
Monday, August 3, 2015

The Naked Eye - Blog Tour Review + Giveaway

The Naked Eye by Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen
Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Blog Tour

Description:  It's been four months since the events of Sight Unseen, and Kendra Michaels is obsessed with trying to track down serial killer Eric Colby.  Despite his apparent execution at San Quentin, Kendra is convinced that Colby is alive.  The trouble is, she can't prove it.  Even her razor-sharp powers of observation, honed while blind during the first twenty years of her life, have gotten her nowhere.  So no one believes her.  (from Goodreads)
Until a reporter who ambushes Kendra is murdered in a horrific way that mirrors Colby's MO and until a police detective involved in the case disappears.

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book: This is an author I've been wanting to try for quite some time so I was excited to participate in this tour.

My Impression: 
There are certain genres where I really have to like the main characters to really like the book.  Luckily mysteries - particularly of the more thriller variety - isn't one of those genres.  I didn't really like Kendra.  I found her interesting, intelligent, and incredibly driven but she's not someone I'd want to go to coffee with.  I would however pick her to investigate my murder.  I did like Beth and Sam and thought they contributed significantly to both the investigation and the tone of the book.  I'd like to see more of Lynch but I suspect we will see more of him in later books and I got the feeling he'd been a bigger character in previous books.  We are well into the Kendra Michaels series but that didn't get in the way of getting into this particular story.  For starters the authors did a good job of keeping the character list manageable.  There aren't 100 FBI agents and detectives all with detailed backstories you have to keep up with.  I'm sure that Kendra has quite a history with Griffin, Lynch and the rest of the characters but all I needed to know for this story was contained in the pages of this book.

The pacing was very good and I found that I could jump back into the story pretty quickly if I had to put it down for any time.  Colby is a seriously creepy guy and this was definitely a book that if I was reading at night I had to read a chapter or two of something happy before I went to sleep.  Colby is not someone I'd want appearing in my dreams!

Overall, this was a quick read with a scary bad guy, interesting characters, an intense pace and a well done mystery.  While this was my first book by the Johansens it won't be my lat.

Giveaway:  As part of the tour they're giving away 1 copy of the first book in the series Close Your Eyes for each tour stop.  That means that one commentor today will get a copy of the first Kendra Michaels book.  The rules are simple - just leave a comment with the email address that you can be reached at.  On Monday, August 10th at 11:59 CST I'll pick a random number and contact that person.  US/Canada only please!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes, I'd especially like to read the book where we are introduced to Beth.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes, while it is suspenseful and creepy I don't think it's too over the top.  I think most mystery readers would enjoy it.

Challenges Met?


  1. Great review. Makes me want to read more.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  2. This does sound good. I'm with you in that with some books, I really have to like the protagonist to appreciate the book, but it other cases, not so much. Other factors definitely have to come into play though. I haven't read anything yet by either author, but I am curious. It's always good to know when a series' book can stand alone--so thanks for that!

  3. Sounds good!
    I used to always read Iris Johansen, the Eve Duncan series and also some stand-alones such as The Ugly Duckling, an old title of hers. She is known for writing extremely strong-willed women MC. I do usually want to identify with the MC to enjoy the story, but some kick-butt type female protagonists don't have to be someone I really love to have fun reading the story.

  4. Kendra sounds smart! And I agree I'd want a detective who gets things done to investigate my murder rather than some one I could get on with! And an intense pace is just what I want in a mystery. Sounds good!

  5. Thanks for this great feature and wonderful review and giveaway. I have read many of this author's novels and this would be great. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  6. I know of her but I haven't read her books yet, I should try - adding her to my list ;) And you're right about the 100 FBI agents with side stories, I tried to read a book like that recently and just gave up !

  7. I haven't tried the combo of

  8. I am collecting all of Iris JOHANSEN'S books and I would love to read this one.
    Many, many thanks for the chance to win it.

  9. I haven't read any of this series but I'd like to.I'm curious as to how I'll react to Kendra. I agree that you can not like the detective but want him or her to be the one investigating your death.

  10. Yeah! I'll be starting this later today or tomorrow. I hope I like it as much as you did. This was on my Book Beginnings post and the beginning of this one is a great start. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  11. Yeah! I'll be starting this later today or tomorrow. I hope I like it as much as you did. This was on my Book Beginnings post and the beginning of this one is a great start. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  12. This series is enthralling. What a great author and this book sounds amazing. Thanks. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  13. Ooh good point - I think there are a lot of people I wouldn't want to hang out with but who I WOULD trust to get things done in certain situations.

    Thanks for being a part of the tour!
