
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Fairy Tale Retellings I Want to Read.

I love a good list so I'm always excited when it's Top Ten Tuesday time!  It's hosted over at the Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Fairy Tale Retellings I want/have read.  Now while I want to read a lot of them I don't think I've read too many so this list is going to lean heavily towards the want with a few haves added in!

Books I Want to Read

1.  Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

2.  A Wicked Thing by Riannon Thomas

3.  Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth

4.  The Girls at the Kingfisher Club by Genevieve Valentine

5.  Valiant by Sarah McGuire

6.  Snow White Red-Handed by Maia Chance

7.  The Best Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey

8.  Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Books I Have Read

9.  The Queen of Hearts series by Colleen Oakes -  This is a prequel to Alice in Wonderland told from the Queen of Hearts POV.  I like that the Queen of Hearts is made sympathetic but not particularly likable.  So far there have been 2 in the series of short books but it's been awhile and still no 3rd book.  I'm hoping she's just taking a break because I want to know what happens next!

10. An Offer from a Gentleman by Julia Quinn - The third book in the Bridgerton series is a Cinderella retelling and a wonderful one.  There's evil stepsisters and a seriously evil stepmother, and a ball.  While this isn't my favorite book in the series but it holds one of my favorite scenes - where Violet Brigerton tells the evil stepmother that while the stepmother may outrank her Violet is more popular.  It's great!

Fairy tale retellings are one of those things that I absolutely love the idea of but haven't been so great about actually making the time to read them.  I'm hoping to fix that one day soon!

What fairy tale retellings do you want to read?  Do you have any favorites?


  1. Great. Now I wanna reread An Offer From a Gentleman.

  2. I can't offer you much help except to say, be sure to read Lunar Chronicles. I like the series a lot.

    Please visit my TTT and sign up for a chance to win a free giveaway, the Audie Award Winning audiobook of Egg and Spoon.

    1. I'm really looking forward to Cinder! Today has been crazy but I'll be catching up my visiting tomorrow!

  3. The Lunar Chronicles is a must! It's a perfect time to start Cinder because Winter is almost here, which means you can binge. I hear the audio is really good too. So maybe check those out?
    I've had the Queen of Hearts on my kindle for forever. It was probably free. But it does sound awesome. But with no mention of a third book, yet, I'll definitely hold off.
    I still need to read Red Queen. With all the hype and mixed reviews I've decided to hold off till the second book is out next year before I give it a go.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I think I'm going to have to do audio on the Lunar Chronicles just so I can get to them soon. I'm hoping the Queen of Hearts keeps going. It's such a fun series. I have the same hesitation with Red Queen but I'm hoping because I haven't read too much of the genre it won't be too much of a retread for me.

  4. Bitter Greens is on my wish list!

  5. I considered including that JQ book. It was actually the first JQ book I've ever read. But I couldn't remember much about it, since it's been years and years (and years and years) since I've read it.

    Also, READ THE LUNAR CHRONICLES! They are amazing.

    1. I'm going to I'm going to! I'm hoping to go the audio route very soon. I don't remember all that much about the Julia Quinn to be honest but I LOVED that scene!

  6. I definitely need to read Bitter Greens & Valiant too. My TTT list

    1. Me too! I need an extra day in the week JUST for reading!

  7. I want to read the Queen of Hearts series too, but I haven't been able to find it!

    1. It's tricky to find. I think I've had the best luck looking under the author's name. So far it's been worth the read.

  8. Ye! I loved the Queen of Hearts series so far. Did you see that she is doing a retelling of Peter Pan with a new book coming out called Wendy Darling? I am on the list to review that, I can't wait. I do hope she finishes the QoH series soon.

    1. I hadn't heard of the Peter Pan book but I'm definitely intrigued!

  9. Good list! I would like to read The Red Queen and Snow White Red-Handed, I think. I have Bitter Greens on my Kindle, but for some reason haven't been in the mood for it yet.
    My favorite retellings are of Beauty and the Beast. :)

    1. I have a copy of Bitter Greens and haven't read it yet so I'm guessing I haven't been in the mood either. I really need to read more retellings. I love the idea of Beauty and the Beast stories.

  10. I couldn't remember who it was who recommended The Queen of Hearts to me, and now I think it was you. :-) I do like the sound of the books. The Lunar Chronicles and Bitter Greens both made my want to read list too. Red Queen sounds good as well.

    Now I want to go and read something off our lists!

    1. Oh me too! I desperately need more reading time. I've really enjoyed the Queen of Hearts and am hoping the series continues.

  11. I haven't read many fairy tale (etc) re-tellings, but Andrea Cefalo has a "Fairytale Keeper Series" where Snow White is the main character's nick name, and the Cinderella character winds up becoming her step-mother.

    1. I'll have to look for that series! It sounds really fun and I really want to find more fairytales!

  12. I haven't heard of the Julia Quinn books before now, but they do sound interesting!

    By the way, I've nominated you for The Liebster Award.

    1. I love Julia Quinn! Her historicals are some of my favorite reads.

  13. You didn't put links! Or what fairy tale they retell, mumble grumble. Ah well, nevertheless I see some books to check out and maybe add to my wish list. Cinder has made quite a few lists.

    1. This week is killing me! I wasn't sure this was going to happen at all! I'm really hoping I get to some of these soon!

  14. I'm pretty new to the genre but I love the idea of it! Can't wait to read more of it.

  15. Wow! These look really interesting. I'll probably try Snow White, Best Godmother and Red Queen. Great post!


  16. Did you like Bitter Greens? I have it in hardcover, but I have it up on my trade page. Maybe I should read it first. :)

  17. I do need to get reading on the Lunar Chronicles!

  18. Even though I love the idea of fairy tale retellings, I haven't read many of them. In fact, the only one I remember is Ella Enchanted.

  19. I enjoy An Offer from A Gentleman, too! The Lunar Chronicles are amazing, Valiant is excellent, and Mercedes Lackey's The Fairy Godmother is a lot of fun. Great list! I wanted to do this topic but just didn't have time.
