatoes and was even better when we had the meat on slider buns with a little bit of provolone!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: What I Learned from Reading Challenges
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - My Top Ten Favorite Food and Family Reads
Wednesday: Christmas at Evergreen Inn - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Thanksgiving
Friday: Linkups with excerpts from current book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week, a fantastic Thanksgiving, and happy reading!


  1. Sounds like it will be busy! I'm gearing up for Thanksgiving too and hard to believe it's THIS week. Yeesh. I like that cover of On Thin Icing, it looks very homey.

    I'll definitely check out that podcast, can't wait to hear their take on HG.

    I think the Top Ten freebies this week will be fun. :)

  2. Be careful at the used bookstore. It's easy to want to adopt them all. ;) Ohhh I didn't realize Reese Witherspoon narrated GSaW. Hope you have a nice week.

  3. Oh delighted to hear the next episode is The Hunger Games, I've just gone and downloaded it! I skip the episodes about books I haven't read (like The Babysitters Club) but love listening in for books that I already love. Or even love to hate like Sweet Valley Twins!
    Zoo and a Peruvian market sounds like a really fun day. Enjoy and have a good week.

  4. What a busy week you have coming! I hope Emma will figure out exactly what she wants to do, and where to do it :)
    I hope you'll share pictures from the Peruvian market if you go! I love markets!
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  5. I love Big Bang Theory. We watch the reruns all the time. That pot roast sounds amazing. I have been meaning to try and make one in the crockpot. Have a great week!

  6. It does sound like you have a busy week Katherine and a busy family time as well. Great you've been trying out some new recipes. I'm very unadventurous in that respect but wish I was more so!

  7. That looks like a great cozy series! I toned down the NG/EW but I bought a few this Could you give the link to the super serial podcast cause I looked but there was several things out there and nothing sounded like what you have been listening

    Sounds like you have a busy week coming...enjoy! I am going to be busy making pumpkin cookies as my aunt requested I make a lot this

  8. You do have a busy week planned. Thanksgiving is usually hosted at my in laws house so all I do is bring a few side dishes. I actually look forward to having it it home again one day.
    How great you will see so much family!

    Thanks for the info about the pastry blender. Now I want one!
    Happy reading!

  9. Yes, it's definitely going to be a busy week for you! I've been looking at those pot roast recipes on Pinterest, too, but was concerned it would be too salty with both the ranch and soup mixes. May give it a try after all...

    I've been on the fence with Go Set a Watchman, but think I will take your advice and add it to my audio list.

  10. I am supposed to be reading Go Set a Watchman for book club, but it really doesn't appeal to me. That RW is narrating it is a potential pro (vs con) for me. Thanks for the tip!

  11. Wow, it sounds like you will have a crazy busy week! Nice to spend it with family though!

    Enjoy that pot roast, it sounds divine!!

  12. Three families for Thanksgiving? Hope you get some time to yourself too. The food sounds good. Never blog on an empty stomach. XD I might have to try it.

    Dreams @Once Upon A Dream Books

  13. I agree about listening To Get Set A Watchman, and agree with your thoughts. Hope you and your family have a wonderful week.

  14. I loved Waking The Dead but have never seen The Body Farm. I remember it being on TV but missed it when it was. Doesn't sound like you will have much time to do any watching mind. Have good Thanksgiving!

  15. You have everything nice and organized. I am still stuck on 800 page books and doing chores! Have a good Thanksgiving week.

  16. You have a busy week coming up. Not to busy for me except on Thanksgiving day, visiting two houses, I don't cook for turkey day only Christmas.

    The Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast looks amazing, I am not sure I can find that butter :( but I would love to try it if I come across it at the store.

    Have a great week, Katerine! Happy Reading and Happy Thanksgiving! ox

  17. Oh, I love pot roast and have been pondering getting a crock pot. I've always cooked the roast in the oven, which is probably why I haven't done it in a while. Crock pots are so great...and I lost mine in the divorce, which was thirty-six years ago, so I should get over it already and buy another. LOL. It's a long story.

    I've read and enjoyed a couple of the Cleo Coyle books....delightful!

    Enjoy your holiday week...I remember those days with all the kids, but chaotic. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  18. Have fun with all your family around! I haven't used my slow cooker since we moved here eleven years ago. I keep pinning recipes for it on Pinterest and never using them. Maybe using my crock pot needs to be one of my New Years resolutions! Have a fantastic week and Thanksgiving. :)

  19. That's a busy week! It'll be nice for you I'm sure to have all the kids home. :)

    I have On Thin Icing for the tour also; I liked the first two books and I'm looking forward to this one.

    Happy Thanksgiving and have a great week!

  20. Ooooh! Good luck with your new recipes! I know how it feels hen the mood strikes! :P Enjoy your new book! Happy reading :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  21. On Thin Icing sounds good! I recently bought the first book in the series and am looking forward to reading it. I considered requesting it on netgalley, but I want to read the first book first and probably end up getting the rest of the books in paperback too. It's always fun trying out new recipes! Have a great week and happy thanksgiving!

  22. That sounds like a hectic Thanksgiving, but lots of fun hehe. We're having friends over this year, and hopefully having a relaxing time...but probably more manic hehe! Also, I love Major Crimes :D

  23. I'm excited to know that Reese Witherspoon is the narrator for Go Set a Watchman! You're right; her southern roots make her the perfect person to read the story! I have the Kindle edition of Lee's book, but now I'm wishing I had the audio version too! Have a great week! :D

  24. We watch a lot of Big Bang Theory at our house. This week, though, was the entire series of How I Met Your Mother. I just saw the last episode today and cried.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  25. Oh My! You just reminded me of how close we are to Turkey Day! It sounds like everyone is staying so busy there. More houses just means you get more good food. I hope you all enjoy your day no mater where you spend it. My kids and Miguel get a 1/2 day Wednesday and the rest of the week off. I will be working Thursday, Friday and Sunday, so no fun for me. My daughter is making Turkey this year, yeah!

  26. Yes to Big Bang Theory! It is so good. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and a great trip to the used bookstore. :) My Weekly Wrap-Up

  27. Oh yum I checked out the Pot Roast pinterest recipe, looks so good, my mouth is watering. I picked up Go Set a Watchman on audio, not sure when I'll get to it but good to hear audio is the way to go. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, enjoy all the craziness and fun!

  28. We did that Mississippi Roast this weekend too! I did it over mashed potatoes, and strained the sauce to make gravy. Everyone ate a ton.

  29. Your Thanksgiving plans sound busy, but fun. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family Katherine. I've been watching a lot of Christmas movies lately. I'm not sure why. I have never really been into them all that much before. I have to work this week. I wish I could say today was slow because of the holiday, but no such luck. Slow means I can sneak in some reading. ;-)
