
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Signs You're the Main Character in a Historical Romance

Today's topic for Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish is a Freebie.  Awhile back I did a list on the Top Ten Things I've Learned From Cozy Mysteries and had such a good time with it that I decided to tackle another favorite genre - the historical romance.  So this week's topic is Top Ten Signs You're the Main Character in a Historical Romance.

1.  You have 2 or 3 friends/sisters that are of a similar financial/social positions but have very different personalities.  If all of you have different hair colors that's even better.  It's best if you can give your group a nickname.

2.  Your family is one season away from total financial ruin and you marrying well is the only hope of salvation.  Or your family is very wealthy and you're a target for fortune hunters.  There is no in between.

3.  You have a physical trait that you are quite sure makes you a freak show - you're too tall, your eyes are too big, your hair is too wild and/or curly, or you're (heaven forbid) too curvy.

4.  You have no patience for small talk and could care less about balls but are forced to go for some reason - usually either a marriage crazed mother or the fact that the financial security of your entire family hinges on you making a good marriage.

5.  You have an unusual hobby - astronomy, geology, geography, linguistics, botany, or something else completely unacceptable for a young lady.

6. Despite receiving (and at times delivering) lectures on how important your reputation is and how vital it is to never ever be caught in a compromising situation with a man it never occurs to you that slipping off into the garden/library/conservatory/alcove to make out (or more) is not a good idea.

7.  You've suddenly started spending lots of time with a tall broad-shouldered man who eschews the typical colorful fashions and wears muted colors or just black and white.  Especially if he's been out of the country for secret reasons and has previously avoided social gatherings like the plague.

8.  Your aloof older brother's handsome and charismatic friend who you've always kind of had a crush on comes into town for an
extended visit.  Conversely, if your friend who has always had a crush on your older brother suddenly starts spending lots of time with said brother it's not your book.  Be patient, your book is probably up next and the charismatic friend should be along shortly.

9.  You and a man you don't really like are for whatever reason involved in a fake courtship/engagement.  The reasons don't have to make sense but you do require you to spend an ordinate amount of time together.

10. Your brother has died in the war and his bestest friend has shown up and is taking an unusual amount of interest in you.  He keeps talking about finding you a suitable husband.

So did I miss anything?  What do you think is a sign you're the main character in a historical romance?


  1. Ha this was a great list!!! I have been reading more historical fiction and have added some historical romaces to my TBR so I need to get to them to see how many of the list I can check off.

    1. Good luck! I've been enjoying historical fiction more and more lately.

  2. Replies
    1. Me too! I think that's why I had such a good time with this one.

  3. These are spot on, Katherine! A great list. I've read many historical romances which tick off a majority of the items on the list. Very fun topic!

    1. There do some similarities in them! Thanks! I had a good time with it.

  4. Cute and very accurate - at least from what I've read. LOL

  5. This was so funny; thanks for the early morning chuckle!
    I used to read them but not so much lately. If I find a fun new-to-me author in this genre I'll be sure to dive back in. I love # 1 and 5, how true!

    1. I went through a spell where I was reading a ton and have been kind of making this list in my head for awhile. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  6. Hahaha such a creative topic! I haven't read many historical romances - I'm just getting into the genre. What are your favourites?

    Sarah @ Novels & Whimsy

    1. Hmm.. I have lots of favorites but my favorites are probably Sabrina Jeffries, Lisa Kleypas, and Julia Quinn. The Wallflower series by Kleypas is probably what I would recommend the most though Quinn's Bridgerton series is great as well.

  7. hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I am dying here!! This is awesome!! So creative (and true) My TTT

    1. Thanks! I had such a good time writing this one.

  8. Oh my gosh, this is BRILLIANT! Absolutely brilliant. I was giggling the whole way through.

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I had a good time with it and I knew you'd get this one!

  9. LMAO I think you got them all. :D

  10. I don't think I have read any Historical Fiction since the Little House books. LOL! I don't actively avoid them, I just never seem to pick any up. My sister on the other hand loves them. This was a great post, it made me chuckle. :)

    1. I love a good historical romance and I loved the Little Housr books! I

  11. Wonderful list, and spot on! Thank you for the best laugh of the day!

  12. Replies
    1. I love the genre but there are some similarities!

  13. #2 - you are so right. There really is NO in between. This was a FANTASTIC post! Now I'll be thinking all week of anything else we can add...hmmm...

    1. Thank you!! I had a good time with this and in so glad you enjoyed it. Let me know if you think of something else! We can update the list.

  14. Well, this was fun to read. Thanks for making me smile. I'll be sure to watch out for these signs :)

    1. Be on the lookout! The good news is if you're in one it usually ends well as long as you're the main character.

  15. Great list! (psst! my family is crazy wealthy and i am often the target for fortune hunters. i hope one of them has a conscience and i fall madly in love). This was such a fun post!

  16. This is a great list! I need to do something of the sort for another genre... :)

    Check out my TTT.

  17. nailed the list Katherine..thanks for the laughs!

  18. What a great topic idea! Your list had me laughing out loud. This is so true!

  19. Hahaha! Good job! Seriously high-five! This is allll so very true. :D
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  20. What a perfect list! I love the wallflowers and the bookworms :)
