
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Miss Marple Orange Iced Scones from Caught Read-Handed

I've been reading cozy mysteries for years and years and they've always been my go-to genre after a bad day or to bust out of a slump or when I just don't feel like handling violence or difficult themes that can happen so often in more standard mysteries.  One of my favorite things about cozies, especially in the last 10 years or so, is the variety of cozies.  There are PIs, Investigative journalists, mayors, antique store owners, artists, dog trainers, contractors, clothing store owners but my 2 favorite types are either the bookstore owner/librarian or the baker/chef/restaurant owner.

So when I got Caught Read-Handed by Terrie Farley Moran for a blog tour back in July I was thrilled to discover that this book had a little bit of both!

In Moran's Read Em and Eat series the main characters Sassy and Bridgy own a cafe/bookstore named Read 'Em and Eat.  And if I could make fictional places real this place would be high on my list.  All the food has a literary name and inspiration but the best part are the tables.  Each table is named and decorated for a particular author.  There's Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Ernest Hemingway, as well as my personal favorite and where I would be sitting - the Agatha Christie table, and a big selection of other tables.

Ever since I've been reading cozies I've wanted to try the recipes that often appear in the back of the foodie mysteries and when I got to the end of this one and discovered that the recipe included was for Miss Marple's Orange Iced Scones I knew this was definitely one I could not resist trying!

Miss Marple's Orange Iced Scones

from Caught Read-Handed by Terrie Farley Moran
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup softened butter
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
1/2 cup milk

Preheat oven to 375
Place first 4 ingredients in a large mixing bowl.  Use a stand mixer or hand (I used a pastry blender) to blend the butter into the flour, sugar and baking powder until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
Mix in egg and milk.  Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper.  With a spoon or ice cream scoop drop 12 equal amounts of scone batter onto the baking sheet.  Leave 2 inches between the scone batter balls to allow for spreading.  Bake at 375 until the edges and tops of scones turn a golden brown.
Orange Icing
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon grated orange rind
1/2 of a large orange, juiced
Place powdered sugar in a small bowl.  Add the graded orange rind to sugar.  Squeeze the orange half over the rind mixture.  Use a spoon to mix the icing together.  Icing should be fairly runny.  Spoon drizzle over warm scones.

Best served with a pot of Earl Grey tea and a Read 'Em and Eat mystery

My changes:  I made the scone batter exactly as the recipe says except I ended up adding the tiniest extra splash of milk.  When it came to the icing I had to get a little creative as I had decided to make this on a whim and I didn't exactly have an orange.  Luckily I had a jar of dehydrated orange peel and a bottle of orange juice.  I used close to a quarter of a cup of juice and that was a bit to much.  Next time I'll add it with by tablespoon until I get the right consistency.  Also I mixed the icing with a fork but that's just because I've found that combines powdered sugar and liquid easier.

My results: Yum!  The scones are light and buttery sweet without being sugary and the orange glaze (because mine is much more of a glaze than an icing) add a delicious citrus-y note.  These would be perfect for a breakfast roll or an afternoon snack and would be lovely with a cup of Earl Grey as Moran suggests!

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. The scones are something I would like to try. I don't know if I am familiar with a pastry blender though - is it like an immersion blender?

  2. I seem to be warming up to cozy mysteries lately and this series is on my 'to try' list. The scones sound delicious, too. A perfect afternoon of reading, treats, and tea :)

  3. I remember this book! And the scones sound great. I would want to go to this place too- love the idea of the tables and their literary focus. Doesn't hurt it's in sunny Florida! I like the varieties of cozies also since I've tried a few this year.

  4. Yay to all those memories because I remember this book, as well! The first time I tried scones was way back in 2013 at a Tea Party and totally fell in love with them, and lemon curd. Don't you love books with new recipes to try? Happy Saturday! Hugs...Ro

  5. Those scones sound good! And I love the title Caught Read-Handed. Sounds like a fun read!

  6. Mmm. these sound delicious. I've made a couple recipes from cozies over the years and they've turned out well. The book looks good too!

  7. Love the title! Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  8. I'll bet the orange glaze is delicious. I love the literary names of the tables too.

  9. Seen this series around and I really want to try it! :)

  10. Orange scones... there is nothing better!
    I look forward to trying this recipe (and the cozy mystery)

  11. What a fun premise for a cozy mystery -- books and food would do it for me, too! The scones sound delicious!

  12. Yummee! I am a hopeless scone maker but I'll have a go, never experienced them with icing but worth having a go.

  13. Not too sure I'd sit at the AC table, the risk of death by poison would be high! But it is one of those places that I really wish was real, it sounds fab!
    The scones sound delish :D

  14. I adore cozies and anything citrus. So this this book and the orange scones = match made in heaven!

  15. Miss Marple and Scones, two of my fave things, these sound delicious and will have to give them a try!

  16. Oh my, I love everything orange flavored in baked goods, even Hostess cupcakes. Lol. These scones sound delish. I will have to give them a whirl for Christmastime. :)

  17. Delicious! I made the second batch with chopped Crasins but still topped it with your glaze. Oh! Yum!
