
Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday Link Ups: Trick or Deceit

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question
You're having a costume party with the theme "Book Characters".  Who would you go as?

My Answer:
Well in the real world I'd probably go as Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby because I have a dress and shoes that would work.  If I could be anything that I wanted to be and the perfect costume would just appear I'd like to go as Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables or wartime Penelope Keeling from The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher.

Last year I did all kinds of Christmas reading so I decided to try to extend that to other holidays.  The most obvious for me was some Halloween mysteries and I just couldn't resist this cozy series by Shelley Freydont.  I love that the whole series is set in a town that does big seasonal celebrations and that this one - Trick or Deceit - is set around Halloween.  I haven't actually started this one yet as I'm finishing up the paranormal cozy mystery from last week but I'm excited to give this one a try.

The Beginning:
Liv Montgomery stopped at the bottom of the town hall steps to button her jacket.  A year before, she'd moved to Celebration Bay, New York, from Manhattan, complete with a totally new "country" wardrobe of corduroy, plaids, comfortable shoes, even a hat with earflaps.  Now she only brought out the earflaps when it was below ten degrees, which, being early October, it wasn't, and her jacket had finally lost its shiny, right-off-the-racks-at-L.L. Bean look.

My Thoughts:
I have a feeling I'd end up with a whole new wardrobe as well because I have nothing at all appropriate for living in New York cold-weather wise.  Plus, I'm a total wimp when it comes to temperature so I'm all about the ear flaps.

The 56:
But before she even stepped off the curb, the door to A Stitch in Time flew open.  A woman wearing black yoga pants and an oversized black sweater tunic swept out and onto the sidewalk.  She didn't slow down but strode straight across the street and stuck her open hand up to the man's face.

My Thoughts:
Since I haven't actually started this book yet I have absolutely no idea what's going on here.  But it sounds quite intriguing!  I'm thinking perhaps the man will get murdered and the woman will be suspected?  Or maybe vice versa?

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. Sounds interesting and that cover is so cute!

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  2. I've never tried to read to match the holidays but this one looks cute. This week I am spotlighting Binding the Shadows by Jenn Bennett. Happy reading!

  3. Ideally I'd go as Claire from Outlander. Although the corsets and massive dresses sound fun I doubt very wearing them would be. I'd also hope that by being Claire, Jamie would show up and we'd fall madly in love. Lol.
    Look at you reading all the spooky books. Hope you're really getting into the spirit.

  4. Trick or Deceit is perfect for October. I love your picks for a Halloween I am going as the the Doctor's companion.

  5. The woman in black sounds aggressive...I would lay odds on her being, at the very least, a murder suspect. LOL Thanks for sharing and enjoy. Here's mine: “WHO DO YOU LOVE?”

    In your Blogger Hop responses, I was intrigued by your mention of Penelope Keeling from The Shell Seekers. I loved that book....and the movie, with Angela Lansbury.

  6. Sounds great for Halloween, you keep adding cozies to my :)

    Friday Meme's

  7. I do live in a rural New England town and I know all about those country clothes, lol. It's October in New England, the outside temp is 57, and I have my windows wide open. :D

    I'm interested in this series so I'm looking forward to your review.

  8. I would pick Penelope from The Shell Seekers. I LOVED that book.

    Thanks for sharing your costume choice.

    Have a great weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  9. I like the opening because it sets the scene and tells us a little bit about the point-of-view character. Sounds like she has adapted to living in Celebration Bay -- at least as far as her wardrobe goes. Cute cover too.
    My Friday post features The Beach Walkers.

  10. This book seems perfect for the season. Thanks for sharing, I hope you enjoy it! :-)

  11. That's a fun question this week. Who would I go as...? that's a toughie, gotta think about that one. :) I read seasonally a bit, although I haven't set aside any Christmasy reads for the HoHoHo readathon yet and it's getting close. Yikes... this looks like a fun book. Sounds like they may know each other...

  12. Hi,
    It sure sounds like a good mystery to me.
    Have a great day!

  13. This is on my reading challenge. I so get the ear flaps thing. I don't do well in the cold.

    My 56 -

  14. Heck yeah, I'd keep reading. Don't know exactly at what age it happened, but I'm a lot more, "Hey, if it's comfortable and suits the temperature, I don't really care what it looks like," that I used to be. :O)

  15. I love the cover and the idea of a town who goes all out to decorate and celebrate the holidays. Here's My Book Beginning & Friday 56

  16. Sounds like a perfect cozy for this time of year! Happy weekend!

  17. I am not sure which character I would dress up as. I pulled off a Sherlock Holmes type costume one year when I was a kid. I hope you enjoy Trick or Deceit! I didn't read any Halloween themed books this month, although I tried to fit in a few more paranormal stories than usual. :-)
