
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Beyond the Books: 5 Things I Just Can't Handle

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's question is - What 5 Things Can You Just Not Handle?

I've always thought I was pretty good at not letting things get to me and at tuning things that irritate me out but I came up with this list in about 5 seconds and could probably easily double it.  I may not be quite as easy going as I thought!

1. Hiccups - The sound of hiccups sets my teeth on edge.  My kids (especially Paul) went through a phase where they would give themselves hiccups and it drove me crazy.  They (okay Paul) actually got in trouble for it a few times which always made me seem super mean "I got sent to my room for having hiccups" so they tease me abut it now.

2. The smell of tuna fish - I don't know if anyone actually enjoys the smell but my reaction is admittedly irrational.

3. Shopping carts left in the parking lot - Oh this drives me crazy!  The only time this doesn't send me into a rant is when the cart is in the handicapped parking area but pushed out of the way of people trying to park.  For that I figure there may be a reason.  But for all others PUT YOUR CART IN THE RACK!  And I HATE finding a decent parking space on a rainy day and starting to pull into only to find there's a cart smack in the middle and most of the time the return place is like 10 steps away.  I HATE this!

4.  Unorganized Crowds - I say unorganized because I don't really mind crowds in general but just crowds that are going every which way and you're constantly bumping into people, or you can't get past them or they're bumping into you.  Think Costco on a Saturday.  Seriously, just thinking about it has my stress level rising.

5.Olives - Olives ruin everything.  I don't like the flavor or texture and I can't just eat around it because the olive-ness just seeps into everything   I like lots of other Mediterranean flavors and I love feta cheese but olives are just bad.  I don't understand how people can just eat them straight.

So what 5 things can you just not handle?


  1. Costco on a Saturday! No doubt...and tuna fish does smell pretty bad.

    Fun list! I do kinda like green olives on pizza though. :)

    1. Lots of people love olives so I know I'm a bit of a weirdo on that! You can have my share.

  2. I can't take raw onions, unless they are of the sweet variety.

    1. I'm with you on onions. I love red onions and sweet onions but Blech on a raw white onion!

  3. I can't take raw onions, unless they are of the sweet variety.

  4. Unorganized crowds, lol. Where the hell is everyone going? They don't bother me as much as peope that stop in the middle of a walkway (or street) to have a conversation. Gah! People are trying to go and these people want to stop and chat, and they're in my way. Great post! Thanks for playing along!

    1. Oh I hate when people just stop! I have to force myself not to start shrieking!

  5. This is fun! I've never heard of anyone hating hiccups. But I do understand. I don't like really loud breathing. Or major mouth breathing. I understand when you're sick and stuffed up, but when someone's mouth is always hanging open, it drives me a little crazy.

    I also hate getting in and out of the car a lot. I'd rather walk carrying lots of bags then getting into the car and driving a little ways and getting out again.

    1. The mouth breathing bugs me too. I don't know what it is about hiccups but they drive nuts. It's fingernails on a chalkboard for me!

  6. I dislike ppl who don't use their signal. I'm with you on not putting away the shopping cart or when they do they don't push it all the way in. While pedestrians have the right of way, I get irritated when ppl don't even look first or when they're talking on their phone while crossing the street, especially mothers while pushing their strollers. Hello! Who's more important? Your child or your phone call?

    1. I'm with you on the phone! And combine someone on a phone in an unorganized crowd and I might lose my mind!

  7. LOL I love black olives but can't tolerate green ones. Crowds at any big box store on a Saturday are a nightmare. *shudders* I am one of the few people who doesn't mind the smell of tuna. Yes, I'm a weirdo. :D

    1. I'm so on the other end on the tuna smell that I'm a weirdo too! I've heard there really is a flavor difference with the olives but I haven't gotten very far on trying them.

  8. Mmmhh I love tuna fish! Now seafood chowder on the other hand, the smell of that makes me gag! I'm with you on the olives, I get so mad when I find them on dishes. Crowds banging in to me, yep, very annoying! Hiccups is a funny one! :)

    1. Oh the hiccups drive me crazy! I just cringe with every single one! I doubt I'd like the seafood chowder smell either. I'm not a big seafood person.

  9. I am with you on the smell of tuna fish and shopping carts loose in the parking lot! Olives are a tossup - can't deal with green ones at all, but love black and kalamata.

    1. I've heard there is a difference in olive flavor but I just can't get past their olive ness to really try them!

  10. Oh the shopping cart thing drives me crazy too and when I think of unorganized crowds I think the day after Thanksgiving!!!! I hate going anywhere on that day. :) Not an olive lover either. :)

    1. Yes exactly! I don't leave the house on the day after Thanksgiving either. I'd probably go crazy!

  11. Until I became handicapped I was always good about the cart. Now I abandon it out of the way of drivers and parking spaces. There's usually a little alley between the two rows of spaces near the handicapped sign, so the put it there if I'm alone. Unorganized crowds and big events are a major issue with me, because I used to be the organizer of many big crowd-filled events and they always went smoothly.

    1. That I don't mind cart wise because it's out of the way and there's a reason. It's the carts that are smack in the middle of a space that drives me up the wall!

  12. You must mean canned tuna - fresh seems like a whole other fish and that's the one I eat.

    1. Yes I mean the canned. While I don't eat much fish fresh tuna doesn't bother me.

  13. I hate the shopping cart thing too. Sometimes they are all over the place!

  14. I'm with you on the olive thing. Not too fond of vacuuming steps, either, or haters, or bullies.

    1. I hate vacuuming stairs! I've pushed it off on the kids for the last few years. I don't know what I'm going to when they live!

  15. What a fun post! I have participated in this one a few times, but then got out of the habit. I agree about the crowds...and tuna fish. LOL

    1. I love this meme! It's such fun. The crowds drive me nuts and with it heading towards the holiday season that's about to really ramp up!

  16. I'm laughing about the shopping carts. My grandma always made me run it back up to the store when I was younger so it became habit. A few years ago a friend asked why I was taking it all the way back. I couldn't just leave it sitting there, it bugged me not to return it. Omg, that's funny about the hiccups too.

  17. I hate olives. I can't remember actually ever eating one. But I know I hate them because I can taste them when I smell them(if that makes sense?) and it's disgusting. Ew!

  18. Sophia had hiccups the whole time her mother carried would see her stomach bounce with them. She still gets them a lot especially if she laughs. Now I love stuffed with garlic, in my Martini...etc

  19. I hate it when people leave shopping carts all over the place. If I notice one I'll take it back to the store so someone can park. I hate the crowds at Costco. When they have all the samples people act like they have never eaten before. It's so chaotic especially when I just needed to buy a couple things.

  20. Agreeeee! Olives do ruin everything! (I do love feta, too).
    And unorganized crowd just stresses me. But I do love Costco.

  21. Down with Olives!! Gah! I am with you on that. Mushrooms for me too. Being a vegetarian and hating both mushrooms and olives is...trying. lol Everyone things a vegetarian must LOVE mushrooms. Heck if I can figure out why. Whew!

  22. I can't stand forks scratching on a plates! It sets my teeth on end. My son hates olives, too. I love them. :D

  23. I don't understand why people do not put shopping carts where they belong. It's so annoying when you can't park in an empty spot because there's a shopping cart there. And I don't like the smell of Tuna either. I'm with you when it comes to unorganized crowds. These days it's more a fear of me losing my daughter with all the people pushing this way and that way against us.
